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Chapter 785 785 Polar Night Storm 21

Chapter 785 785. Polar Night Storm 21
Su You looked at Ah Wu's position, and then at the fearful creature in front of her, "It's imitating you, but the imitation must have a prototype. When you change your clothes, it can't be seen when you're inside, so there's no change. Blocked by the door, it is also invisible, so there is still no change.”

But as soon as he closed the door and revealed himself, the fearful creature saw him and subconsciously changed his image according to his appearance.

But so far, the inexplicable appearance of footprints that are exactly the same as Awu's shoes has been answered. This is obviously that when the fearful creature imitated Awu, it even imitated the shoes. Then it peeped at Awu in that corner, and naturally left Made footprints.

Su You's words made everyone suddenly realize, but some people still had other questions.

"Lord, why did he only imitate Awu and not us?" A patrol guard who was relatively close couldn't help but ask. After he finished asking, he regretted it.

They all know that these guys in front of them are new things that they have never seen before, and neither has the Lord. They know that the previous information was slowly speculated, but the question he is asking now has no information. How could the lord know the answer?

The lord doesn't know the answer, so isn't he deliberately embarrassing the lord?
Thinking of this, the patrol guard quickly added: "I'm just saying casually, don't worry, Lord, you still have important things to deal with."

He gave Su You a step down. Su You smiled, but did not cooperate and walked down because she really knew the answer to the question just now.

"According to my guess, the growth of such creatures requires the emotion of fear. Similarly, their birth also requires the emotion of fear. This fear creature should be produced by Awu's fear, so it naturally changes with Awu."

When Suyou said this, Awu couldn't help but think of the day before Jiye, that is, the day he was caught gossiping by Lord Lake. He was indeed frightened at the time, so is it possible that this When did the fearful creatures come into existence?

Thinking of this, Awu felt more and more that he shouldn't talk too much. If he didn't talk too much, Lord Lake wouldn't hear him. If he didn't hear it, he wouldn't be scared. Naturally, there would be no existence of 'Awu' in front of him. .

"So that's it..." Although the others didn't know why A Wu was frightened, they all understood what Su You meant.

But just because they understood, they became even more panicked.

"Lord, although I am not timid, there is no guarantee that I will not be scared sometimes. I believe that everyone is the same. In this way, wouldn't there be an endless supply of this thing?" As long as he thinks of this possibility, the person who spoke People couldn't help but shudder... This was not because of the cold, but because they were frightened by their own imagination!

But when he came back to his senses, he realized that he had been uncontrollably frightened just now. His face turned green and white at one time and looked very ugly.

Sure enough, fear is an emotion that humans are completely unable to control. Although everyone can control their behavior when they are in this emotion as much as possible, they cannot control their own hearts.

Seeing the ugly-looking man, Su You roughly guessed what he was thinking, but she still knew too little about fearful creatures at this time, so there was really no way out for the time being.

She was thinking this in her heart, but she couldn't really say it because now everyone knows that fear is the nourishment of this creature. If she said this, even if they deliberately control it, they would still be afraid, although everyone present would also Not many, many crises start from small to large.

"How can it be endless? Look at the creature in front of you, isn't there only one?" Su You originally wanted to comfort everyone, but as soon as the words came out, she reminded herself. She suppressed her inner speculation and continued: "You can ask Awu, how many times has he been afraid from yesterday to now? It must be more than once, but there is only this one creature here, so it can be explained that the same person has the same fear. Fear can only give birth to a fearful shadow. "Fearful Shadow, this is Su You's new name for this fearful creature.

Because I never knew what it looked like before, I only knew that it was born out of fear, so I used the word 'fearful creature' instead. But now that I know part of its information, Su You renamed it according to its characteristics.

Fear of shadows. Needless to say, the word fear has two meanings.

The first layer is that its appearance is indeed a black figure when viewed from a distance; the second layer of meaning is related to the 'shadow'. It lives in the night, imitates humans, and follows humans. It is like the shadow of humans, following them everywhere.

As for whether this fearful shadow will really only appear once on the same person, Su You doesn't know, but based on the actual situation, it is speculated that it is like this.

"So that's it." After hearing Su You's words, the person who had spoken before breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Not only him, but others also breathed a sigh of relief.

It is impossible for them to expect that the fear shadow will not be generated, but compared to the infinite generation situation, each person will only generate one fear shadow. This is obviously a situation that is easier for them to accept.

Unlike everyone else who was relaxed, Su You actually felt a little worried in her heart.

Because she has thought about a possibility, that is, if someone's fear shadow survives, then a second fear shadow will not be produced, but if this person's fear shadow dies, will a new one be produced? , this is unknown.

Su You definitely hoped to kill one person once and for all, so that person's emotions would never create a new shadow of fear, but she could not rule out another possibility.

But this matter is obviously not suitable to be mentioned at this moment.

Su You glanced at Lake beside her, and then said: "Now that the matter has been resolved, it's so late, everyone should go back and rest early."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lake, who received the signal, arranged the follow-up work. One group of people sent the fearful shadow to the dark cell, another group of people continued patrolling, and the remaining people went back to their homes.

As for Awu, Su You originally wanted to tell him that the fear of the shadow may regenerate after death, but considering that he received so many frights today, Su You also regarded him as an experimental subject for subsequent testing of the law of the fear of the shadow. So Su You planned to let him go back and have a good sleep today so that he would be energetic enough.

After Awu left, Suyou and Lake were the only ones left here.

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