Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 774 774 Polar Night Storm 10

Exposed skin for more than five minutes will cause mild frostbite, and the degree of frostbite will deepen step by step over time!
And even if there is a cloth cover, it cannot completely protect against the cold. Frostbite will still occur, but the speed will be slower.

However, under the scorching sun, everyone did not feel cold at all. Of course, they still had to wear cotton-padded clothes, otherwise they would turn into 'ice sculptures' in minutes. However, there was no need to use the additional rune potions.

Everyone doesn't know the reason, but they all think that this may be a glimmer of hope that God has given them - people are always willing to think in the best direction in desperate times.

However, they didn't know that Su You knew.

At the moment of dawn, Su You saw that the territory received a halo that lasted less than two hours. The effect of the halo was to protect everyone in the territory from excessive cold.

The relief here is limited. Not everyone can be intact even if they are naked, but it is enough for them to enjoy the last sunshine more freely.

In fact, it is not strange to have this halo. Su You will only regard it as an insignificant part of the system, or even an insignificant kindness - anyway, this halo will not affect the final result. When night falls, the territory will completely enter the polar night. What should happen will still happen.

However, Su You saw a few words at the end of this halo, and it was these words that caught her attention.

[Scorching Sun Guard] (territory aura): Everyone in the territory can alleviate the cold caused by excessive cold - from the blessing of nature.

Nature favors!

It can be said that Su You is very familiar with these four words.

Because since the last double natural disaster ended, a related incident has been hanging on the territory incident, and this incident disappeared just before the start of this natural disaster.

Originally, Su You was quite curious about what this incident meant. After all, Su You really didn't feel that the territory had been favored by nature in the past period.

It's not that I have to gain any benefits, I just feel that the occurrence of this incident is a bit inexplicable, and the disappearance is also a bit inexplicable.

It wasn't until today that she discovered the first preferential treatment of this so-called 'nature's favor'!
However, this preferential treatment seems to have no effect. Just like what Su You just thought, this halo is dispensable...

"Actually, it's not dispensable." Su You lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then began to write seriously the number of announcements she had made in the past few days.



Two hours is neither long nor short, but for these people, it is obviously very short.

Time had passed quietly before they noticed it. When everyone came back to their senses, the sun that had been hanging high seemed to have been 'suppressed', and it was slowly descending like a grievance. Everyone There was a cry of reluctance in his heart, but the entire territory seemed to have fallen into a deathly tranquility.

The whole time for the sun to set lasted for a full five minutes, but everyone felt it was like a blink of an eye, and it felt like the day lasted like a year.

The complicated inner feelings were mixed, until the last corner of the sun completely disappeared, and their entire world fell directly into endless darkness... But at this moment, the territory that had been plunged into darkness suddenly lit up. The dazzling white light made everyone unable to open their eyes for a moment.

After their eyes adjusted, everyone looked at the territory that seemed like daylight and fell into a brief daze.

When they came back to their senses, they subconsciously searched for the light source, but were surprised to find that the light was not simply emitted from the street lamps!
Large or small lighting objects similar to light bulbs are installed on all the building facilities and decorative ornaments on the roadside that they usually ignore.

It is precisely because every object has lighting props that the entire territory can be so bright!

The crowd that should have been confused and panicked was once again driven away by the sudden light, and the reappearing darkness was expelled. They screamed in surprise, and then heard someone seem to have discovered brand-new information at the bulletin board.

Almost everyone rushed towards the bulletin board. In order to prevent accidents, the patrol guards who had been prepared dispersed everyone and told them that they could enter the mission hall to view the same information, and that someone would read the Lord's message aloud later. A new announcement from your lordship.

With this sentence, everyone is not in a hurry. Sooner or later, they have to know anyway. No one is willing to squeeze around with strangers.

Some people couldn't wait and went to the mission hall, but more people chose to stay. They ignored the sky and didn't look at it anyway. The time now should be around one o'clock in the afternoon. It was still very early for rest, and the territory was still so bright. They Don’t worry about having to smear it everywhere later.

The patrol guards didn't let them wait any longer. One of them stood on the platform moved by his companions and shouted loudly.

The restless crowd fell silent, and everyone waited with bated breath.

Some people recognized the person on the stage. He was Lake, a very important person in this territory.

If he appears here at this time, it must be under the instruction of the lord!
Lake doesn't care what the people below are thinking. Anyway, he has only one task now, and that is to tell everyone the contents of the announcement in a more exciting way, so that everyone is full of hope!

"I know everyone must be scared and confused now, but natural disasters will occur in every territory. This is inevitable."

"But there is no end to the road, and God will not let us die in vain on purpose, so every natural disaster must have a way to survive it. Just like the last two natural disasters, didn't we also successfully survive it? "

"I wonder if everyone has felt that magical sun just now?" Lake paused for a moment, and after everyone thought for a while, he proudly and confidently shouted: "That is nature's care for us!"

"This is because of the last natural disaster, we saved the entire forest from the pollution crisis!"

When Lake said the previous words, there was silence below, because they all felt that this person might be sent by the lord to appease the people.

They were not disgusted with this behavior, because they were indeed panicked, but they did not take Lake's encouraging words to heart.

Until he mentioned the magical sun!

Everyone present has experienced how magical the sun was during those two hours before. There is no need to listen to what others say, and there is no need to be afraid of scaremongering.

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