Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 787 787 Polar Night Storm 23

Chapter 787 787. Polar Night Storm 23
But what makes people a little helpless is that a fearful black figure was arrested at the inn today. Although they deliberately avoided the crowd when they were arrested, a traveler accidentally bumped into the arrest scene. His exclamation directly It attracted a lot of people's attention, which caused quite a bit of panic.

Even if Lake found an excuse in time to explain and everyone settled down, the panic had been caused and the result could not be changed.

"Lord, I'm very sorry. I didn't arrange this well. I should have driven away the dark figure and arrested him outside the inn." Lake stood in front of Su You in annoyance, reflecting on his mistake in today's action.

Although driving that black shadow out of the inn has a high probability of causing it to escape, compared to catching it in the inn and causing panic among many people, it is better to let it run away!
At least after it ran away, the total number of fearful shadows in that territory remained unchanged.

But after today's incident, many people were frightened. One can imagine how many more shadows will appear in the territory after this incident is over!
"Remember the lesson learned this time, just remember it next time." Su You would not say, 'This matter is not your fault' just to comfort him, because this arrangement was indeed Lake's mistake, and normal people would You should be able to think that arresting people in a crowded place will cause panic.

Lake had this point, otherwise he wouldn't deliberately avoid people, but he was still a little too impatient. He was so eager to catch the fearful shadow quickly that he was exposed in front of many people.

But things have already happened, and it's useless for Su You to say anything. Since Lake already knows that he made a mistake, he can just pay attention next time.

Lake knew what the lord meant, so he did not continue to dwell on this matter. This matter had already happened, so let it pass. The top priority now was how to deal with the subsequent impact of this matter.

That is, how to solve the dark shadow of fear created by those people who are frightened today.

"Lord, I have asked everyone to register those present today. There are sixty-four people in total. I will arrange for people to pay close attention to them later." After causing the panic, Lake's first reaction was 'Oops' , These people were frightened, there must be a lot of fearful shadows coming,' and then the second reaction was, 'I need to record the information of these people, so that it can be easily observed.'

So, after catching the fearful shadow, he had the fearful shadow sent to the dark cell, and he led everyone to register the onlookers.

Fortunately, because the arrest time was in the afternoon, most people had gone out, so there were only a few dozen people in the station.

If there was a commotion at night when everyone was back to rest, it would definitely cause panic among hundreds of people.

"You did a good job in this." Su You nodded, not stingy with his praise because of his previous mistakes.

People will always make mistakes, but not everyone is prepared to make amends, and not everyone can figure out how to deal with them in time.

Hearing Su You's praise, Lake's mouth moved, and the expression on his face changed slightly, but in the end it turned into a trace of worry.

"Lord, after today's incident, the manpower of the territorial soldiers is even more insufficient." Thinking of this, Lake had a headache.

In fact, it's not entirely because of today's incident. Even without what happened today, the manpower of the territorial soldiers is still insufficient. After all, the number of patrols has increased, and people have to be assigned to investigate the fearful shadows and monitor suspicious people. As well as capturing the fearful shadow, people are needed in all aspects.

Originally, the current manpower is almost sufficient, and there will be a shortage of people in less than two days. Today's incident just advances the time of shortage.

If it were before, Su You might have had a headache for a while because of the lack of people, but now she thought that since the fearful black shadow had been exposed, it would be better to announce the matter directly. At first, I didn't think about announcing it because I was afraid of causing panic, but now we are short of manpower. If we fail to clean up in time, the same result will be caused, and it will be even worse.

In this case, it is better to tell everyone directly. In this way, although everyone is afraid, they can help catch the fearful shadow.

It is obviously very busy for only a few dozen people to solve the three thousand fearful black shadows, but if everyone can contribute, then this matter will be very simple.

After Suyou made her decision, she also told Lake about it.

"I will make an announcement before tomorrow. At that time, you only need to prepare a place for everyone to report information." It is up to everyone to find out if there is anything wrong around them. If so, report it directly and inform them of their daily routine.

In this way, the territorial soldiers can save a lot of effort.

Firstly, they don't need to investigate everywhere, and secondly, they don't need to monitor at all times. They only need to remember the time, and then go to the corresponding place at the corresponding time to catch monsters.

As for now, Su You is ready to go to the dark prison again.

Lake had just captured a dozen more fearful shadows, and she could take advantage of the opportunity to quickly conduct experiments. This way, she would have more information and know what to say when making announcements.

The question she needs answers to most at the moment is obviously the refreshing law of the fearful shadows, so she divided the dozen fearful shadows into two parts, one part was left unkilled, and the other part was killed directly, and then she had people notify these people. Several emotional masters who were afraid of the black shadow asked them to pay attention to whether there were any strange sounds around them.

In order for the experiment to proceed smoothly, Su You was also particular about selecting experimental subjects. The people she selected had to have a certain degree of fighting ability, were smart and clever, and were delicate and able to observe.

After selecting the right person, she killed the corresponding fearful shadow, and then waited for good news.

As for the remaining fearful shadows that were not planned to be killed, Su You also used them to discover a very important piece of information, that is, the conditions for them to absorb emotions and increase their strength are similar to the conditions for them to imitate humans.

They imitate humans because they need to see humans, and they absorb fearful emotions because they need to be close to humans.

At first, Su You just wanted to test how much the fear emotion increased their strength, so she sent people to secretly scare the masters of these shadow-fearing emotions. Unexpectedly, many of those people were indeed killed. I was scared, but all the attributes of the fearful black shadow did not change.

After several tests, Su You came to this conclusion, which was undoubtedly good news for Su You.

Because Su You had been thinking about a question, whether they should kill these fearful shadows or not if they caught them.

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