Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 779 779 Polar Night Storm 15

Considering what A Wu encountered while patrolling, Su You also reminded everyone that if they are outdoors, it is best to go together to avoid danger.

Although Su You didn't know if the fearful creatures wouldn't attack as long as they didn't act alone, but when there were more people, they would no longer be so scared, which could also weaken the fearful creatures to a certain extent.


After sending out the announcement to remind everyone, Su You was going to find a few people to study the patterns of fearful creatures and the conditions for attack. However, since Lingbao woke up, the whole mink seemed a little distracted.

Suyou touched its head and asked it what was wrong. Lingbao didn't say anything at first, and then secretly glanced at Suyou, thinking he hadn't been discovered.


Su You squinted her eyes. She could tell that Lingbao was lying, but she didn't know why Lingbao was lying.

However, during this period of time, Lingbao was obviously most concerned about the dragon egg, so if there was really something worthy of lying to him, it would obviously be related to the dragon egg.

Almost as soon as Lingbao was about to sneak away, Su You had already vaguely guessed something.

"Did you secretly feed it blood, huh?" Su You was just suspicious at first, but after she said this, Lingbao's guilty look confirmed her suspicion.

'Eh...' is...

From a certain point of view, Lingbao was quite obedient, at least it did not continue to lie, and its behavior just now could only be regarded as concealment. It had never lied in front of Su You.

Su You knew that Lingbao could not disobey her without any reason, so there was a high probability that something had happened to Dragon Egg again, so Lingbao secretly fed Dragon Egg blood despite her repeated emphasis.

"Why didn't you tell me? If it's because it needs it, I won't stop you." Su You is not lying. She has already accepted Lingbao feeding the dragon eggs with blood, so naturally she will not change her mind midway and say no. It sounds better, and it's not her blood.

As long as nothing happens to Lingbao, she won't stop him.

'Well...' Very busy...

'Hey~' I don't want you to worry~
Lingbao's answer stunned Su You. She really didn't expect Lingbao's answer to be this, but she believed that this was the truth that Lingbao was hiding.

Su You's heart softened, she touched Lingbao's head, and then said a few more words.

"I am indeed very busy, but I still have time to deal with some things."

"If you don't tell me about this, if something goes wrong with your body later, or if something unexpected happens to it, I will only be busier and worry more."

Lingbao was confused and seemed to understand. It nodded blankly, then got into Suyou's hand as if to please, and skillfully rubbed its head against her palm. Suyou also took advantage of the situation and touched her a few more times. Down.

"Okay, I'm going to see the dragon egg later. Now I have to deal with some other things. Do you want to follow or come together?" Since the spirit treasures have been fed with blood, there is a high probability that the dragon egg will be destroyed in a short time. There is no problem, otherwise Lingbao will be more anxious than her.

Since there is nothing major, she can go later. The most important thing now must be to study what the fearful creature is and how to deal with it.

Lingbao hesitated for a few seconds, then jumped directly onto Su You's shoulders and wrapped himself around her neck, turning into a mink fur scarf. He didn't say a word, but proved with practical actions that he would follow Su You.

"Then let's go together, you can also take a look." Lingbao is a treasure-hunting beast, and it also has dragon blood. The former has sharp five senses, and the latter naturally suppresses other creatures. If it is there, it may be able to deal with fearful creatures. There will be unexpected surprises.


"This is where I heard the sound yesterday." Awu wiped the sweat from his head, the tension on his face was clear.

Su You didn't say anything when she saw this. In this case, no matter what she said about her identity, the other party would only become more nervous.

"Everyone, look around. There are at least three people in a group. If anything happens, call everyone immediately." With an order, only three of the twenty or so people Su You brought were left behind, while the others dispersed and searched around.

As the discoverer, Awu naturally joined the search team. After he was out of Suyou's sight, he could be said to have breathed a sigh of relief.

I have to say that Su You guessed it right.

If she had just said a few words of 'care' to A Wu, then A Wu might really be tempted to kneel down.

Su You's identity was one reason, and the biggest reason was that Lake caught him gossiping yesterday.

And just now Lake was beside Suyou.

Because if the fearful creatures are to be cleaned up later, the territorial soldiers will definitely be responsible, and Lake is responsible for managing the territorial soldiers, so he is naturally present.

If it was just Suyou, Awu wouldn't be so embarrassed, but mainly because he saw Lake, he wanted to disappear from their sight immediately.

"Do I look scary?" Su You felt that A Wu's mood seemed a little weird... He saw that it was normal for him to be nervous, but why did he seem to be a little afraid of himself?

Lake smiled and truthfully told Suyou what happened yesterday.

"So that's it." Su You didn't think there was anything wrong with what A Wu said. After all, there must be many people like him who were confused about his arrangement, but they didn't say it out loud, or they didn't happen to be heard by others.

"This is actually not a big deal, as long as they carry out the order seriously." Lake could guess that Su You must have the same idea in his mind. He knew that the Lord was not stingy.

"Well, you're right, but there are some things that need to be explained. I don't want them to think that certain things are unnecessary and relax their vigilance." Su You really didn't take what A Wu said to heart. But she doesn’t want others to stop doing something or not do it seriously just because they think it’s unnecessary.

They don't have to understand it, but they must carry out the order well.

"Yes, I understand, I will notify you." Lake nodded in response.
While I was talking, someone had already discovered something.

"Lord, Lord Lake, we found several traces on the ground over there, and the traces look consistent with human footprints."

Lake: "Human footprints?"

Su You: "Let's go take a look together first."

Originally, it was not surprising to see human footprints in the territory, but their current location was in a remote corner of the territory, and no one might come there usually, let alone the polar night.

Although there is lighting, some blind spots are still dark. The place where they found the footprints happens to be a blind spot, and it is also a location where it is almost impossible for anyone to come.

If it were other traces, Suyou and Lake wouldn't be so surprised.

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