Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 790 790 Polar Night Storm 26

Chapter 790 790. Polar Night Storm 26
The first store she went to was the sewing shop. It was the first store in the territory and an indispensable store in the entire territory.

Here, Suyou successfully found Dolly and Feiya.

Although Feiya has never agreed to join the territory, after the natural disaster occurred in the territory, she also helped Dolly to design various clothing that is warm, cost-effective and durable, which relieved Dolly a lot of pressure. .

Now the relationship between Dolly and Feiya can be said to be both teachers and friends. If Feiya didn't really want to join another territory because of what happened before, then she would definitely agree to join the territory, and even wish she could join them.

But there is no if.

But Su You has now looked away. As long as Feiya is willing to work for the territory, it really doesn't matter whether she joins or not. Anyway, she doesn't want them to join the territory, but their craftsmanship.

It's just that if you don't join the territory, you won't have stable loyalty points, and it's not easy to train her, but these are small things.

Fiya is not a bad person, and she will not leave unless necessary. Moreover, she has good talents and excellent characteristics. She can have great strength even if she is not cultivated.

"Thank you, Miss Feiya, for your help to the territory these days." Seeing Feiya, Su You immediately expressed his gratitude to her.

Even if you are a resident of the territory, as long as you make a contribution, it is worthy of praise. What's more, they are not from the territory. For being so dedicated, Su You almost didn't give him a banner.

"Lord Su, you are serious. I took your money, so I have to do my best." If it were before, Feiya might still feel flattered by Su You's attitude.

But now that she has stayed for a long time and learned a lot from Dori, her strange filter towards Suyou has disappeared a lot. She can be like Dori when facing her, as if she is facing an equal. communicate with people.

"Anyway, I still have to thank you." Su You didn't dwell too much on this matter, and then found Dori and told her about the placement of the fearful black shadow.

Because the matter of fearing the black shadow would be announced sooner or later, and she knew that Fiya was not a talkative person, she did not hide it from Fiya when asking for her opinion. In this way, one more person would be considered more strength.

"Two or three thousand shadows..." Dolly couldn't help but frown when she heard about the existence of the fearful shadows. Although she had only stayed in the sewing shop recently and had not gone out, the sewing shop was the main flow of people in the territory. It's one of the best shops, so it's very well-informed.

She also heard some things from other people's mouths, but not in such detail.

When she heard about the existence of an unknown creature that was likely to harm them, she couldn't help but start to worry. But when she thought about the combat effectiveness of her own territory, her worry turned into confidence.

But now I heard that the fear shadows cannot be killed and must be raised, and they must be raised well, and they cannot be allowed to die. Dolly's worries that had disappeared before came to her mind again, and the worries were even heavier.

"Sorry Lord, I can't think of a solution to this matter." Dolly felt a little regretful that she couldn't help.

Su You was not surprised. After all, if the solution was so easy to think of, she wouldn't have such a headache to ask other people's opinions.

"It doesn't matter, I haven't thought of a solution to this matter, otherwise I wouldn't have come to ask you." Su You comforted Dori, and told her some business-related matters in the next period of time, and then He was about to leave, but turned around and saw Fiya's thoughtful expression.

"Miss Feiya, what are you thinking about? Are there any difficulties that you need help with?" Su You asked this, but in her heart she knew that Feiya did not encounter any difficulties. If Feiya had encountered a problem, she would definitely not have this look on her face now. This was clearly an emotional change that occurred after she heard her talk about the fear of the black shadow.

Feiya thought for a while and finally said: "Have you ever thought about a question, Lord? Since they can't be placed in the territory, why not place them outside the territory?"

Su You was stunned for a moment, then thoughtfully.

I have to say that Fia's idea was very unique. At least she had never thought of it, because she had always limited the scope to the territory and had never thought of sending the shadow of fear outside.

However, although Feiya's idea is unique, it is not easy to implement.

For example, how is she going to send the Dark Shadow out?
Where will it be placed after being sent out?
How to ensure that these fearful shadows will not escape?
How to ensure that the storm outside will not kill these fearful shadows?


It can only be said that Fiya's idea seems quite reliable at first glance, but there are still many issues to think about in its implementation, otherwise it will just be an idea on paper.

"It seems I took it for granted." Feiya smiled helplessly.

Didn't she originally think that this matter could be solved easily?
But now that Su You had raised so many questions, she felt that she had thought this matter was too simple. If it was really that simple, Lord Su wouldn't be so distressed.

"No, I would also like to thank you, Miss Feiya, for your suggestion. I never thought that I could send the Fearful Shadow out." Su You's words were exaggerated. After all, sending the Fearful Shadow out was not something she could do. It’s not expected at the moment, but it’s only a matter of time.

And although sending the fearful shadow out seems unfeasible, Su You thinks it is the most feasible way at present.

"It would be nice to be able to help. After all, I don't want any accidents to happen in this territory. This is also my place." Feiya didn't take Su You's exaggerated words to heart. She also knew that Su You just didn't know what to do for a while. It was just a thought, but she was happy to be able to help.


After Su You had a preliminary idea of ​​where to place the fearful shadow, the questions he asked others were different.

The question she asked Dolly before was 'How to place the Dread Shadow?' ', the question now is 'How to place the Dread Shadow outside the territory? '.

Of course, she doesn't have to place the fearful shadows outside. It would definitely be best if they can be placed in the territory, because the territory is safe, they are not easy to die, and it is also convenient for them to check, so that she can know these in time. Have there been any other changes to Dread the Dark?

But after asking around, Su You found that everyone thought sending the fearful shadow away was a good choice.

Since it is not safe outside, they can create a safe place to house these fearful shadows.

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