Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 791 791 Polar Night Storm 27

Chapter 791 791. Polar Night Storm 27
"Lord, do you still remember the place you asked me to build specifically?" When Ain was asked this question, he almost immediately thought of a solution. Suyou thought for a while and immediately understood what Ain was talking about was 'cellar' and 'basement'!
When it comes to a storm, the safest place must be underground, otherwise Suyou wouldn't let him use these two places to store important supplies.

Since those materials are important and can be stored underground, then these 'important' fearful shadows can also be placed underground.

"This is a good idea, but are you sure that you can build a safe space for three thousand creatures in five days?" In order to avoid everyone's random thoughts, Su You announced the fear of the shadow yesterday.

Although people were specially arranged to calm everyone's emotions, the number of fearful shadows has increased dramatically in the past two days.

From the original number of only a few dozen, there were more than two hundred at one time!

At this rate, even if they are squeezed again, the dark cell can only last for five days at most.

Facing Su You's question, Ain affirmed: "No problem. If there are no requirements for environmental conditions and you just need a safe space that can accommodate three thousand creatures, then it will only take three days at most."

The three days here are still the time given by Ain taking into account the night factor. If there is daylight and the line of sight is not affected, the speed will only be faster!

"But this is construction outside after all, and safety is the biggest issue." Ain pointedly pointed out the biggest impact of construction in the wild.

Construction in the wild is not just a matter of working at night. Working at night in the territory is not a problem. After all, the territory is protected by the inner city fire and is absolutely safe.

But things are different outside. The storm and the monsters spawned in the night are extremely dangerous. The cost and danger of construction are naturally greatly increased... I wonder if they can't fight monsters and dig earth and lay bricks at the same time, right?

Ain can think of this problem, and Su You can naturally think of it, so she said simply: "You don't need to worry about this matter. As long as you can make sure to complete the project within the specified time, I will solve the safety problem. "

After all, Ain is just an architect. Combat issues are not something he needs to worry about. He just needs to be able to do his job well.

Hearing what Su You said, Ain nodded decisively: "No problem, as long as safety is guaranteed, I promise to lead everyone to complete the mission."

After he finished speaking, Su You said again: "Don't rush to respond so quickly. Although I mentioned five days before, this is only five days at the latest because I don't know if there will be any accidents during this period." , If there is an accident, this time will continue to be advanced.”

Ain frowned, seeming a little embarrassed, but also seemed to be thinking.

Su You continued: "You can think about it. You don't need to build three thousand spaces at once. You can prepare one thousand or two thousand spaces first. The time is convenient for you, but I hope you can complete this task within three days."

"If you have any needs during this period, please feel free to ask." As long as the placement of the fearful shadow can be solved, the danger of natural disasters will be greatly reduced. Next, she only needs to focus on low temperature, night survival, and storm invasion.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as this problem can be solved, Su You can ask for money and people.

In terms of money, with the help of Jin Luo and Chi Jin, the fully available liquidity in the territory has reached a terrifying seven thousand gold coins.

If you are really in urgent need of money, and use all the deposits of other people in the territory, high-end materials that cannot be used in the warehouse, and other things that can be exchanged for money, then the Sunset Territory can at least come up with more than 20,000 gold coins!
However, if all this money is taken out, it also means that the territory is in a great crisis. Even if the crisis is overcome with money, it will encounter an economic crisis later.

But this is just talk, Su You can't possibly use that much money.

It was just a pit. Even if Su You doubled their wages, it would only cost one or two hundred gold coins at most, and that was even including the temporary construction workers. As for manpower, there was no shortage of it.

Because of the extreme night, everyone is idle in the territory without any income. They only eat, drink and sleep every day. Everyone is already growing mushrooms.

If they hadn't known that the wilderness at night was really dangerous, they would have been eager to go out immediately, even if it wasn't for money, just to go out for a walk.

If there was a job at this time that was relatively easy, not too dangerous, and could make money, they would definitely rush to get it.

"I need people, as well as excavation tools, lighting tools, support tools..." With Su You's words, Ain also made a guarantee that he would be able to complete the task within three days.

But he also made demands.

It was said to be a request, but Su You knew that these were necessities, but in fact they were not requirements at all.

After writing down the things he needed, Su You asked the corresponding workshop to prepare these things.

"These things will be ready tomorrow, and you can start work tomorrow." Su You was very anxious, but she knew that if a worker wants to do his job well, he must sharpen his tools first. Everything is not ready, and the combatants are not ready either, so there is definitely no way to do it today. Work had to start, so she could only urge people to prepare things and then officially start work tomorrow.

"Okay, I'll go and inform everyone." Ain took on such an important task and left without even bothering to exchange pleasantries.

In addition to informing everyone about this, he also needs to draw drawings.

No matter what kind of project it is, drawings must be required before construction, even if it is just digging a hole.

After having the drawings, he can organize everyone's work in an orderly manner and find the method that saves most time, materials, and manpower.

After Ain left, Su You also hurriedly sent out an announcement. There were two things written in the announcement.

The first thing is to recruit temporary construction workers. Because this project is not difficult, it is just time-consuming, so it has no technical content. Anyone with enough strength can do it. Therefore, as soon as the announcement came out, there were so many people who signed up, even Su You didn't even specify the reward.

But anyone who knows Su You knows that as long as the lord has official people in the territory, the remuneration will not be low, not to mention that they are idle when they are idle, and they can earn a little.

The second thing is to recruit fighters who are willing to go out at night to protect the construction workers.

Compared with the former, this one is more dangerous and requires higher conditions, but the rewards are also higher.

In addition to a stable daily salary, you will also receive additional rewards for each monster you kill, and all drops from monsters you kill belong to you.

This would have been unthinkable before!

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