Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 804 804 Polar Night Storm 40

Chapter 804 804. Polar Night Storm 40
Although Duoya hasn't come yet and hasn't explained the situation yet, Vivian knows that if it wasn't an emergency, Duoya would definitely leave a few people to monitor the situation, just like yesterday.

But she didn't do that. Instead, she brought all the people back, which meant that something terrible had happened. She didn't dare to arrange for people to stay, for fear that they would be alone and in danger.

"Two large storms, one is five hundred meters away, and the other is in the direction of the territory!" The first thing Duoya did after coming back was to loudly inform everyone of the incident. The moment the words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

They also understood why Vivian was so excited just now.

Duoya's words may seem concise, but as long as you know that she will not say useless words, you can understand that the storm 500 meters away must be coming in their direction, otherwise Duoya would not be so anxious at all!
"Miss Vivian, what should we do? A big storm is coming... Should we retreat or..." Someone couldn't help but asked anxiously.

Five hundred meters is not far, and according to the slowest speed of a large storm, it will definitely reach here within five minutes, leaving them little time to think!
Vivian frowned and subconsciously wanted everyone to evacuate. After all, a large storm is a huge thing that can sweep away three alien beasts. Even alien beasts cannot resist natural disasters, let alone humans?

Natural disasters have no health bars, so no matter how powerful they are, they are useless!

But...but if they leave, what about the construction work here?
It has only been less than fifteen minutes since the construction started, and the latest progress below is almost zero. If they evacuate, they don’t know when they will be able to come back!
If the storm didn't leave or dissipate all afternoon today, wouldn't they be unable to work all afternoon?

Even...if the storm doesn't disappear tomorrow, is it still too late?

Vivian opened her mouth, unable to make a decision for a moment. Duoya was also sweating on her forehead in a hurry, and even Meike couldn't help but feel heavy in her heart.

At this moment, a head suddenly appeared on the ground not far away, and the owner of this head was none other than Ain.

Ain: "You arrange these people to be divided into two groups, one group comes down, and the other group returns to the territory. Remember to let them leave the supplies!"

Duoya's eyes lit up and she immediately made arrangements for those who stayed behind. Vivian also reacted and started to send people to collect supplies.

At this time, there were about 250 people on top, 100 were construction workers, and the remaining 150 were combatants.

Except for the fact that there were actually fifty combatants taken away by Lyle. I don't care about that for now. Anyway, even if they come back and see the storm, they will leave directly and will not come over to check the situation.

All one hundred construction workers left, and among the remaining one hundred and fifty combatants, Duo Ya chose 80 to stay, while the rest protected the construction workers and returned to the territory together.

"Meike, take these people back." Duoya made urgent arrangements.

Meck frowned: "I'll stay and you take them back."

Although Meck usually doesn't care about anything and has little affection for the territory and other people, only he and Su You know that he has long regarded Sunset Territory as his home and treats others as friends.

He didn't say anything, but his heart had already fallen.

In this case, as the strongest one, he naturally couldn't leave, leaving only the two girls to suffer. Duoya frowned, wanting to say something but she didn't have time, and her tone was too embarrassed to be too rude, but Vivian didn't have so many scruples.

"What's the point of staying here? Why don't you protect these people and go back and notify the Lord quickly." Because time was urgent, Meike was still hesitating here, and Vivian's tone was not good.

Meck didn't care about her tone of voice, but he still wanted to let Duoya leave. Vivian was a healing magician and was most useful in dangerous situations, so she must stay.

"Meike, you can have the greatest impact only if you go back. If you are trapped down there like us, then who will save us?" Duo Yake finally found a suitable excuse, and Meike thought about it and reluctantly accepted it. This reason.

"Okay, please pay attention to your safety." After saying that, Meck stopped pulling and turned around and left.

When they were discussing who should stay, the other remaining combatants had already entered the underground cells one by one under the command of Ain.

After Meck left, Doya and Vivian also went down, and then Ain temporarily blocked the way to the top.

After everyone gathered below, the atmosphere became dull for a while.

Not long after, the sound of howling wind suddenly came from the distance. This violent roar made everyone tremble.

However, although the sound of the wind was fierce, it seemed that it had no intention of continuing to get closer, which made them sigh in relief.

But they soon discovered a problem - the sound of the wind seemed to have no intention of leaving.

Not continuing to approach means that the storm will not come down, so they are safe below, but not leaving means that the storm is staying above, and all of them are trapped below!
They can't go up, because going up is a dead end!
"Everyone, calm down. Let me say a few things first." Although Duoya was a little panicked, she seemed to have expected such a result, so she quickly calmed down.

The others were initially panicked but calmed down a little after hearing Duoya's words.

Duoya didn't show off when he saw this, and said directly: "First of all, let me tell you that we don't need to worry about being trapped here, because the lord will definitely come to rescue us."

In order to prove the authenticity of his words, Duo Ya told the purpose of this underground cell.

"Even if it's not to save us, but just to imprison those fearful shadows, the lord will definitely open the way." Duo Ya himself must believe that the lord will not give up on them, but others may not believe it, so Du Ya wants to quickly To appease their emotions, other methods were naturally used.

As expected, when they heard Duoya's previous words, everyone's smiles were relatively forced, and some even didn't smile at all. But after hearing the last words, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Duoya continued: "The second thing is, you don't need to worry about supplies. Before we came down, we brought down all the supplies from those who left. These supplies are enough for us to live for at least a week."

A week is actually too long, because only 170 people left, but 280 people stayed. Even if everyone carried enough supplies to last for two or three days, they would never last until the seventh day. sky.

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