Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 801 801 Polar Night Storm 37

Chapter 801 801. Polar Night Storm 37
Meck's idea is very simple. They are paid for their work in the territory. Since they are paid for their work, they should follow the arrangements and the command.

It's not a job that requires people to die. If they don't obey orders, they will be kicked out. With such a good treatment, if you don't do it, others will do it!

The lords don't mind paying the combatants an extra day, but they are getting anxious?

"What Meike said is fine. Since the lord asked you to do this, it means that she believes in you, and you must also believe in yourself. Anyway, as long as it is completed within the specified time, it will be fine." Vivian spoke less like Mei Ke was so blunt, but both of them had the same attitude.

None of them interfered with Ain's decision, they just let him firm up his ideas.

As for other people's opinions?

This is not something they consider.

Again, if you want to do it, do it; if you don’t do it, leave.

"I understand, it's just that everyone will continue to protect us tomorrow." After Vivian explained it, Ain breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled at the two of them.

Seeing that he had figured it out, Vivian did not continue the topic, but talked about something else to relax: "We are all paid according to the number of days. We are different from you. You work quickly and get paid quickly. We The more days you work, the more money you get.”

Ain smiled and said nothing.

Sure enough, the young girl guessed the reason for the conflict.

As mentioned before, there are many types of wages for construction workers.

Common ones include daily wages for temporary workers; stable wages for regular employees; bonuses for emergency tasks under special circumstances; and project payments settled after the entire project is completed.

This time the construction task is an emergency task, so both formal construction workers and temporary construction workers can get three payments, one is the basic salary, one is the bonus for the emergency task, and one is the project payment.

Among them, the basic salary is stable and the money is very small, but you will have money whether you have a job or not, so less is nothing.

Project funds are only available when there are project tasks, and they are settled after the entire project is completed, or once a week.

Both of these are relatively stable values, and there is no focus of controversy. The only focus of controversy is the bonus for emergency tasks.

This bonus is not a fixed value. In order to motivate everyone to work, the bonus set by Su You is floating. The faster it is completed and the better the completion, the higher the bonus.

This time's project has very low requirements in other aspects besides durability, so there is no bonus in this area. The only thing that attracts everyone is the 'efficiency bonus'.

If it is completed within two days, the bonus will be twice the project price; if it is completed within three days, the bonus will be double the project price.

If it exceeds three days, according to Ain's promise to Su You, it will be considered a timeout, so naturally there will be no bonus.

The reason why everyone is eager to finish quickly is to be able to get double the bonus!

However, the conditions for obtaining the bonus itself hover around the range of ability. You may or may not get it.

It is not that there were no bonuses that were not received before, but everyone thought it was nothing because they all knew that the conditions were indeed higher.

But this time is different. They can complete it and get double the bonus. But because of Ain's arrangement, they can only get double the bonus. Who would be happy with this? Even the old construction worker who had been with Ain for a long time was a little reluctant.

Even though they know that Ain is doing this for insurance purposes, they all believe that their foundation has been laid. There is basically no possibility of collapse of this underground prison. So why would they be willing to add another layer of 'useless' insurance? ?

This not only takes more effort, but most importantly, saves you money!

Ain himself didn't particularly care about the bonus, but he knew that he couldn't care less about what others thought just because he didn't care.

However, what he has made up his mind now will not change.

Just like Miss Vivian said, the Lord believed that he could do a good job, so he arranged this matter for him.

What he has to consider is how to complete this task perfectly, rather than whether others can get more money.

If he really thinks so, then he can make money at will. Anyway, Su You basically doesn't care about the construction matters, and the authority is given to him. He can fool him however he wants, at least in a short period of time.

Even if he was discovered later, he could just take the money and run away...

Ain took a deep breath, calculated the time to rest, and then summoned everyone ten minutes in advance to inform them that the soil would need to be reinforced twice in the afternoon and the support frame would be placed again.

Unsurprisingly, as soon as this statement came out, several people immediately expressed opposition.

Two of them are construction workers who have been with him almost since the establishment of the territorial construction team, and two are the captains of the construction team under him.

Construction Captain 1: "Captain, I don't mean to contradict you on purpose. You also know that we have reinforced the soil below very tightly. It is almost impossible for problems to occur. You are just wasting everyone's time by doing this!"

Construction Captain 2: "Yes! After all, we have been with you for so long, and you know who we are. If there is really any quality problem with the project, we will definitely correct it without saying anything, but this is obviously no problem. Yes, why bother?"

It was expected that the two of them would say this. After all, they had been arguing about this matter for more than ten minutes before.

Ain just saw that they were both captains and what they said did make sense, so he didn't use too tough an attitude.

But before he could explain, two more people walked out next to him. Both of them were construction workers he was familiar with and close to.

Construction worker 1: "Captain, we also know that you definitely didn't mean to embarrass us, but since there are no problems with the project, everyone wants to finish it as soon as possible and go home as soon as possible."

Construction Worker 2: "Yeah, actually it's not just because of the bonus. It's so dangerous out there. Everyone was worried about working yesterday. It's better to end this day as soon as possible."


Ain glanced at them, and then looked at the watch he carried with him - it was made by Anjie, a mechanic. It is small and convenient, and many people will bring it with them when they go out.

At this time, the time on the watch was still seven minutes before the end of the break. Ain put away the watch and then looked back at everyone.

"I know what you mean, and I can understand your thoughts. Whether it's for safety or bonuses, this is human nature."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Ain's attitude was not particularly tough.

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