Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 776 776 Polar Night Storm 12

"From today on, there is no day, only night. Although the lord has said that the lights will be kept brightly lit for a long time in the territory, after all, there are always places that cannot be illuminated, so everyone needs to be extra careful when patrolling."

"No matter what is discovered or what happens, it must be reported as soon as possible..."

"By the way, there is another very important thing. Starting today, the number of patrol teams will increase from five to eight at the same time. There will be two substitute patrol teams. The shift times will remain unchanged, but the extra rest time will be temporarily cancelled. Everyone, please remember the time and don’t forget..."


As soon as he heard the word 'forget', Awu seemed a little guilty. After all, others would not be able to forget in the future, but he had indeed forgotten just now.

But he quickly came to his senses. After all, Lord Lake didn't punish him just now. He had to remember Lord Lake's kindness. Lord Lord's rule was strict but his treatment was excellent. He also had to remember Lord Lord's kindness.

What just happened is over now. Instead of thinking about whether these things are there or not, he should work seriously and not let any bad people take advantage of him!

Thinking of this, Awu cheered up, and then followed the captain to start patrol in earnest.

The Sunset Territory implements a 24-hour patrol system. Although it is very tiring, this can greatly improve the security of the territory.

There are three patrol time periods, namely from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m., from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., and from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. the next day. Each time period is eight hours, which adds up to exactly two hours. Fourteen hour cycle.

As the captain just said, except for special circumstances, under normal circumstances, there are five patrol teams patrolling the territory at each time period. Each patrol team has ten to fifteen people. The difference in the number of people is mainly related to the team. related to the level.

That's right, each patrol actually has levels. Different levels have different salaries, and of course the severity of their responsibilities is also different.

It's just that now that it's entering the polar night, five patrol teams are not enough, so this has been increased to eight, and two more patrol teams have been arranged as substitutes.

However, the patrol team had not been specifically expanded before, so after increasing the number of teams, the number of patrol teams in shifts may not be enough, so Su You temporarily canceled the extra rest time.

The extra rest time here refers to an extra day of rest time being arranged for a team when it turns to night shift multiple times.

Originally, the rest time here was simply to sympathize with their hard work and to allow them to work better mentally, so this was arranged in this way. However, the normal rest time on weekdays is enough. Whether this extra time is provided or not does not really matter. Big, so even if they heard that the break time was gone, no one had a big reaction.

After all, the current situation is special, and as a member of the territory, everyone can understand it.

This understanding completely turned into gratitude and excitement after hearing the captain say that after the natural disaster was over, the lord would give them an extra bonus.

Because of the captain’s words, everyone was very motivated.

The best thing about the Sunset Territory so far is that the atmosphere inside the territory is very harmonious, and the harmony here is real harmony, not just a matter of appearance. This is also what Su You is most fortunate about.

The reason why she is willing to spend so much money to treat them preferentially is to make people loyal to the territory. At the critical moment, one loyal person is definitely worth several 'strangers'!
Back to business. Awu's patrol team was assigned to patrol the farm area. They patrolled around the farmland that had expanded a lot, without any boredom or impatience. After all, this was their job. Although it is boring, it is something that many people in the territory cannot grab.

The quota of any territorial soldiers is absolutely important, because they are the most important line of defense for the territory, so Su You has never opened registration for territorial soldiers.

These people were either selected by her for Lake to negotiate with after screening, or Lake saw good prospects and negotiated with her himself after asking for her opinion.

Although this is very slow, it can ensure that the territorial soldiers will not stick together with each other, because they themselves were randomly selected by Su You and Lake, and they did not know each other before joining.

About three or four hours later.

"Everyone can rest separately for fifteen hours and gather here in fifteen minutes." The captain pointed to an open space near the farm and sat casually on the ground. The others also dispersed after receiving the order.

Although it is a break, this rest time is also their working time. This is just for them to relax, but everyone will still choose to stay in the patrol area and walk around, or sit down and rest like the captain.

Awu was in good spirits today, so after receiving the order to rest, he did not choose to sit down like his companions, but prepared to walk around.

The scenery on the farm is good. The fields that were originally bare and only planted with crops have been upgraded and repaired into neat farmland surrounded by fences wrapped with green vines.

There are many flowers and plants growing around the farmland. These flowers and plants grew after Yousen and Lin Mu exchanged planting experiences, and Yousen randomly scattered the flowers and plants given by Lin Mu.

In order to ensure that farmland that has lost sunlight can still grow naturally, Su You also asked An Jie, a mechanic, to develop a light machine that simulates sunlight.

At the same time, the farm has also installed greenhouses, which are also equipped with heating equipment to prevent low temperatures from causing crops to stop growing.

The farm itself also has street lights, and with the addition of light machines, this area of ​​the farm is a bit brighter than elsewhere.

Awu watched the crops inside grow vigorously through the transparent greenhouse, and his mood couldn't help but get better. He hummed softly and prepared to continue looking at the crops in other fields.

When he was a child, he liked to tinker with seeds and soil to grow things. However, he may have had a grudge against plants in his previous life. Growing up, he could be said to have planted whatever he planted and died. However, his steps were fine, so everyone said he was the nemesis of plants.

He himself did not believe in evil, until one time a friend couldn't stand it anymore and took away a pot of dying flowers he had raised. Within three days, the dying flowers were full of life... Since then, Awu will no longer be a wild animal.

However, he still naturally has a fondness for plants, whether it is the crops he eats or the flowers and plants he looks at.

'Swish, swish, swish——'

"Huh? What's the sound?" Just when Awu was standing alone in front of the farmland looking at the green wheat ears, he vaguely heard some subtle movement behind him...

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