Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 796 796 Polar Night Storm 32

Chapter 796 796. Polar Night Storm 32
That's right, another task that Suyou assigned to Duoya and the others that was not known to the public was to use these three to conduct an experiment. The content of the experiment was what would happen in the forest at night.

If the danger is not serious, she can organize everyone to go out later.

Otherwise, Su You would be really greedy and helpless with so many supplies left outside by this natural disaster.

They have to go out now anyway, so why not just experiment. If the result is that they can cope with the crisis in the forest at night, then everyone will not be so bored in the future.

It also prevents three thousand people from staying in the territory all day long, doing nothing, and eventually causing some serious trouble.



Eleven o'clock in the evening, this is the time when people in Sunset Continent have fallen into a deep sleep.

This was still the case in the past, let alone now that there is no daytime and no entertainment, so everyone falls asleep earlier.

While most people were fast asleep, a palm-sized figure quickly shuttled through the territory.

It was running, suddenly stopped, and then looked suspiciously in one direction...

'...the taste of the same race. '

'Why are there people of the same race in human territory? '

It looked a little confused, but considering its physical condition, due to long-term exercise, blood loss, and hunger, its head had begun to roar before dizziness.

Reason no longer existed, it decided to take a gamble, so it dragged its swaying body towards a place with a familiar smell.

But as we walked, it was blocked by a wall.

If it was before, if it was not injured, it could not only climb over this wall easily, but even collapse the wall with one butt, but it can't do it now. After all, it is just a weak, pitiful and helpless animal now. , and it is only a little rabbit the size of a palm.

With its size and current body, it doesn't even have the strength to dig a hole and bury itself, let alone climb and smash walls.

After thinking about it, the little rabbit closed his eyes in despair, and the moment of loss of strength caused him to fall to the ground.

Due to excessive blood loss, it completely lost consciousness...

What it didn't know was that after it fainted, the door on the left side of the wall it was facing gradually opened.

A petite girl with cute appearance looked around curiously, and then fixed her gaze on a bloody thing.

"Yeah!" Baicao was startled, and she subconsciously took two steps back.

But soon, she realized that the scent of her own race she just felt must be this bloody little guy, and the bloody smell she smelled came from it.

Baicao hurriedly went out and picked up the fainting little rabbit. She first checked to see if it was still alive. When she felt the faint scent of the rabbit, she first breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly carried the rabbit into the herb garden.

"You are so lucky..." Baicao couldn't help but sigh as she looked at the little rabbit whose life was almost hanging by a thread. Although she once liked living in the herb garden, because it was comfortable, free, and there were so many herbs. For a rabbit who likes to grow herbs, the smell of herbs is definitely the most charming smell in the world.

But since her own little house was built, she has been attracted by the furry furniture that Suyou specially gave her, and she indulges in sleeping on furry things all day long.

Fortunately, she was a little late working in the herbal garden today and was too tired to go home. Otherwise, if she had gone home today, she would definitely not have found this little thing, and it would definitely die.

"I don't know who is so cruel as to torture a little rabbit like this..." Baicao sighed while cleaning the wounds on the little rabbit.

Although she is an orc, she can understand humans eating animals, and she can also accept humans killing animals... Just like their tribe also has orcs whose prototypes are tigers, snakes, and leopards. They will also hunt animals that have not developed intelligence for food. After all, orcs and animals are different from some aspects.

But she cannot accept humans torturing animals.

If you really want to eat a rabbit, can't you just kill it with one knife?
Why leave so many wounds?

Baicao muttered to himself while pouring the second basin of blood water. When the third basin was washed, the little rabbit's body finally returned to its snow-white color, and the water in that basin was no longer so turbid.

Although Baicao is not a doctor, she is a herbalist after all. Her understanding of herbal medicine and pharmacology is definitely not inferior to that of ordinary doctors. So after cleaning the little rabbit, she directly gave the rabbit the wound medicine she had prepared. Feed it down.

But the rabbit was still quite stubborn. She pinched the other person's mouth, and it gritted its teeth and refused to drink a drop. The emerald green juice flowed down her hand, and dyed the snow-white rabbit fur a green color again.

Baicao: "...Forget it, for the sake of being of the same clan."

Baicao went to the warehouse to rummage around and took out a few herbs. Then she boiled a pot of hot water and threw the herbs in. When the water reached a temperature that was hot but not scalding, she put the rabbit in - since it was taken internally. If you can’t take it, use it externally!

You can always take a medicinal bath!

After all, she learned this medicinal bath from the powerful doctor in the territorial medical center!

She accepted the mission from the lord that day to deliver herbal medicine, and happened to encounter Vivian preparing the formula for a medicinal bath. Out of curiosity, she took a second look.

Seeing that she was curious, and because she had just received the herbs sent by Baicao, the warehouse of the medical center was full again, Vivian was in a good mood, so she taught Baicao some basic medicinal bath recipes.

Vivian's research on these medicinal bath recipes was initially to prepare a body-building potion to strengthen the physical fitness of the residents of the territory, but later because she was too busy, she could only make a simple version first.

The simple version of the medicine is light and slow-acting and must be used frequently. After discussing with the lord, she threw all the prepared medicine bags into the bathroom.

Since then, there have been two more rooms in the public baths in the territory. Originally there were only two rooms for men and women, but now there are two more medicinal bath rooms, which are also divided into genders.

If you just want to take a bath, just go to an ordinary bath. The price is cheap, only a few copper coins, but you can take a hot bath comfortably.

This bathhouse has average traffic on weekdays, but since the arrival of the extreme winter, the popularity of the bathhouse is second only to restaurants and charcoal fire shops.

Medicinal baths are more expensive, but after taking a dip, some people find that they are full of energy, their sleep quality has been greatly improved, and their physical fitness has also been improved, so the medicated baths have become completely popular!

Even though the price is several times more expensive, people are still willing to spend money to go to the medicinal bath.

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