Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 794 794 Polar Night Storm 30

Chapter 794 794. Polar Night Storm 30
There are bright lights here, and it is obvious that there are humans or other creatures. If it does not understand the situation, it may not attack directly.

After hearing Duoya's words, everyone just grabbed their weapons but did not attack.

The rabbit-shaped beast that was still approaching in the distance is still getting closer... three hundred meters... two hundred meters... one hundred meters...

Finally, it stopped thirty or forty meters away.

The rabbit-shaped beast tilted its head, its red eyes showing a hint of confusion. It squinted, as if it felt a light not far away.

what is this?
Curiosity wells up in my heart...

What Duoya and his party don't know is that the alien beasts do seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but they rely on their high combat effectiveness, courage, and ability to cause trouble.

Normally, when a rabbit-shaped beast is injured, it should find a safe place to rest and recuperate, but this rabbit has a fatal flaw - myopia.

Summary: You will not recognize your relatives if you are two meters away, you will not be able to tell the difference between male and female if you are five meters away, and you will not be able to tell the difference between humans and animals when you are ten meters away.

It is precisely because of severe myopia that even though Doya is brightly lit and looks like a million-watt nuclear light bulb in the dark, in the rabbit's eyes, it can still only see a little bit of white.

It couldn't even see that the white was light, but only saw a hint of white.

Although it understood rationally that it needed to find a place to recuperate, curiosity still drove it to approach slowly...

Looking at the body that was getting bigger and bigger as it got closer, Duoya's eyes turned cold, and then she immediately said: "Get ready to fight!"

Since the rabbit did not leave, but came closer, no matter what it thought, it was bound to have a fight.

When the rabbit-shaped beast came less than ten meters away from them, the arrow tower began to attack, and other long-range combatants also began to attack.

Although the rabbit-shaped alien beast was short-sighted, it was not deaf, and its other senses were also very keen. When it heard the obviously abnormal sound breaking through the air, it subconsciously ducked to avoid it.

Although it can hide quickly, the distance is too close, and its size is too large. In addition, there are many people attacking, so even if the hit rate is not even half, it still suffers more injuries.

'嘤! 'The rabbit-shaped beast made an angry cry.

Although the cry sounded like coquettishness, no one dared to let down their guard, and everyone continued to attack the rabbit-shaped beast.

Unexpectedly, the second the rabbit-shaped alien beast was attacked, it suddenly rushed to the stone wall at a very fast speed, then jumped directly, and finally hit the stone wall hard.

This three-meter-tall big rabbit weighs nearly a thousand kilograms. This weight of nearly a thousand kilograms slammed into the ground at such a close distance. The ground shook obviously. Everyone couldn't help but shake. The closer the rabbit was, the more it hit the ground. He fell to the ground because he couldn't stand firmly.


It is said that rabbits will bite people when they are anxious, not to mention that this is not an ordinary rabbit. Duoya was considering that the strange beast would be difficult to handle, so she was not prepared to fight, and only thought that peace was the most important thing.

But it happened to be close. In order not to affect the construction project, Duoya could only order people to attack and attract the rabbit's attention to other locations to prevent it from attacking the half-completed hole and treating this hole as its own rabbit. nest. If it really destroys the burrow, then their hard work today will be in vain!

Duoya knows the purpose of the cave and how urgent time is!

"Others retreat, soldiers restrain them, stay away from the construction area." Duoya gave the order in an orderly manner. Some of those who had fallen at close range quickly got up on their own, and those who didn't get up were also pulled by teammates around them. Get up and run away.

"Continue to attack." Seeing that everyone was safe, Rabbit was also surrounded by more than 20 soldiers and beaten. He was full of hatred and would not attack others indiscriminately. Duoya felt relieved and continued to let everyone fight.

Although their height can only reach the legs of a rabbit, there are more people than ants, and ants may not be able to kill an elephant.

I don’t know if it’s because this rabbit had a fight before and was injured, so its combat strength has dropped slightly. Even though it could carry the attack of two hundred people at first and move around flexibly, it also destroyed the defenses they built. , but after an hour, it was already showing signs of exhaustion.

Someone saw that the rabbit's dodge speed had slowed down, and the hit rate of their attacks had also improved a lot, so they immediately excitedly said to the people behind them: "It's dying! Everyone, work harder!"

After hearing this, everyone moved faster.

But within a few seconds of saying these words, the rabbit suddenly jumped up hard. Everyone around subconsciously thought that it was going to launch another bounce attack, and they all moved away to avoid it. Even the twenty or so soldiers retreated several times. step.

After all, they weighed a thousand kilograms and jumped so high. If it fell on them, they would be half dead or half disabled!

But they never expected that the rabbit actually played a trick. Its jump this time was not to attack them at all, but to escape!

Seeing the rabbit jumping away quickly, everyone present was stunned for a few seconds, and then looked back at Duoya.

Duoya frowned, as if she was a little regretful that the prey she had obtained ran away, but she had no intention of letting anyone pursue her.

"You guys follow up to check the situation and see if it is heading towards the territory. If it is, go directly back to the territory to notify you. If not, don't worry about it. Just come back and remember to pay attention to safety." Duoya was not ready to continue. When chasing rabbits, the reason why people are sent is to see where the rabbit is going.

If the direction it goes is not the territory, then let it run away. After all, their biggest task is to protect the construction workers and complete the project at hand.

If they injure the construction workers while chasing the rabbit, it will be considered a mission failure, even if the rabbit is later successfully caught by them, it will not matter.

"Yes!" The people who were clicked quickly drank the speed-related potions, took the related runes, and then quickly left in the direction of the rabbit like an arrow from a string.

Some people calmly accepted Duoya's order, while others showed unwillingness.

Duo Ya can naturally guess that someone will be unhappy. If it were normal, she would not bother to care about it, but now they are in the wild, and it is still in the wild at night. There are dangers everywhere. Don't worry about the external enemies attacking, and there will be no trouble inside. If the problem actually affects the mission, then things will be bad.

But she was still not suitable for doing this kind of thing, so she glanced at Lyle.

Lyle understood what she meant. He first scanned the expressions of the people around him, stayed for a few seconds on the person who bowed his head with a guilty conscience, and then said, "I know some people don't want to let go of that rabbit. After all, we have been fighting for so long."

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