Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 784 784 Polar Night Storm 20

Behavior like this will cause public outrage among the residents of the entire territory, so everyone can punish him.

The biggest difference between this world and the real world is that everyone can leave their current territory and find a new home. This world will never lack a place for them to stay. Therefore, many rules are different from the current world.

Of course, if you don't want the territory to keep another key, it's okay, as long as they are willing to sign a 'liability release', so that the territory will not interfere more with their private territory, and naturally it will not care about their emergencies in the house. Condition.

"Then wait a minute, I'll get the key." Although Lake didn't know why Awu said that, after a day of brief understanding, he knew that Awu was not a random person, and there must be a reason for him to do this.

Although it was a bit troublesome, in order to get in, he had to visit the lord late at night and get the key to Awu's house from her.

Suyou was woken up, and she put Lingbao, who also woke up, to sleep, while she took the keys and prepared to go with Lake.


When they arrived at Awu's house, Lake opened the door with a key, while Suyou looked outside to check on this dark, frightening creature that was tied up.

"Master Lake, I'm really sorry, and I don't want to trouble you..." In fact, when Ah Wu heard Lake going to get the key, he was even more convinced that it was true.

If Lake hadn't walked so fast, he would have just opened the door.

Now after Lake took the initiative to open the door, he quickly came out of the room and talked a lot, including his dream and the reason why he just did what he did.

Lake had already guessed that Awu had a reason for doing what he did, but now that he was worried that the monster was pretending to be him and not deliberately playing tricks, he lost his anger.

"It's a good thing to be careful. I didn't bother to get the key. It's just that the lord made a trip." Lake himself didn't mind making an extra trip. The distance was not far anyway, but he felt a little helpless after waking up the lord. .

"What? The lord is here too?" Awu felt very guilty because of his excessive caution. Now that he heard that the lord was also here because of what he had just done, his eyes suddenly felt dark.

"You know it's a good thing to be cautious. I hope everyone can be like you, so that many casualties can be reduced." Su You expressed appreciation for Awu's behavior.

Although to outsiders, it seems very inexplicable to exclude others just because of an inexplicable dream, but to Su You, not only is this not strange, she also thinks that this person is very clever.

Because there are many metaphorical special events on this continent. It is not uncommon for someone to escape life and death because of a dream.

"Okay, come and have a look." Su You called the two of them over, and then said to A Wu: "Your dream is true."

Awu was stunned for a moment, then looked along Suyou's hand, and saw a very familiar face!
"This, this is..." Awu was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

Isn't this his face? !
To be honest, if he could become a patrol guard, Awu would definitely not be that timid, but this time he was simply frightened by the dream.

In that terrifying scene in the dream, he met someone who looked exactly like himself. Even though he now knew that he was out of the dream, when he saw a very familiar face again, he was brought into that place again. A terrifying scene, a terrifying atmosphere.

"Huh?" Su You looked at the fearful creature whose attribute values ​​were rising rapidly with some surprise. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at A Wu who seemed to be frightened and understood. As expected of a creature that uses fear as its energy, Awu only had fear for a few seconds, and the attributes of these fearful creatures in front of him increased a lot.

That's right, Su You can now confirm that these black shadows are dangerous creatures exclusive to the polar winter.

They have the same appearance as humans, and even this appearance is actually a complete copy of another person. Although the rules of copying are not known, and they do not seem to speak human language, the copy-like appearance may still cause a lot of trouble. Trouble.

And there was clear evidence just now that they use fear as their power - Su You watched helplessly as the attributes of these fearful creatures increased by 5% in a few seconds!

Although 5% doesn't seem like much, they can be improved infinitely, and judging from the introduction of fearful creatures on the information panel, the emotion of 'fear' is not fixed for their improvement.

When a person is just frightened, the attributes may only increase by one or two points, or even not at all; but if the person is frightened like Awu, it is possible to increase even more, and 5% is not the upper limit.

The specific amount of improvement depends on the level of fear.

"Is it exactly the same as what you saw in your dream?" Suyou asked Awu.

A Wu has now come to his senses. Although it still makes him very uncomfortable to face someone who looks the same as himself, he still nodded and answered Su You's question.

"Yes, exactly the same, but the clothes are different." At this time, this 'Awu' was wearing the same pajamas as him, but the one in the dream was wearing the uniform of a patrol guard that he only wore when working.

Thinking of this, Awu suddenly discovered a problem.

"Lord, if I remember correctly, I was wearing the same clothes as it in the dream." Awu was not sure whether this discovery was useful, but he still said it.

Su You pondered for a moment, then said, "Go in and change your clothes now."

Since Ah Wu would reveal this discovery, he naturally guessed the information that 'A Wu' seemed to change with him, so he knew that Su You's purpose of letting him do this was nothing more than to verify his guess.

"I'll go now." After saying that, Awu turned around and entered the house.

Because it was cold now and he wore more clothes, Ah Wu changed clothes a little slower. After about three or four minutes, Ah Wu changed into regular clothes and walked out.

Because the door opened outwards, and the location of the fearful creature was behind the door, Awu was blocked by the door the first time he came out.

After he closed the door and exposed himself, several people watched helplessly as 'Awu', who was originally dressed in pajamas, also put on regular clothes.

Such a miraculous change surprised everyone present, especially Awu. After all, the person on the ground...the creature still used his face. Although he comforted himself in his heart, he still couldn't accept it.

Suyou: "I understand."

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