Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 803 803 Polar Night Storm 39

Chapter 803 803. Polar Night Storm 39
Ain turned his head sharply and saw the two people who had just been scolded whispering to each other.

They may have thought that Ain couldn't hear, so they started chatting without waiting for Ain to leave. Facts have proved that Ain did not hear what was said clearly, but he heard the muttering.

Now it's fine. They were caught slacking off and talking nonsense, and these two people didn't even have the face to apologize.

"I understand, you two didn't pay attention at all." Ain pretended to be confused, and then looked like he suddenly realized: "You two actually didn't want to do it well at all."

"No, you misunderstood..." Ain's words were rude, and it was naturally impossible for the two of them to admit it, so one of them subconsciously wanted to refute, but could not finish the sentence completely.

"No need to say any more. You know what you are talking about. I don't have time to discuss this with you, and I don't have time to listen to your explanations." Ain casually called someone over, "Go up there and call ten construction workers down, no matter what Anyone can do it.”

Although the person who was recruited didn't know what Ain was going to do, he still nodded and said, "Okay."

Watching this person leave, the two people's faces instantly turned pale.

In fact, they are not fools. They guessed what Ain wanted to do, and they also knew that their behavior just now was wrong. But maybe it was because Ain was so kind to them, so good that they had forgotten the rules and could have no scruples. to spread their dissatisfaction.

Ain didn't mind their dissatisfaction, he could understand it, but he couldn't accept them taking it out on work.

They were originally asked to install the stent for the sake of safety, but if everyone is like them and doesn't seriously install the stent because they are dissatisfied, then what's the point of Ain's arrangement?
This is a real waste of time!

"Captain, we have brought people down." Because the distance was close and there were many people resting above, the people who went up quickly brought down ten construction workers.

Nine of these ten construction workers are temporary construction workers, and only one is a regular construction worker.

"You two go take over their work. The remaining eight people can sit and rest first. Look for where you need help and go and lend a hand." As soon as these words came out, the two people who were talking about small talk suddenly felt like they were struck by lightning. .

Although they all guessed that Ain was calling people to take over their jobs, when it really happened, they definitely couldn't accept it.

The two of them wanted to speak to save everything, but Ain didn't give them any time to speak, and took them directly up and arranged them in the rest area above.

"Since you can't do it well and don't want to do it, then you don't have to do it. Let's have a good rest after going back today. I'll see you again next time I have a chance." Ain took the two people to a seat and sat down. This seat was next to others who were resting. combatants.

They all recognized Ain and knew that he was the person in charge of this construction mission. Seeing that he looked bad and the two construction workers also looked like they had done something wrong, they couldn't help but be curious.

But soon they looked away.

Although they are very curious, they don't have time to pay attention to this. If they want to know, they can go back and ask other people. There is no need to mess around now.

"Captain, we know we were wrong. We are willing to do anything. Don't drive us away!" Seeing Ain preparing to return below, one of them quickly stood up and held his hand.

Although Ain said that he wanted them to go back and rest and come back to them next time if something happened, anyone who was not a fool understood that going back to rest meant that they would not have to come back tomorrow.

The next time something happens, they will probably have nothing to do...

Although construction workers are hard and tired, they all know that this job pays a lot of money, and the people in Ain never criticize them harshly. Even when they encounter certain conflicts, he will help them resolve them fairly. Don't take sides. If the salary of territorial soldiers is obviously good and it is a job that everyone wants to join, then as construction workers who also work for the territory, their salary is also good, but they are all hidden benefits, so there are few Some people know, but they are certainly not among those who don’t know.

Because they know it, they don't want to lose the job.

Ain's attitude is very important at this time. As long as he doesn't let them leave, they will still have a chance...

"We'll talk about it when we get back." Ain didn't give an accurate answer, asking them to stay or go, but this attitude seemed to have sentenced them to 'death'.

When Ain returned below, he found that the atmosphere below was surprisingly good... rather than saying it was good, it was more accurate to say that no one dared to cause trouble.

Lessons from the past have been given to them. Although they don’t know what happened to the two of them, they definitely don’t want to end up in the same fate as those two people.

Everyone knows that only two people made mistakes, why did Ain ask ten people to be brought down?

On the surface, they are here to help them, but obviously, this is actually a warning to them that there is no shortage of construction workers. If they still have people messing around, then there are people who can take their places!

"Captain, can we sit here?" One of the eight free people came to his side and asked quietly.

"It's okay, you can just sit there. The money I should give you will not be less. You are sitting on it anyway." Ain's words were true. When he went up, he saw that everything that needed to be repaired had been repaired. , all the more than 100 construction workers were resting. Even if these eight people went up, they would have nothing to do.

"Okay." Since Ain had said so, the person who asked the question didn't say much.

Ain glanced at the eight people, and then sighed inwardly.

He was actually very kind to these people, but this time they really went too far.

Why was there only one official construction worker among those brought down?

Because the people working below were busier but also paid more, Ain naturally gave priority to formal construction workers.

Temporary construction workers are just make-up, so when there is a shortage, temporary workers will be used to fill the gap.

Although repairing the building is simple, it cannot be done by all amateurs. The only formal worker was up there helping to supervise the work, so he didn't come down.

Sighing secretly again, Ain threw away all the troubles in his heart, and then began to carefully check whether there was anything else going on down here.


At the same time, the original calm appearance above was completely broken.

Not long after Ain went down, Duoya hurried in from outside, and there were thirty people following her!
Vivian's expression changed when she saw this, and then she immediately shouted for everyone to get up and be on guard.

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