Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 802 802 Polar Night Storm 38

Chapter 802 802. Polar Night Storm 38
They probably all thought that Ain wouldn't let them reinforce anymore... but that wasn't the case.

"However, I hope you know that what I just issued was an order, not a discussion with you."

Everyone's expressions changed, and before they had time to react, they heard Ain continue: "The prerequisite for completing every task is to ensure the quality of the project. While ensuring the quality, I am definitely willing to lead everyone to complete it as soon as possible. mission and get more bonuses.”

"But..." Some people wanted to say that it was safe enough below, but before they could finish their words, they were interrupted by Ain.

"Do you really think it's safe down there?" Ain knew clearly that among these people, there were actually some who were better than him. Since he could find the problem, how could these people not find it?

They just don't want to be in trouble, and they also want to get more money. In addition, the problem is not particularly serious, so they selectively ignore it.

"Some of you may not understand well, let me explain it to you." Ain casually grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground, and then let the dirt fall from his hand like sand.

"Look, this soil is so soft." Ain grabbed another handful of soil, but this time he didn't sprinkle the soil, but held it firmly in the palm of his hand: "You think soft soil is easier to dig. , or is it easier to dig in dry, hard soil?”

"Or is it easier for soft soil to collapse, or for hard soil to collapse more easily." Although it was a question, Ain did not wait for their answer. After finishing speaking, he paused for a few seconds, and then said directly: "About You must have answers to these questions.”

"You think it's safe enough, so you don't want to waste time anymore, but I don't think the insurance has done enough." After Ain said this, he no longer gave everyone time to think.

"You still have four minutes to rest. Use this time to notify us and continue to reinforce the underground in the afternoon." Ain actually had a lot to say in his heart.

After all, it was the first time that he had such a tough attitude, so he was a little uncomfortable with it, and during the process of speaking, he was also thinking about whether he was too harsh and whether his attitude needed to be more relaxed, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not necessary. .

He is already very good to them. If he changes to someone with a bad temper, it doesn't matter whether the final decision is correct or not, but as long as he is the captain and the boss of the entire construction team, there is no room for others to say 'no'.

As Ain's last sentence ended, everyone froze in place for more than ten seconds, and then they all turned around without saying a word to carry out Ain's arrangement - informing everyone of the afternoon's work.

Unsurprisingly, during the process of their notification, many people expressed slight dissatisfaction. This dissatisfaction may be due to the presence of Ain, so they did not dare to speak out directly.

But the somewhat confused expressions, the unsatisfied attitude of lowering their eyes, and the lack of straightforward answers can all tell what they were thinking.

Ain was actually not idle when they informed him. He seemed to be planning the layout of the support frame for the afternoon, but in fact he was doing two things at once, looking at the things in his hands and observing the reactions of others.

Soon, he discovered a problem.

Among those who clearly expressed their dissatisfaction, most of them were regular construction workers under him, but they were temporary workers. After receiving the notice, most of them had no special reaction, and some even responded. After making a sound, he continued to rest on his own.

Ian couldn't understand the reason at first. After all, in his opinion, the formal construction workers had been with him for a long time, and they should all understand his behavior. Although they might be dissatisfied, most of them would be willing to obey orders.

But the temporary workers were different. These were strangers whom he didn't know or understand, so it wasn't surprising how they would react.

But the truth is exactly the opposite.

But Ain was not stupid. After thinking for a while, he understood the reason. Precisely because he figured it out, he felt even worse.

Although formal construction workers can understand him and understand why he does what he does, with their understanding of this industry, they also know more clearly what they will lose by doing so.

This is not the case for temporary construction workers. They come to work with the mentality of "idle is idle".

They know about the existence of bonuses, but they don’t know much about architecture. They only know that they need to listen to Ain, so even if they don’t get bonuses, they don’t particularly care because they don’t understand.

Of course, there is another biggest reason for this, and it is also the reason that Ain is least willing to admit, that is, the official construction workers think that they know Ain and know that he has a good temper, so they dare to reveal their feelings even if they know that they cannot change the outcome. dissatisfied.

The temporary workers knew Ain but did not understand him. They only knew that they needed to obey all arrangements of Ain these days. They were paid to do things, so naturally they did not dare to do anything more.

Ain shook his head and was not prepared to think too much. He was now thinking about perfectly completing the tasks assigned by the lord.

There are some bonuses available, and he will lead everyone to get them.

But knowing that something might go wrong, even if the probability is only 1%, as long as the probability can be reduced and there is time, then he must do it.


The rest time ended quickly, and Ain asked everyone to prepare for work.

I thought he had already reminded them. These people didn't cause any trouble just now. At most, they were just psychologically dissatisfied and did not take any action.

But when he saw that some people's work attitudes had become lazy, the disappointment that had been suppressed in his heart turned into anger.

"What are you doing? I asked you to build a support. What does it look like? Do you hope that this support can hold up the soil?" Ain didn't use any force. He just touched the support and the support became crooked.

Looking at it like this, everyone believed that as long as it was touched casually, the bracket would fall to the ground.

The two construction workers who were reprimanded were blushing. No matter how dissatisfied they were before, they did not dare to show it obviously in front of Ain, so they could only apologize quietly.

"Captain, I'm sorry."

"Captain, this is our problem. It won't happen next time."

Ain frowned when he heard their apology, but he knew that there were other people around him who were paying attention to the situation overtly or covertly. Considering that the time was urgent, he didn't want to waste time, so he didn't care too much.

He turned around and left, but before he took two steps, he heard a faint muttering behind him. Although he couldn't hear what it was, he could guess what it was about.

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