Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 806 806 Polar Night Storm 42

Chapter 806 806. Polar Night Storm 42
But the more things there are, the greater the fuel consumption. The fuel consumption here is equivalent to the power of the storm. When the fuel is used up, the truck can only stop. When the power is used up, the storm will dissipate.

"This machine rotates at the same speed as the storm, so that the damage caused by the storm will be reduced, so that it can stay inside for a longer time... At that time, you can put more things in this machine, and then use the machine as a medium, Send these things into the storm.”

Anjie drew a schematic diagram, and then continued: "There are too many dynamics of a large storm. This is another newly generated large storm. Under normal circumstances, it will not disappear in three to five days, so if we want to make it If it disappears early, we can only find ways to increase the speed at which it consumes power.”

An Jie's method, which Su You probably understood, was nothing more than sending things into the storm to speed up the disappearance of the storm's power and speed up its dissipation.

As for why you don't just throw things into the storm by throwing or other methods, this is because the high-speed rotating storm will not only roll up things, but also crush things like a whirlpool.

If things are not sent in gently, then those things cannot get close to the storm at all, let alone enter the storm and rotate together.

It is definitely difficult to go against the wind, but it is much easier to go with the wind.

But as long as there is the machine An Jie talks about, it is equivalent to using force to push the boat along. As long as you act according to its force, the lethality will be greatly reduced.

"Okay, what materials do you need? How many people do you need? How much time does it take?" Su You thinks this method is feasible in theory, but it's hard to say how it will work in practice. But they don't have time to do experiments, so instead of doing nothing, they might as well try it. Give it a try.

An Jie did the calculations and then said: "Lord, you don't need to worry about materials. The warehouse of the machine shop is fully stocked. Just use the few you have before. But time may be a little tight. When will you probably need it?"

Su You actually hoped to leave tomorrow, but whether they could leave completely depended on the progress of the potion production, so Su You could only choose a compromise time.

"Before tomorrow, we can make as much as we can." Since Anjie said that the materials are available in the warehouse, it means that the materials required for this machine are not expensive, so it doesn't hurt to make any amount.

Anjie nodded. "According to preliminary calculations, it takes three to four hours to make a machine like this. Once you become proficient in it, the time can be shortened to about two and a half hours. I will make at least five machines and five sets of replacement parts."

It takes about twenty hours to install five machines and five sets of accessories. Although there is still one day tomorrow, it is not too early now. Anjie is working hard.

Su You: "Thank you for your hard work."

Anjie smiled: "Lord, don't say such things, this is what I should do."

After leaving Anjie, Su You went to find Desheng again.

Both Desheng and Anjie were involved in this mission, so without Su You having to say anything, Desheng knew what she was doing.

"Lord, I have memorized all the formations you gave me before. During this period, I have also developed many original formations, two of which should be suitable for this situation." After that, Desheng didn't show any concern and directly took out two formation diagrams.

"These two formations have just been researched and have not been named yet. The formation marked '1' can weaken the speed-related power within the range of the formation; the formation marked '2' can be selected after binding an object. "It can permanently increase the weight of an object." At first glance, it sounds like only the former one is related to the storm, and the latter one is of no use. However, Su You just told Desheng about An Jie's plan. So his second formation should be prepared for those objects in the machine that are going to be sent into the storm.

Thinking of this, Su You was also glad that she told Desheng about the situation on Anjie's side, otherwise Desheng would definitely only come up with the first formation. The second formation needs to be used in conjunction with other aspects. I don't know how. If you cooperate, Desheng will most likely forget.

"Is it difficult to set up these two formations? How long does it take? Can you complete it independently or do you need help from someone?" The formations are different from machines. The formations are set up on the spot, so Su You must now ask what the situation requires. Prepare things in advance so that you don’t miss them when you set off.

The difference with machinery is that it can be taken away for use after being assembled in the territory, so even if any materials are needed, they can be supplied in time.

Desheng smiled confidently: "The formation is not simple, but after all, it is my own formation. I am still confident that I can complete it."

"It's just that the previous formation was originally created to weaken ordinary creatures, so if we need to deal with storms now, it is not powerful enough. I still need some time to improve it, and I also need some high-level formation materials." Then, Desheng reported the materials he needed. After Su You confirmed that these materials were in the warehouse, Desheng immediately took the time to improve the formation.

Desheng was busy, so Su You left.

Although she was a little tired after spending more than an hour traveling to so many places, she also received a lot of good news, so her inner fatigue seemed insignificant.

I originally thought of using potions as the main method, with Zenyue assisting, and then using the human sea tactic to force the storm to stop, but the answers given by Anjie and Desheng became much easier.

Although the damage caused by large storms to people is very limited when there are medicines and there are many people, at least it is definitely not fatal and will not cause serious injuries, but minor injuries are inevitable.

Now with the help of formations and machines, Su You was even thinking about whether he still needed to use the human sea tactic.

"We can plan two plans..." Su You whispered to herself.

The human wave tactic is still too dangerous, so it must be a backup option if conditions permit.

As for the first choice, it is naturally to use machinery to transport a large number of useless but heavy things, let them enter the storm with the assistance of formation one, and then increase their weight through formation two, thereby speeding up the consumption of the storm.

This method will not consume a single soldier. Although the time consumed is unknown, it is better than safety.

Returning to the City Lord's Mansion, Su You first issued a task to recruit people, and then began to plan the detailed process of these two methods.

After the plan was completed, she looked at the registration list, which was as full as the previous days, and called Chi Jin over again to help.

It is said that what you learn once makes you familiar, especially Chi Jin is smart. She didn't need Su You's teaching this time. She read the mission conditions, listened to Su You explain the key points of the mission, and then started to select people skillfully.

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