Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 807 807 Polar Night Storm 43

Chapter 807 807. Polar Night Storm 43
Su You calculated the people who needed to be transported. Five machines would require about twenty people to transport, and then there were also people who needed on-site security, people who needed to protect Desheng when setting up formations, and people who investigated the surrounding situation... Altogether, Su You plans to bring 300 combatants this time.

Among these three hundred people, one hundred and twenty were brought back by Meck and Lyle, who were the people who were selected last time. In other words, they only need to select another one hundred and eighty people this time. .

After leaving the job of selecting people to Chi Jin, Su You went to the black jail without stopping.

When Su You arrived at the black cell, she saw several guards in the black cell with sad faces.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that they didn't notice her, she took the initiative to ask.

The guards were startled, and then quickly explained: "Lord..."

"No need to be polite, tell me what happened." Su You stopped their greetings and asked in a deep voice.

One of the guards took a step forward and said: "Lord, this is how it is. Lord Lake just sent over thirty more black shadows... This dark prison can no longer hold it!"

Originally, the dark cell had two floors, one above ground and one underground.

Those on the ground are all imprisoned for people who usually fight and make troubles and are unwilling to repent. To put it simply, they have made mistakes, but the mistakes are not too egregious.

Underground are the moles who were captured at the time, as well as the assassins who were captured a long time ago, that is, some special personnel.

But now because the number of fearful shadows is increasing, these people have to make concessions to the shadows. So the people on the ground are assigned to work in the pastures, and they also have food and accommodation in the pastures. In order to prevent them from causing trouble, the pastures are also Additional manpower has been assigned for management.

As for the shameless people underground, they were imprisoned in the sixth floor of the monster spawning tower. At the same time, the fifth floor was also opened to the outside world. Unlike the first four floors, the fifth floor was used for training teams with tacit understanding. of.

As for the seventh floor, where the monster spawner is located, it is still heavily guarded.

The monster spawning tower is the most dangerous place in the entire territory, so keeping those people there is the safest.

But even if both floors of the dark cell are vacated and the inside is opened as much as possible, it can still only accommodate up to a thousand fearful shadows.

But from the first day of the polar night to today, which is the fourth day of the polar night, in just four days, the number of fearful black shadows has reached one thousand two hundred, and today is not completely over. This number is still will continue to increase.

For this reason, the guards in the black cell are very troubled.

However, although these shadows are not strong, they can't hit them for fear of accidentally killing them and causing trouble, and they can't scold them because they don't understand what you are saying, and scolding them is a waste of time.

The most important thing is that these fearful shadows are very noisy. This can be seen from the fact that they use various sounds to lure humans out of the house. Therefore, when it is time to rest in the territory, in the dead of night, the entire dark prison seems to be lively. At the disco, everyone was annoyed.

After hearing their cries, Su You patted their shoulders sympathetically, but there was nothing she could do. After all, the cells outside were not ready yet, and there was a storm. Now everyone is trapped outside. The black shadow cannot be solved until at least tomorrow.

"If you persist for one day, they will be sent out in batches the day after tomorrow at the latest. After this matter is resolved, I will give you more bonuses." Su You can be said to be both strict and generous in managing the territory, and he distributes money at every turn. It seems cliché, but it works, very easy to use.

She doesn't like to talk about those poisonous chicken soup theories. She only knows that money is the most important thing. If you can give out money, try not to talk about it. A handful of coins can be more effective than a hundred words. However, perhaps these guards were really distracted by those dark shadows, so when they heard about the money this time, they rarely showed any excitement, but at least they breathed a sigh of relief.

This tone was not for Qian Song, but because they knew that their dark shadow would be sent away the day after tomorrow.

"Don't worry, Lord, we will try our best to keep an eye on them." Because there are too many black shadows, the guards can't pat their chests and promise Su You, 'Lord, we will definitely be able to do it' as before.

Su You also knew how difficult this matter was, so she wasn't too harsh.

The capacity of one thousand can accommodate one thousand and two creatures, which means that the normal space in the dark cell has been occupied. As for the two hundred extra black figures, each one was tied up and thrown into the corridor... ...There is no other way, because there is really not enough space, so we can only put them outside the cell.

For this reason, the number of guards has been increasing again and again. After all, the number of black shadows here is equivalent to half of the total number of people in the territory.

It would be absolutely terrible if he ran away.

After chatting with the guards about the situation of the black shadow, Su You gave them another task. Likewise, this was also the purpose of Su You's trip.

"I'll give you a list later. You send someone to pick out three hundred shadows in the dark cell. The shadows of the people on the list are not wanted." The guards here all know the origin of the shadows very well, so Su They could understand Yuyou's words, but they didn't know why they did this.

"The list I gave you is the list of people who will go out on missions in the next two days. These selected shadows will be escorted outside by them." Since they are being taken outside, it naturally cannot be their shadows. Otherwise, it's hard to tell whether this means escorting them to jail or sending them to have a good meal.

Of course, in addition to the three hundred people, the one hundred and eighty people trapped outside must also be excluded.

"Yes, we understand, but we just don't know where these picked out shadows need to be placed?" The guard understood what Su You meant, but soon had a new question.

Three hundred shadows are not a small number. There is no place to place the shadows in the territory, otherwise there would be no need to worry so much.

But since Su You said that, there must be an arrangement.

"It will be temporarily placed in the monster spawning tower. The monster spawning tower will be closed for one day tomorrow." The monster spawning tower has seven floors and has been expanded, so the space is not small, and the safety is guaranteed. This is indeed a good temporary detention point. .

The guard nodded in agreement, and then immediately ordered the task.

Although the list hasn't come out yet, they can clean up the shadows in advance, knock out those who need to be stunned, and tie up those who need to be tied up, so as to avoid making trouble later.


Later, Su You sent a list of nearly 500 names to the black cell.

Because it was an urgent mission, it was difficult for the guards to move through the night and go to work without even sleeping.

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