Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 783 783 Polar Night Storm 19

He couldn't even control the opening and closing of his eyes!

If he could, he really wanted to close his eyes, because as long as he closed his eyes, he wouldn't be able to see anything. If he couldn't see, he wouldn't feel scared anymore.

But he couldn't do it, so he could only watch the black shadow slowly approaching him.


Two steps...

Three steps...

He had a premonition that as long as he waited for it to get close to him, death would be waiting for him. He was unable to resist and couldn't help but look at it, so he could only wait desperately for death to come.

Just when the black shadow was less than half a meter away from him, a ray of moonlight suddenly shone from behind him, and the originally dark shadow revealed its true face.

"How... how is it possible?!!!" Awu exclaimed. At some point, he suddenly felt that he had regained his ability to move. He took two steps back suddenly, and then ran away. At the same time, he was being chased behind him. He ran as fast as he could, but his mind was filled with the familiar face of that dark shadow...


Perhaps because of distraction, he accidentally tripped over the vines on the road while running...

Awu woke up suddenly. It was obviously cold, but he was sweating profusely, and even the clothes he was wearing were soaked.

There was a dim light from the fireplace, and Wu was at a loss for a while before finally realizing that what he had just encountered was just a dream.

But even though it was a dream, his 'fall' was real, because he was so excited that he fell directly from the bed to the bottom of the bed. Even though the bed was not high, he still felt sore all over, partly from the fall and partly from the dream. Caused by moderate tension that causes muscle tightness.

"'s just a dream..." Awu exhaled and got up from the ground. Then he seemed to think of something and his whole body couldn't help but stiffen.

He recalled the dark figure in his dream - it was a person, a person of the same size and appearance as him!

God knows how shocked Awu was when he saw that figure that was exactly the same as himself. He couldn't help but start to doubt his identity. Was he actually 'Awu'? If so, what about the person in front of him? who is it?

However, before he could think about it, the sense of crisis made him subconsciously want to escape from that 'Awu', and he really did so. Then he fell down and woke up from his dream.

"Is this a dream, or is it..." Awu couldn't help scratching his head, but before he could finish talking to himself, he heard a huge noise coming from outside.

Different from the noise he encountered last night, the noise this time was very familiar to him. It was caused by the collision of weapons - there was a fight outside!
He subconsciously put on his clothes and prepared to leave the room to check the situation, but hesitated when he approached the door because he didn't hear anyone outside.

There were sounds of fighting, but no human voices. This was obviously not normal.

The hand that touched the door suddenly retracted as if he had touched a hot potato. He put his ear to the door and listened carefully to what was going on outside.

The fighting outside became more and more intense, and Awu naturally didn't hear anyone's voice, not even the footsteps, which was obviously even more abnormal.

The lack of human voices can also be understood as not wanting to disturb everyone's rest. After all, it is late at night, it is time for everyone to sleep, and this is a residential building. But that would be impossible if there were not even the sound of footsteps.

It would be fine if he deliberately hides it in normal times. Who would deliberately control the weight of his steps during a fight? Isn't this a waste of extra energy?

Just when Awu felt that the movement outside was an illusion that the enemy was preparing to lure him out, he heard rapid footsteps and a familiar voice not far away——

"Catch him."

Ah Wu's heart skipped a beat. He looked out through the peephole on the door, and sure enough he saw Lord Lake, whom he had only met for a day.

After confirming that the person outside was Lake, he should have gone directly to understand the situation, but perhaps because of the weird dream, he was still a little hesitant.

He didn't know whether the dream was just a dream or a hint.

Since he always encounters a figure that looks exactly like him in his dreams, is it possible that he will encounter an unknown creature that looks exactly like Lord Lake?
'Dong dong...'

Before Awu could think about it, the movement outside the door gradually became smaller, followed by the sound of knocking on the door.

Awu was startled by the knock on the door. He subconsciously stepped back, and then heard a familiar voice coming from outside the door again.

"Awu, I'm Lake. Please open the door. There's something going on outside that you need to come out and take a look at." Perhaps considering that Awu might have fallen asleep, Lake's voice was very loud because he found that something was wrong, so he had to put it out. Awu wakes up.

Although I'm a little sorry, there's nothing I can do about it. At worst, I'll help him apply for a few more days of paid leave.

Awu heard Lake's voice again, and his heart was a little shaken, because the movements he heard so far were all weird, but there was no sound of simulated people talking.

Even the 'Awu' who looked exactly like him in the dream, he subconsciously asked who he was, but the other party showed no expression and just raised the hand holding the weapon.

Maybe...this unknown creature can't speak?

If this is the case, then this Lord Lake who can speak human language must be real?

"Master Lake, I'm awake, but for some reasons, I can't open the door for the time being. Do you have a spare key here that I can open the door myself?" Although he already knew that the person outside was most likely Lake, Awu didn't want to gamble, so he thought Let Lake open the door by himself. As long as he can open the door, as long as he can come in, it means it is true.

Everyone in the territory knows that there are normally two copies of house keys in residential areas, one is in their own hands and the other is in the hands of the territory, even if it is a house that they bought with their own money.

The territory keeps a key mainly to deal with emergencies, because the lifestyle and governance style of this continent are different from those of the real world, so most people can accept this, because most territories are managed in this way.

However, considering the issue of private property, even if the territory has a key, it will not be easy to enter the residents' homes. Even under special circumstances, the owner's consent is basically required. Otherwise, if one is discovered to have sneaked in, the reputation of the territory will be directly ruined.

There was a territory where high-level officials sneaked into residents' homes for selfish reasons. After the incident was exposed, the territory that originally had thousands of people turned into an "empty city" within three days, and the life or death of the culprit was unknown.

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