Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 795 795 Polar Night Storm 31

Chapter 795 795. Polar Night Storm 31
"But don't forget, the purpose of our trip is to protect them." Lyle pointed at the construction worker wearing a hat behind him.

Seeing Lyle pointing at them, they were stunned for a moment, and then were urged by Ain to continue the work at hand.

"Why do you care so much about other people's affairs? Why don't you go to work? I'm not giving you such generous compensation to make you lazy!" Ain glared at a group of them, and then drove them to work.

The inner curiosity of these people was suppressed, but they were not dissatisfied. After all, the Lord gave too much... With such a good job, what else could they be dissatisfied with?

On the other hand, Lyle didn't care what happened on Ain's side. He once again reminded what the mission of this trip was and emphasized the consequences of mission failure.

The person who had almost forgotten about this turned pale, and no one among the two hundred people dared to refute.

After all, people who can be jumped out will definitely not have much problem with their character in general, but no one is perfect, and there will definitely be small flaws, but as long as they can explain the truth clearly, they will not be stubborn.

Not to mention going his own way and not obeying orders.

Seeing that people were gradually calming down, Duoya's brows relaxed, and then she nodded and thanked Lyle.

"This is what I should do." Lyle smiled, then avoided the others and discussed with Duoya and the others what to do next.

Although Lyle and the others rushed back after receiving news from Duoya's men, when they rushed back, their team's mission was almost completed.

Traps, formations, and machinery are all arranged.

It is no exaggeration to say that with their current location as the center and heading towards the depths of the forest, there are all kinds of traps. Without any extraordinary ability, it is basically difficult to get out unscathed.

Although this arrangement seems a bit wasteful for them who only need to stay here for three days, it is not actually like this, because Lyle and Doya both know that the Lord sent them out during this trip in addition to protecting the building. Besides work, there are other purposes.



Most of the day passed, starting at six or seven in the morning and finishing at five in the evening. The group returned to the territory in a mighty manner.

The moment they returned to the territory, everyone was almost tired and blinking.

Although the enemies are not refreshed seamlessly, because the black night has difficulty moving, they need to spend more energy fighting. In addition, the black night has certain bonuses for these enemies, so it is more difficult to deal with them.

Although they were not invincible, by the afternoon, these enemies were obviously becoming more difficult.

The ten-hour battle, including the scattered breaks in between, they fought for seven or eight hours anyway. It was impossible not to be tired, so everyone returned to the territory to eat, and then fell asleep.

As for the construction workers, it's not much better.

Although they do not need to fight, they do physical work, and because they need to rush to work, they have less rest time than combatants.

After all, these combatants can still sit down and rest, chat, drink water, and warm themselves by the fire when the enemy is not spawning, but they can't. They never leave their hands on tools such as shovels, supports, and carts.

For them, the longest rest time today is nothing more than half an hour during lunch. However, when they returned to the territory and took the certificates to the mission hall to receive their rewards, all the fatigue, irritability, fear, and dissatisfaction in their hearts disappeared completely!

The remuneration received by each person is actually different, but the overall difference is not too much. The difference mainly depends on what everyone did today and how much work they did.

The more tiring work of excavation will definitely cost more, while the work of arranging supports is easier, so the money will be less.

However, Ain asked everyone before assigning tasks, so no one was dissatisfied because of the unequal pay.

Those who come to the mission hall to receive their wages are all temporary construction workers. The wages of the official construction workers in the territory are first paid to Ain, and then distributed to each captain by Ain, who then distributes it to the team members.

Su You has a ledger of how much money each team member can get, because she can see everyone's contribution.

There is also an account book here in Ain, and the account book will be published, so there is no need to worry about misappropriation and false reporting.

Under normal circumstances, only temporary construction workers are paid once a day, while regular construction workers are paid either once a week or based on projects. When a certain project is completed, even if it is not full for a week, they will be paid directly.

However, perhaps in order to motivate everyone, Su You's treatment for them this time was also paid once a day, so even though everyone was very tired, they still happily gathered in the construction building of the territory to wait for the money.

After receiving the money, they should eat when they should and rest when they should.

The combatants are similar, because they are not a fixed team, so they get paid once a day, and they have to go to the mission hall to get the money.

While everyone was busy counting money, Lyle and Duo Ya had already come to Su You to report today's situation.

Su You didn't panic when she heard that a space that could accommodate five hundred people had been successfully dug today.

Although it takes three days to dig a space for three thousand people, it stands to reason that a space for a thousand people should be dug out in one day. But even if Su You didn't know much about architecture, she knew that everything was difficult at the beginning.

What's more, this is underground excavation, and the biggest risk is collapse.

The reason why the speed is slow today must be because Ain has placed many supports to prevent collapse.

The bracket is not disposable. It is like a foundation. It only needs to be laid, and then you can continue the next work without any worries.

Starting tomorrow, they will only get faster because they don't need to continue placing stents.

"Then there's the matter of the three strange beasts..." Duoya and Suyou explained the situation of the three strange beasts, snake, cow, and rabbit, and also said that they had sent people to keep an eye on the whereabouts of these three strange beasts. .

Su You nodded, knowing that she had arranged it well, so she didn't interfere.

"It's just a pity that the rabbit ran away." After the rabbit ran away before, Duoya felt regretful, but she knew that she must not show such emotions, otherwise she would not be able to control other people. After all, she How can you convince others to give up if you feel sorry for yourself?

Only in private, when they were alone, could she show this emotion.

"It's okay. Don't forget the other mission. As long as you can confirm that you can move around in the forest at night during these three days, your chances of encountering strange beasts will only increase, not decrease."

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