Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 800 800 Polar Night Storm 36

Chapter 800 800. Polar Night Storm 36
Then he said to the other two people: "You two will do the same and go down from the other side with your own team."

After some arrangements, two hundred of the three hundred construction workers went down, and the remaining one hundred people were working on repairing the defensive building destroyed by the rabbit yesterday.

Originally, it was best to repair this kind of defensive building in time, but because it was already late when they encountered the rabbit yesterday, and it took a while to hunt the rabbit, so after hunting the rabbit, Duoya directly ordered everyone to clean up. Things return to territory.

Because I was in a hurry to go back, I naturally didn't bother to clean up this place.

But it’s not too late to clean up now.

Ain arranged the work of the construction workers here, and the combatants on the other side were divided into three parts as yesterday. The people in these three parts were still managed by Duo Ya, Lyle, Vivian and Lyle.

The difference is that the team led by Duoya is still responsible for investigation today, and Vivian and Lyle are still on the spot for protection. However, Lyle only brought fifty people today. His task today is not to set up a trap formation, because These had been arranged yesterday, and he only needed to take people to see them today.

His most important task today is to take his people around the forest to see how dangerous the forest is at night, whether they can cope with it, and what difficulties they will encounter during the operation. This difficulty is not necessarily a threat from the enemy, but also a need for materials.

Although it has always been said that the forest at night is dangerous, the danger is nothing in the face of absolute strength.

In fact, Su You never thought about staying in the territory when the polar night came. Not only would people suffer from it, but most importantly, Su You would not be able to let go of the treasures all over the forest.

It would be fine if they didn't use their strength, but they obviously have the strength to search for these treasures, so why not do it?

"Let's go." Lyle looked at the fifty people he had picked out, and then led them in the opposite direction to the territory.

Because they already have the experience of performing the task yesterday, whatever they do today will be more efficient. One is because their proficiency has increased, and the other is because they are used to operating at night.

Three hours later, Ain informed all the construction workers to take a break and eat. The combatants also ate in batches because someone still needed to be on duty.

After everyone had finished eating, Vivian asked everyone to rest for half an hour.

She just looked at it and learned from Ain that the space below has reached 60% completion. In other words, in just three hours, they have expanded the capacity below from 500 to nearly 20%. thousand.

If Ain hadn't been thinking about whether to continue to reinforce the soil below just to be on the safe side, then at the current rate, the 3,000-capacity expansion would have been completed in the afternoon.

"Miss Vivian, I forgot to ask the lord about this matter. It's too late now... Do you think I should put speed first and continue to expand the capacity below, or should I build support and reinforcement first?" Ain After arranging for everyone to rest, they hurried to Vivian's side and asked for her opinion.

Originally, it would have been better if he had made the decision on this matter himself, but unfortunately, someone under his command had different opinions.

In normal times, when faced with such different opinions, if he thinks it is reasonable, he will bring it up for discussion with everyone. If he thinks it is unreasonable, he will suppress it forcefully. Anyway, Su You gave him a lot of authority, and also promised him that as long as nothing unexpected happened and the assigned tasks could be done well, she would not interfere in construction-related matters.

But this time things are a little different.

Vivian glanced at him, then raised her eyebrows: "Master Ain, why are you asking me this? I don't understand this."

If others heard this sentence, they might think that Vivian was asking questions deliberately and did not want to pay attention to the matter. After all, the tone was not particularly pleasant, but after all, Ain had been in the territory for so long, and he was not particularly familiar with Vivian. , but I also know her and know that her character is like this,

He thought for a moment and then told what had just happened.

"Some people feel that yesterday's support frame is enough, and there is no need to continue to place the support frame today, so that the engineering task can be completed today." The main reason why Ain did not forcefully suppress this proposal was because the suggestion made by this person was not problematic. of.

In fact, Al Ain was thinking about installing the foundation of the support frame on the first day. As long as the foundation was laid on the first day, there would be no need to install the support frame in the future, because the excavation point is not at other locations because they are laying the foundation today. The starting points from yesterday were used for digging.

The excavation point is the easiest to collapse, but there are more than twenty support frames at this point. It can be said that unless there is an earthquake or other disaster, it is basically impossible to collapse.

But for some reason, when he was halfway through today's project, he looked at the gradually expanding area and felt a little uneasy. This uneasiness made him want to place a few more supports in other locations.

But in this way, the progress of the project will definitely be slowed down. Although it can definitely be completed tomorrow, it will definitely not be completed today.

Vivian roughly understood the situation, and then called Meck over.

Although Meck is not good at this kind of thing, he is not good at it either!
But there is strength in numbers!
After all, it is an important matter. Regardless of whether the discussion can produce a result, it is still good to discuss it.

Meck's attitude towards this matter was even more indifferent than Vivian. After hearing this, he said decisively: "You feel unsafe, so you want to continue installing the support frame?"

Ain nodded and said: "Yes, because the quality of the soil below is worse than I thought. It is a relatively soft soil. Although I have had many support frames installed, after all, I dug a lot. But it still feels a little inappropriate.”

Originally, if there was a problem with the soil, it would be best to start construction in another place, but this was the best location chosen by Suyou. The soil in other locations may be fine, but the location is not good.

Poor location is mainly reflected in being too close or too far from the territory, too close to dangerous forest areas, too close to storm-prone areas, too close to water, too close to resource points...

After considering various factors, Su You chose this location. Ain knew this, so he didn't want to change locations. He only wanted to use his own abilities to ensure everyone's safe building.

After hearing Ain's answer, Meck made the final decision and gave his own answer without hesitation: "You are a professional in this area. If you think it is necessary, then arrange for them to do this."

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