Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 805 805 Polar Night Storm 41

Chapter 805 805. Polar Night Storm 41
But it’s not actually a lie, because Duaya has a space bag, and so does Vivian. In addition to personal belongings, the two space bags are filled with important supplies such as food and herbs, so they really don’t need them in a short time. Worry about material issues.

Seeing the piles of food, runes, medicines and other supplies piled behind Duoya, everyone's inner panic was completely calmed.

With the words that someone would save him and that there were enough supplies, the restless atmosphere was completely calmed down.

Having finished her words of comfort, it was time for Duoya to say something else.

"Actually, we were going to leave, but everyone knows the reason why we didn't leave. So during this period of being trapped, we have to work hard. When the work is completed, when the time comes, everyone can get the money directly when we go out, and then we can work hard. Rest." Because I had already comforted everyone before, saying these words when they were calm did not arouse many people's resistance.

Even because of Duoya's words, they became more motivated to fight.

On the one hand, it is because there is no pressure to survive, and on the other hand, Duoya's too calm mood also affects other people, which makes them think that they are not forced to be trapped below, but that they are working in a normal environment. .

"Leave this matter to me." Ain waited for Duoya to finish speaking, and then began to direct everyone to continue working.

Although there was an accident, after all, many things were arranged in an orderly manner, and there were also things on hand to be busy with, so they all forgot about the things they were trapped in and concentrated on doing the things at hand.

It was peaceful here, but Meck's face was not very good when he led the people back to the territory.

He rarely took the initiative to find Su You and told him the whole story. Then Su You's expression changed.

"Are you sure they have enough supplies?" Su You is not worried that they will be harmed by the storm. After all, the storm will not go down. What she is most worried about is the supply problem. If the supplies are insufficient, they will not be destroyed in just a day or two. Starving to death, but afraid of freezing to death.

After all, although the wind cannot blow in and there are many people in a closed place, the temperature will be slightly higher, but this is limited, and it will definitely not reach the temperature at which humans can move normally.

"It should be enough. After all, both of them have space bags, and all the things we have on us have been given to them." They were all coming back anyway, and it was useless to hold those things, so everyone just kept them. I had one or two on my body, and all the rest were handed over.

At this critical moment, no fool would care about gains and losses.

"That's good." Su You breathed a sigh of relief, then immediately stood up and prepared to go out.

She was going to find the alchemists and ask them to quickly find a way to further develop a potion that could fight against advanced storms based on the anti-storm potion that Vivian was researching.

Although the anti-storm potion was researched by Vivian, refining medicine and alchemy are inseparable from the same origin, and Suyou has Vivian's research records, so even if he finds someone else, he is not afraid that someone else will not be able to read it. Understand the principles of production.

There were a total of six alchemists in the territory, two of them were just apprentices and knew little about alchemy, so it was basically impossible to help, so Su You didn't waste time looking for them.

Among the remaining four, one is a resident of the territory, with a high level, two are travelers, with a level of intermediate bottleneck and high level respectively, and the last one is a wanderer, she is the highest level and is a high level bottleneck. Suyou called all four of them over, and then threw Vivian's anti-storm potion research record on the table——

"If a potion that can resist high-level storms is researched before today, an additional five times the reward will be given in proportion to the contribution; if the result is obtained before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, the additional reward will be tripled; if the result is obtained before 12 noon tomorrow, the extra reward will be tripled Twice." Because time was urgent, Su You was not stingy with the reward, so she asked for an additional reward of three to five times.

Originally, Su You had just agreed that the reward would be one hundred gold coins. If doubled, it would be five hundred gold coins. Adding the original one hundred to the reward would be six hundred. Four people could share one hundred and fifty gold coins.

This is not a small amount of money. As long as they are not extravagant and live a mediocre life, this money is enough for them to stay at home and eat for thirty or forty years, and it is still a good meal.

Everyone's eyes lit up like light bulbs when they heard this condition. If Su You hadn't still been here, looking like he hadn't finished speaking yet, they would have grabbed the research records and started thinking about it.

"Seeing that you are very confident, I won't waste any time." Su You said briefly, and then added about the reward: "If you don't want money, you can also replace other materials in the mission hall with the same price. If you want something that is not available in the mission hall, you can put it forward and I will have someone go to the warehouse to look for it.”

"I'll leave this to everyone." After saying this, Su You got the four people's assurances, and then she left the room.

The moment she stood up to leave, four people reached for the research records on the table at the same time.

Thanks to Su You's special preparation of four copies of the research record, they might all get into a fight over this one research record.

However, since the number is sufficient, they will not argue over order, because they are not completely competitive, but more of a cooperative relationship. In order to complete the task faster and get more rewards, they not only do not I can quarrel, but I also need to work together calmly and win-win.

The potion matter has found someone to solve it, but Su You can't put all her eggs in one basket.

Although the anti-storm potion is something that can be produced by an intermediate alchemist. These three are advanced, one is intermediate, and one is even a high-level bottleneck. But don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Time is indeed very tight, and human life is at stake. She couldn't relax about things.

So Suyou went to Desheng, Anjie and others again and asked them if they had anything that could affect the storm.

One of these two people is an array mage and the other is a mechanic. They both belong to relatively special professions. Although they look special, as long as they have the strength and inspiration, what they create can be said to be almost universal.

Regarding Suyou's question, Anjie said that he could use existing materials to make a machine that could rotate at the same speed as the storm.

"Lord, I don't know much about storms, but I think that the energy or power of storms is actually limited. The bigger the storms, the more power they have, but because they are too large, they roll up more things. , and the burden is also greater.”

To describe it in simple words, a truck pulls goods. The bigger the truck, the more things it can carry.

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