Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 778 778 Polar Night Storm 14

If you have time to be afraid, why not continue to cover your ears and sleep, maybe when you wake up, that thing will be gone!
However, Wu was really curious about what was out there.

It is said that curiosity killed the cat. We all know this truth, but we can't help but have the idea of ​​exploring unknown things.

Even though his reason told Awu that he couldn't go out because he might encounter bad things if he went out, he still couldn't help but get out of bed.

When he walked to the door unknowingly, he suddenly found that his voice that had been noisy outside the house had quieted down. This made him strange, and at the same time, the special idea in his heart that he wanted to go out and find out slowly disappeared.

"Forget it, it's better to go out and watch than to sleep." Awu retracted his hand and ran to bed as fast as a rabbit.

He had been woken up in the first place and was very sleepy when he woke up, so now that he went to bed, the sleepiness was rising again. However, before going to sleep, he did not forget to remind himself of one thing -

"What happened tonight is weird, I must report this matter tomorrow!"



[On the tenth day of the polar night in winter, the daylight disappears completely and the temperature will continue to drop. 】

[Today’s morning and evening: no day and night. 】

Although it was already a brand new day, because it was already an eternal night, there was no sun and no one could tell the difference between day and night, so Su You arranged for someone to wake up early.

In ancient times, the watchmen worked at night, but because there was only night, the watchmen would walk around the streets every hour and knock on the clapper to remind everyone of the time.

Among them, at three special times: 6 a.m., 12 p.m., and 9 p.m., the watchman will replace the clappers with gongs.

With the help of a clock watcher, even if everyone can no longer tell the time by the sky, they can still go about their normal schedule at the same time as usual.

Because it was an eternal night, everyone could not go out, and all actions could only be carried out within the territory. Fortunately, this was only the first day, so everyone did not go out for a day, but they were not particularly depressed. The atmosphere in the territory was pretty good. good.

But Su You's side is different.

Because early in the morning... no, it should be said that she had already received two bad news one after another when everyone had just woken up.

The first news was that when she got up today, she received information about the second random event——

[Random natural disaster events have been unlocked (2/3): Ice and snow storm, the source of fear. 】

[Source of fear: When night falls, people's fears will turn into reality. The deeper the fear, the stronger the power. 】

"It's true." Seeing this second random natural disaster event, Su You was not surprised, but felt a sense of surprise and joy that her suspicions were confirmed.

She had previously asked Anita for help due to natural disasters, but Anita did not know any information about the Extreme Winter, but she helped her contact Elder Bai Kou who had some clues.

One word that was repeatedly emphasized in the tips given by Elder Bai Kou was 'courage'. She was always reminding herself that as long as she was not afraid, she would be able to survive the polar winter safely. At that time, she had already guessed that there might be emotional crises such as 'fear' and 'fear' in the extreme winter. Now that this random incident has occurred, everything has a reasonable explanation.

If you guessed it right, in addition to the eternal night and low temperature, the third danger in the polar winter is a creature that has a high probability of attacking humans caused by the aggregation of negative emotions such as fear and terror.

The ranger saw in the diary that people who left and never came back were most likely killed by those fearful creatures.

Su You thought she had cracked the truth fast enough, but what she didn't expect was that there was someone faster than her... Someone had already encountered the fearful creature before she cracked the truth.

Just now, she learned the second news from a patrol guard named Awu.

While on patrol yesterday, he heard unusual noises, and was woken up by the same noises while resting and sleeping.

Because Su You already knew the existence of fearful creatures, Su You could naturally guess that whether it was the noises A Wu encountered while patrolling or the noises that woke him up in the middle of the night, they were all caused by fearful creatures.

The purpose is naturally to attract his attention, attract him, and finally kill him!

Fortunately, Awu was not fooled. However, even if he went out, there would be a high probability that nothing would happen, because he did not have a particularly big fear in his heart at the time, but more of doubts and curiosity.

Fearful creatures are born out of fear. If the emotion of fear is not strong enough, then the strength of fearful creatures will naturally be average.

What's more, today is the real eternal night. There was still daylight yesterday. Although it was only two hours, two hours of daylight could still weaken the strength of fearful creatures.

But now everyone must be careful, because starting from today, it will be a real eternal night, and more and more people will have fear in the territory, and the number and strength of fearful creatures will increase as a result.

What makes people feel helpless is that emotions cannot be completely controlled by humans, so even if Suyou knows that the emotion of fear will produce fearful creatures, she has no way to tell others not to be afraid or to be afraid. This is obviously impossible. to things.

Even now she is thinking about whether to tell everyone about the fearful creature.

She was worried that telling everyone would inflame everyone's emotions and lead to bad results.

Just like what Elder Bai Kou said, those who don’t know are fearless. Although sometimes fear comes from the unknown, if you don’t know the source of fear from the beginning, then there may not be fear...

After some thought, Su You decided to try other methods to deal with the fearful creatures.

The introduction to random events mentioned that fearful creatures are creatures that have turned fear into reality. Since they have entities, do they have life? To put it simply, do they have a health bar?
If there is a health bar, then there is nothing to fear from the fearful creatures, but anything with a health bar can be killed.

In addition to the fact that it will refresh in the territory, disappear and cause some trouble to everyone, the threat may not be as great as that of dark creatures. After all, dark creatures can not only attack, but also pollute the environment and pollute people.

"You can arrange for someone to pay attention." Thinking of this, Su You decided to do an experiment first.

But before doing the experiment, she also had to remind everyone about the fearful creatures. Although she could not directly explain the identity of the fearful creatures, she could make an excuse.

She wants to remind everyone not to be curious if they hear strange noises in the room, and not to go out.

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