Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 788 788 Polar Night Storm 24

Chapter 788 788. Polar Night Storm 24
Under normal circumstances, if there are enemies, they must kill them to avoid future troubles, but when they don't know whether they can regenerate after death, not killing them is definitely the best choice, and they don't want to waste their efforts.

But if you don't kill them, they will become stronger and stronger when their emotional masters show fear.

But now that she knows that they have conditions for absorbing emotions, Su You must be happy.

In this way, she only needs to arrange for people to capture all the fearful shadows, and then lock them in a place where others cannot see them. In this way, they will always look like the weak chickens they were when they were just 'born'.

But things are far from that simple.

There are more than 3,000 people, and there will be at least 2,000 shadows of fear generated by then. The territory is so small, and in order to make the buildings better able to withstand the storm, Su You deliberately streamlined the size of the territory and the number of buildings, so that the territory can better enjoy the bonus of the overall average level.

Right now, this territory can only accommodate four thousand people at most. Where will she put the extra thousand?
Moreover, this fearful shadow cannot be placed with humans, otherwise there may be trouble. After all, although their main goal is to attack the emotional master, when the emotional master is absent, other humans are also their targets.

Just when Su You was distressed about this matter, another piece of bad news came - the territory was hit by a batch of small storms!

After learning about this incident, Su You rushed to the scene immediately.

Because the crowd had been dispersed in advance, there were only two patrol teams here to maintain order when she came, as well as Ain and the construction workers he led who were repairing the building hurriedly.

"Ain, what's the condition of the buildings here?" Su You has already learned about the specific situation here from the patrol guard. It is roughly that a group of six small storms suddenly appeared (refreshed) in the territory. The location where they appeared is Near the trading area.

The trading area is an open space with no buildings and only furniture facilities such as tables, chairs and benches, so the damage is not very serious.

In addition, everyone has not been out for a few days, and there is nothing on hand to trade, so there are few stalls in the trading area, and there are no casualties at all. Therefore, the losses caused by this storm hitting the territory can be said to be huge. not enough.

The reason why Ain and the others came here was just to repair some of the surrounding buildings that had been accidentally scratched by the storm. This level of damage was actually equivalent to a small cut on a person's finger.

But since this kind of thing will happen for the first time, it will definitely happen a second time, so what can be repaired should be repaired as soon as possible. Anyway, they are currently idle.

When subsequent storms become more serious, they will definitely not have time to make repairs.

Because of the storm, everyone's mood was a little depressed. They never thought that they had already hid in the territory and did not go out. Logically speaking, they would not be harmed by the storm outside. Who knew that this storm actually entered directly? territory!

But the good news is obviously that the loss this time is not very big, it can even be said that there is basically no loss.

"The buildings are in good condition. If there was only a storm of this magnitude, then all the buildings in the current territory can withstand continuous destruction for more than ten hours." Having said this, Ain couldn't help but feel lucky that he had led so many people to hurry up and slow down. Most of the buildings in the general's territory have been reinforced to a fairly solid level.

"That's good." Su You breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately gave serious instructions: "As long as the storm invades the territory, this situation will happen one after another." "You and the people from the construction team Say hello and let everyone be ready.”

Ain also understands this. Even if Su You doesn't say anything, he is going to tell his subordinates to take a good rest and maintain sufficient energy at all times. They may be used in many places in the future, and the time is quite random, because No one knows when the storm will come.

"Don't worry, Lord, everyone has had a good rest during this period and is very energetic. If there is really a need, they can definitely complete the task as soon as possible." Ain was very sure.

Hearing what he said, Su You felt relieved.

Because the building suffered all 'skin injuries', Ain and his team repaired the building quickly. After that, Ain and Su You said hello and left.

After they left, the captains of the two patrols responsible for guarding here stepped forward.

Captain 1: "Lord, there are six accumulations left by the storm over there in the trading area. How should we deal with them?"

Su You thought for a while and decided to go take a look first, so the two captains took Su You to the trading area.

After all, a storm is a storm. Even if it is a small one, it is very powerful and can roll up a lot of items, so the accumulation left behind is not small at all.

What's more, this time there were still six small storms, and the piles they left behind completely occupied all the places in the trading area, and even piled up to the entrance of the college!
Fortunately, this time was not during get out of class time, otherwise the inside and outside of the academy would have been blocked, making it impossible to get in or get out.

"It just so happens that you two are here. You two will lead your men to clean up these six piles of debris. The cleaned things will be sent to the mission hall. The administrator over there will price them. Half of the total price will be your reward." Su The two captains' eyes lit up after hearing Yuzu's words.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Su You were not here, they would all be ready to cheer and then turn around to inform everyone of the good news.

Although they have an iron rice bowl and everyone envies them, what others don't know is that they also envy others who can go out and hunt for treasures.

After all, this is something that most people may not be able to encounter in their lifetime, not to mention the chances of treasure hunting are great. This can be seen from the fact that there are always people bringing back some good things from time to time.

But they cannot go out. Not to mention that they need to work. Even if they have time to rest, special circumstances may arise due to natural disasters, so they need to stay in the territory on standby at any time.

But envy is envy, and they do not regret becoming territorial soldiers. After all, natural disasters will not last forever. When the natural disaster is over, a stable and well-paid job will definitely be the best choice.

Now that there was an opportunity to hunt for treasure, the two of them were naturally extremely excited.

"Thank you, Lord!" The two captains shouted in unison with surprisingly tacit understanding. Their voices were quite loud and deafening in the silence surrounding them.

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