Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 786 786 Polar Night Storm 22

Chapter 786 786. Polar Night Storm 22
Su You did not hide her guess from Lake. After explaining her two guesses, Su You asked Lake to start looking for everyone in the territory and ask them if they had the same experience as A Wu, who could hear strange sounds. .

If not, that is naturally the best.

If so, then help wait and catch the fearful shadow that belongs to them.

Faced with Su You's arrangements, Lake naturally responded, but it was too late now and most people were resting, so these things had to be arranged after everyone woke up.



When it was supposed to be daytime, Lake got up and went down directly according to Suyou's arrangement.

He asked his people to start from the residential area and go from house to house to inquire politely whether they had encountered a similar situation to Awu.

Because the patrol guards who were doing this work were all uniformed patrol guards, everyone was not very defensive. In addition, the questions asked were not private or unanswerable questions, so the patrol guards' work went very smoothly.

After this inquiry, it turned out that there were already thirty-two people who had heard the strange noises like A Wu!
Although compared to the total number of people, thirty-two people, including Awu, were only thirty-three, which was only one percent of the total number of people, but it had only been a day.

If Awu had not been discovered in advance, the number of fearful shadows in the territory would have increased to 300 in ten days.

And this is calculated based on the lowest number, because as time goes by, the pressing pressure of natural disasters, the tense atmosphere of darkness, and the various crises caused by fear of the shadow will only make everyone more and more fearful. .

As a result, more and more black shadows of fear will be generated every day.

Fortunately, there is no what if, they just discovered all this in advance, and now they have enough time to arrange and arrange.

When Lake led the people to inspect the territory, Su You also took people to the dark prison to start a series of research on the fear of the shadow. Until the fear of the shadow 'disappeared' (death), Su You still had some unanswered questions. open.

But this time the experiment has given her a lot of information, which is a good thing.

"The shadow of fear can only hide in the shadows and cannot appear in the light."

"It feeds on whose fear it lives."

"It cannot enter a closed room, so it needs to lure humans out to achieve the purpose of harming them."

"It can't make human sounds, but it can simulate a lot of weird noises to attract attention."

"It attacks others, but primarily the source of their own fear, the master of the emotion that gave birth to them."


All the information about the fearful shadow was densely written on a piece of paper. Su You now knew the habits of the Fearful Shadow very well. After all, she had been tossing with the Fearful Shadow for a whole day. The only pity was that someone didn't pay attention during the tossing and played with it to death. .

Because the second fearful black shadow has not been caught yet, Su You's experiment can only come to an end for the time being.

What makes Su You regretful is that although her experiment seems to have yielded a lot of information, she still hasn't figured out the answers to the most important pieces of information.

The most important thing is that after the death of the fear shadow, will the source of fear of this fear shadow (the master of the fear emotion) produce a second shadow due to fear?
Also, what will happen if the Dread Shadows successfully kill the source of their fear?
Besides the emotion of fear, what else is the condition for the fear of the shadow?

Except for the second one, Su You didn't want to get the answer to these five or six questions. She needed to go through many experiments to get the results for the other questions.

But now that we have asked who is being targeted by the Black Shadow, it will be much easier to catch them.

Just like the first time the fearful shadow captured Awu, Lake specially arranged more than thirty people to capture the fearful shadow that had been produced.

Originally, due to the increase in the number of patrol teams, the manpower of the territorial soldiers was a little tight. At first, Lake was only going to arrange for a dozen people to slowly arrest all the fearful shadows in batches.

But ever since he heard that this fearful shadow could gradually increase its strength in response to the 'master's' fear, Lake understood that the action of catching the fearful shadow could not be delayed. It was best to catch the fearful shadow as soon as it was born. Grab it!
Otherwise, after it absorbs enough fear and becomes powerful, although they may still defeat the opponent using human sea tactics, it will definitely be more troublesome.

In this case, it is better to invest a large number of manpower from the beginning and clean them all as soon as possible.

In the process of catching the Terror Shadow, Lake also discovered a pattern, that is, the Terror Shadow will usually pick the 'master' alone and attack when he is unconscious (sleeping).

The former situation will be relatively rare, because although everyone is in a seemingly safe territory, they still remember the Lord's words, that is, they must go together.

Even people without partners will choose to blend into the crowd and act together with everyone. In this way, the only chance for the fearful black shadow to choose to take action is the latter.

Because it's dark 24 hours a day now, everyone can't go out, and can't do anything else except eat, drink, and have fun. Therefore, many people choose to spend a lot of time resting to get through this long period. And the long boring night,

The more time everyone had to rest, the more opportunities the fearful shadows had to attack, so Lake arranged for people to keep an eye on these thirty or so people. As long as he saw them returning home, he would arrange for some people to guard near their homes.

Although this method was very troublesome and not very efficient, it was very effective. After most of the day, he successfully led his men to see twenty-five different scary shadows.

Among the twenty-five fearful shadows discovered, they captured eleven alive.

Perhaps because they moved too fast, these fearful shadows had just been born and had not absorbed much fear to improve their strength, so eight fearful shadows were accidentally killed in the process of catching them.

As for the six fearful shadows, they all accidentally let each other escape during the capture process due to lack of manpower.

Overall, today's operation against the Fearful Shadow went smoothly. Not only did Suyou have eleven more test subjects, but he also found the pattern of the Fearful Shadow's attack, which greatly facilitated their subsequent dealing with the Shadow.

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