Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 793 793 Polar Night Storm 29

Chapter 793 793. Polar Night Storm 29
Duo Ya: "Bad news, it brought three large exotic beasts."

Vivian: "..."

After listening to the first half of the story, Vivian was proud that she guessed it right.

After all, with Duoya's character, if the storm posed a threat to them, the first thing she would do after returning would definitely be to ask everyone to evacuate, instead of telling them that there was a storm on the west side.

And since she was going to evacuate, she would definitely bring back everyone, not just fifteen people. These fifteen people must have been arranged by her to stare at something.

But after hearing the bad news, Vivian's face changed slightly, and everyone else was no exception.

Everyone knows how ferocious alien beasts are. Even the most common alien beasts have combat capabilities comparable to elite-level ordinary beasts.

There were three of them this time, so it was normal for them to be worried.

"Get ready to fight." The person who spoke was Meck. Compared to the fear of others, his expression did not change during the whole process.

Here, he is the strongest. As long as he is strong, there is nothing to be afraid of... All fear comes from lack of firepower!
He once killed several strange beasts while traveling around. Although the result was a lose-lose situation, that was himself a few years ago, and at that time he was still fighting alone.

He is stronger now, and Suyou stuffed a backpack of magic recovery potion into him when he went out. He is confident that he can fight an elite-level alien beast in a single fight. If it is just an ordinary alien beast, two of them are no problem. , he can even find a way to injure or kill one.

As for the remaining alien beast, there are at least hundreds of people here, and they are all a group of people with the highest combat power in the territory. Is it possible that so many people can't kill an alien beast in a group fight?
That's such a waste!

As Meck's voice sounded, everyone seemed to have a calming needle in their hearts.

They also have a big boss here, what are they afraid of? !

So their initial fear turned into excitement and excitement now, what a strange beast it was!
How many people have never seen a strange beast in their entire life, let alone fight a strange beast? There is even a high probability that they can kill the strange beast and get the trophies!

When he thought of this, the desire to fight in his blood was ignited.

Because they had previously expected to encounter powerful enemies, after they arrived here, Vivian and Meike made adjustments to the battle layout for the more than 100 people left behind.

Vivian is one of the people who goes out with Su You most often. She has learned a lot under the influence of her ears and eyes. The distribution is not exhaustive, but it is also very reasonable.

And now Duoya is back, she helps Vivian arrange everyone's work.

As for Meck, he is purely the anchor of the game. He has already played a huge role just by sitting there.

After they made arrangements, Lyle also returned with seventy people and the construction workers who had gone out to help.

When they came back, they had already learned about the alien beasts from the people around them. Since the people who stayed behind had already made arrangements with the people in Duoya's team, Lyle reorganized the seventy people under his command and Not directly inserted into the original team.

After forming the team, he did not assign specific tasks to them. He just asked them to serve as a mobile team and become flexible bricks that could be moved wherever needed.

A few minutes later, nine of the fifteen people Duoya had arranged to follow came back. "Captain, the three strange beasts had a fight as soon as they landed. They were so fierce that all the plants ten meters around were damaged. Many beasts took a detour after seeing it..." The person who spoke was a handsome short-haired girl. When he talked about what happened during his surveillance, he was very excited. He didn't seem nervous at all, but instead seemed a little excited.

Hearing her talking happily dissipated the tension of the people around her.

However, she only said a few words when she was interrupted by another person beside her: "Ah Qing, tell the important point."

This person's face was somewhat similar to Ah Qing's, and they looked like they were sisters. When Ah Qing was stunned, she had no choice but to reach out and pull her behind, and then briefly explained the situation to Duo Ya.

"We don't recognize those three strange beasts. We only think that one is long like a snake, one has horns like a cow, and the last one has long ears, red eyes and white fur, like a large rabbit."

"The snake-shaped alien beast is the weakest. As soon as it landed, the cow-shaped alien beast pushed a hole in it with its horn. It had no ability to resist and then fell unconscious. Then the rabbit-shaped alien beast attacked the cow-shaped alien beast, and the two sides fought fiercely. In the end, the snake-shaped beast attacked both sides, and all three parties were injured."

"Although they were all injured, they were not seriously injured, and they didn't look like they had been killed. The snake-shaped alien beast left to the west, the cow-shaped alien beast left to the south, and the rabbit-shaped alien beast headed east... that's ours. direction."

"Those six people went to track the snake-shaped beast and the cow-shaped beast respectively, and we came back to report the situation."

After Azusa finished explaining the situation, she returned to her sister and waited for Duoya to issue an order.

Everyone was relieved to hear that all three were defeated and dispersed.

Although they used to think that they could make a lot of money by killing alien beasts, it was impossible to say that they were not afraid or stressed. Now there is only one of the three alien beasts left, and it is also injured. This is simply a problem for them. Great news.

"Although there is only one rabbit-shaped alien beast, everyone should not let down their guard and continue to be vigilant." Duo Ya said sternly: "Although it is an alien beast, there are also natural enemies to restrain it. Cows can penetrate snakes, and rabbits can be equally matched with cows. , this rabbit is no ordinary rabbit either.”

After hearing Duoya's words, everyone believed it and did not dare to relax.

Even though some people had subconsciously thought that among the three, the rabbit was the easiest to bully after hearing about the snake, cow, and rabbit, but after hearing what Duoya said, they felt ashamed of their fixed thinking.

Duoya could guess what they were thinking, but she couldn't control that much. She just asked everyone to go to their places according to the original arrangement.

Even at the normal walking speed of humans, 1,500 meters only takes ten minutes. The speed of the alien beasts will only be faster. It has been five minutes since Ah Qing and Azusa came back to report, unless there is an accident on the rabbit road. , or change the route midway, otherwise we will meet you soon.

Facts have proved that the rabbit has not changed his mind, and no one in the forest has the courage to approach it, so everyone can already see a faint touch of white not far away, and there are two clear and transparent stars floating in the white. of red.

This is definitely a rabbit!

The rabbit is coming!

"Don't attack yet, let's see how it behaves." Duoya raised her hand to let everyone calm down.

Alien beasts are smarter than ordinary beasts. They have the IQ of about six or seven-year-old children, and the worst ones can be as young as three or four years old. At this mental age, they may not understand many twists and turns, but they still understand how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

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