Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 777 777 Polar Night Storm 13

He was a little confused and subconsciously looked back in the direction of the sound source, only to find that there was nothing behind him.

"I must have heard wrongly..." At that moment, a gust of wind blew by, causing the fallen leaves on the ground to rustle, and Awu became even more convinced that he had heard wrongly.

Even before the natural disaster, not many people would come to the farm, let alone now.

There are gardens in the territory. Compared with crops, everyone definitely prefers to admire beautiful flowers and plants...


Ah Wu frowned, vaguely feeling that he heard something again, but when he looked back again, he still found nothing.

Although there was nothing, because this strange sound had happened twice, the first time might have been an auditory hallucination, but this second time, he could guarantee that he really heard it.

Considering the current situation in the territory, Awu knew that he should pay more attention to special situations and not just ignore some seemingly useless details, so he was ready to follow the source of the sound to find out.

But just as he was about to take action, the voice of his companions came not far away...

"Awu? Where are you! It's time to gather!"

Awu hesitated for a while, but finally decided to do his own job first. As for the situation here, he could tell the captain and let everyone come over to check it out. There was no need to do it alone.

Thinking of this, he quickly rushed to the gathering place and told everyone about it.

The captain frowned. He felt a little weird, but he didn't think Awu was lying. After all, it was unnecessary. This area was within their patrol range anyway, so it didn't hurt for them to go and take a look now.

The captain first counted the number of people, and then said: "Someone said that they found unusual movements over there. Let's go over there and have a look!"

The group of people came to the place where Awu had just rested and looked around. After searching, there was no result.

"Captain, there's nothing here."

"Captain, I didn't see anything else either."

"There seems to be no one here except us. Could it be that Awu was too tired just now and heard wrongly?"


No one found anything else or heard any weird sounds, not even Awu himself, so naturally the matter was dropped.

"I'm sorry everyone, maybe I really heard wrong." Although Awu still felt weird in his heart, the facts proved everything, and he could only apologize for wasting everyone's time.

The captain patted him on the shoulder without any intention of blaming: "It is good to be cautious. You did the right thing. Even if only one out of ten weird times is true and the remaining nine are all illusions, then your caution is meaningful."

Awu was moved by the captain's words and looked at him excitedly. The captain patted his shoulder again, then withdrew his hand and turned to face everyone: "You also pay attention. You can say anything if you have any news, but you must also relax. Just a moment, don’t be too tight.”


After finishing their instructions, they continued their patrol work.

In the blink of an eye, eight hours passed and they successfully handed over to the next group of people. Awu and others were so tired that they could not wait to return home to rest quickly, but they did so.

Although working eight hours a day is not considered hard work, their work content is different. Walking and standing for a long time is tiring in itself, not to mention that they need to maintain vigilance for a long time, which is even harder. They were on their second shift, which ended at nine o'clock in the evening. After get off work, it was time to go to bed. Although there was no distinction between day and night, everyone still wanted to rest according to their original biological clock.

Ah Wu didn't do anything else after returning home. He lit the heating cauldron and the stove, changed his clothes, washed up, and went straight to bed.

Because he was so tired, he fell asleep, so to speak.


It's late at night.

Although the entire territory was very bright, it was quiet. There was no one else on the road except the patrol team.


The sound like the sound of water falling to the ground was very close. The person on the bed seemed to be disturbed. He subconsciously buried himself in the bed in an attempt to block out the annoying sounds outside.

But he failed, and the ticking sound was still heard.

But soon, the source of the sound seemed to have noticed his actions, so it intensified. In addition to the sound of water, there was another harsh sound like fingernails scratching the glass.

"What's the noise... It's so noisy..." The person on the bed couldn't bear the disturbance. He got up irritably. His head that had just woken up seemed a little groggy, and he had lost most of his ability to think.

The source of the sound seemed to have noticed that he was awake, so the movement became louder, with a very strong intention to attract his attention.

"...No!" The person on the bed suddenly felt agitated when he heard the increasingly strange sounds. He vaguely felt that he had heard the movement just now...where exactly...

"Farm!" He had heard this sound on the farm!
Yes, the person on the bed is obviously Awu.

He had heard strange noises at the farm during his afternoon shift, twice in a row. The first time he thought it was an auditory hallucination, but the second time he heard it, he took everyone to confirm, but found nothing, so he could only Think it's your own illusion.

But what happens now?
Why can he still hear the same noises as the farm?

Who made this noise?
Awu swallowed his saliva nervously. For some reason, he suddenly thought of something not very good.

Although there are no ghost stories or folk horror rumors in Sunset Continent, this does not mean that they are unaware of the existence of 'ghosts'.

Of course, for the magical Sunset Continent, ghosts are actually the least scary thing. Compared with ghosts, they are more afraid of dark creatures.

But this fear is not a fear of something, but a fear of disgust.

Thinking of what the captain secretly said to them today, Awu was almost certain that the thing outside the house should be some kind of dangerous creature that deliberately wanted to attract him out.

And the reason for the emergence of this creature is probably related to natural disasters!

"Should I go out now?" This was the biggest doubt in Awu's heart.

Although the creature outside the house was noisy and had a tendency to get louder and louder, it never came in, or in other words, it couldn't come in at all.

Since he can't get in, he can't do anything to himself, so what else does he have to be afraid of?

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