Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 792 792 Polar Night Storm 28

Chapter 792 792. Polar Night Storm 28
Although territory tasks are rich in rewards, if a monster drops, unless there are special circumstances, it will definitely belong to the territory. However, if they need it, they can also spend money to buy it, and the price will be lower than the market price, which is considered a preferential treatment for them.

Many people were dazzled by the generous rewards and signed up directly without even thinking about it.

Although some people are also eager for this reward, they all know that there will be monsters when things go wrong, so they are a little hesitant.

If the lord can be allowed to promise such a generous reward, then the task must be difficult. Compared with money, life must be more important.

Su You must know their thoughts, that's why she promised generous rewards.

If no one is willing to sign up for such a generous reward, how can you expect someone to work for you for just a little money?
Although everyone knew that there was danger, they couldn't bear to give too much, so except for those who were not strong enough, who were lazy and fearful of death, or who were under special circumstances, everyone else signed up.

It is true that there must be a brave man behind a lot of money.

Looking at the registration information of nearly a thousand people, Su You had a headache but also breathed a sigh of relief.

The troublesome thing is that her original plan should only need 150 people, and no more than 200 people at most.

Because there is a storm outside, it is unsafe to crowd with too many people, and because of the darkness, it is difficult for humans to move. So her plan is for combatants and attack and defense buildings to guard the construction workers to complete the task.

But there are now 1,000 people registered, which means she has to screen out 800 people, which will definitely take a lot of time.

But this can be considered a good thing. After all, more people have signed up, and she has a wider choice.

In order to save time, Su You even roped in the leisurely Chi Jin to help. Due to natural disasters, the territory was open and there were no outsiders coming and going, so there was basically no business in the part Chi Jin was responsible for.

It was also the first time for Chi Jin to do such a thing. He was a little confused and didn't know how to start.

"Don't apply to those whose combat level is lower than the advanced level, don't apply to those with less than 500 combat experience, don't apply to those who are timid, and don't apply to those who have an impatient personality..." Su You rattled off a bunch of screening conditions, and then looked at Chi Jin and added. : "Basically follow these conditions. If you are not sure, you can ask me."

Again, although the system can also filter according to conditions, it can only filter numerical data. Information such as character, personality, experience, etc. still have to be checked manually.

Su You used the system to filter out a group of people with too low combat effectiveness, and in the end, more than 700 people were left.

These seven hundred people are her and Chi Jin's job.

"Okay, let me take a look." Chi Jin began to check the information of the group of people assigned to him.


The two of them worked late into the night. During this period, Su You had someone deliver a late-night snack and went out once, because Lake had caught another batch of fearful shadows. This time, they caught more than a hundred. Because there were too many, So she was going to make arrangements.

By the time she came back from outside, Chi Jin had already finished his part.

Su You decisively threw the remaining dozens of people in her hands to her, and he looked at the people she had selected again.

At two o'clock in the morning, Su You asked someone to take Chi Jin home. At three o'clock in the morning, Su You prepared the final list of two hundred people, made an announcement, and then tucked himself into bed.



At seven o'clock the next day, Duoya, Meike, Vivian, Lyle, and others arrived at the location set by Suyou with 200 people to guard about 300 construction workers.

The combatants were divided into three teams.

The first team consisted of 120 people, led by Meike and Vivian, who stayed where they were. Among them were doctors and other auxiliary personnel. Half of the people with combat capabilities were long-range and melee combatants.

The second team has fifty people, led by Lyle, assisted by Anjie and Desheng (formation masters), and gradually lays out traps, formations, and defensive buildings.

The second team has the smallest number of people, only thirty people, led by Duoya. All thirty people are agile and skilled personnel. Their main job is to detect the surrounding situation.

In addition to enemies in the night, they also need to be wary of storms.

After all, ordinary enemies can be killed, but storms are not a problem that can be solved by manpower, so they must investigate in advance so that they can evacuate in time.

After getting ready, Ain also divided all the construction workers No. 300 into the team. Some were responsible for lighting, some were responsible for cleaning the surrounding ground, and some were scattered around, digging downwards, and quickly excavated a temporary building in a shrinking trend. Available underground space.

They were lucky. After four or five hours, they only spawned less than 300 various night creatures, and also attracted dozens of wild beasts from the forest. However, they had many and strong combat capabilities, so these enemies were all defeated by them. It was resolved very quickly.

The trophies will be collected by the captains of the respective teams. These trophies will be distributed according to each person's contribution in the end. After all, we are in the wild now, so it is inconvenient to distribute the work and it is easy to encounter danger.

After another two hours, Ain informed everyone that a space that could accommodate approximately two hundred people had been excavated six or seven meters away from the ground.

Although it can accommodate two hundred people, they have to go in and continue digging. Naturally, they cannot occupy the entire space. However, too few people will also affect efficiency, so Ain arranged for seventy people to go down, fifty of whom were responsible for continuing to expand the space, and twenty People carry support frames to support the space underneath firmly and prevent collapse.

Half of the remaining two hundred construction workers were engaged in the construction of fortifications, while the other half went to find Lyle and set up traps with them.

Because it is just a temporary garrison, the defensive buildings they built are relatively simple and simple. Just focus on one that can be used. They do not have high requirements on appearance, durability, etc. After all, they will only stay here for three days at most.

Stone walls, iron gates, arrow towers, street lights... As these facilities are gradually improved, everyone's sense of security gradually increases.

But just when the last street light was put down, there was suddenly disturbing movement in the distance, and at the same time, Duoya returned with fifteen of them.

"There is a large storm 1,500 meters to the west..." Because she was running so fast, Duoya couldn't help but breathed in the middle of the sentence. The words "large storm" made all the hairs on his body tremble.

Vivian thoughtfully handed her a glass of water, and then said to the people behind her: "Why are you nervous? The storm is either not coming towards us, or it has dissipated."

Duo Ya glanced at her in surprise, then rested for a few seconds and continued: "Good news, the storm has dissipated."

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