Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 808 808 Polar Night Storm 44

Chapter 808 808. Polar Night Storm 44
It took them three or four hours to clear out the three hundred shadows that were not on the list, and then packed them all up and sent them to the monster spawning tower.

In addition to these guards, the only people who stayed up all night were the four alchemists.

Perhaps the temptation of five times the bonus was too great, so let alone sleep, there was no time to even eat.

If Su You hadn't sent someone to deliver meals and potions to restore their physical strength and mental energy, they would probably have survived themselves to death if Su You hadn't been afraid that they would be starving and had no one to research potions.

The hard work paid off, and with the combined efforts of the four people, they quickly developed a potion that could combat high-level storms.

But to the regret of the four people, although they worked hard, they were still a little late. They completed the task the next day. Although it was not yet two o'clock in the morning, it exceeded the five times the reward time set by Su You. , so this time they can only get three times the extra reward.

But they are not greedy. Three hundred gold coins plus a basic remuneration of one hundred gold coins, four hundred gold coins for four people. Even if they are divided according to their contribution, the least among the four people can still have seventy or eighty gold coins. This is not considered a It’s a small amount.

After calculating the money they could get, the four of them were very happy. Although they were all eager to get the money, they also knew that the time was not right now, and they had been busy for more than ten hours without any rest. Didn't even return home.

Anyway, the laboratory where they are located has beds and sofas that can be used for resting, and there is also a heating cauldron burning here, so it is not cold at all and there is no fear of freezing to death.

The two male alchemists were casually working on the two sofas, while the two female alchemists were lying on the only bed to rest.

Although they were very tired, perhaps the power of money was still too strong, so they only slept for three or four hours before waking up one after another, and then happened to meet Su You who came to check on the situation.

"Lord, we have developed the advanced anti-storm potion you want!" One of the alchemists came to Su You excitedly.

He was the only one among the four who belonged to the territory, so he became closer to Suyou. The other three also tacitly agreed not to speak and let him speak.

"Show me." Su You followed the four of them into the house. Among the mess on the table, the four of them embarrassedly dug out seven bottles of finished potions.

[Advanced Anti-Storm Potion]

Category: props

Quality: purple
Introduction: A potion that can make the body resist the impact of storms after use. It lasts for thirty seconds. Multiple uses can be superimposed. A maximum of ten bottles can be used within ten hours.


Looking at the duration of the potion, Su You felt a little regretful, but she also knew that everyone had tried their best.

You must know that low-level anti-storm potions can only resist for one minute, but high-level ones can resist for thirty seconds, which is already very powerful.

The most important thing is that the time can be superimposed. When there are enough potions, ten bottles are five minutes, which is enough for them to do a lot of things.

"You all have done a good job. I will send the corresponding rewards later, and I will explain clearly how to distribute them." Su You first praised, and then clearly explained what these people are most concerned about. . After hearing about the money, their eyes lit up and they were instantly full of motivation and energy. They looked like people who had only rested for three or four hours after working for more than ten hours.

"I know it's hard for everyone, but I have one more thing that I need to trouble you with." Su You didn't show off, and without waiting for them to ask, she said directly: "Although you have developed the potion, I need it tomorrow. Of course, if you use this kind of potion, I won’t let your work go in vain..."

"As of five o'clock tomorrow morning, for every bottle of anti-storm potion you produce, I will purchase it at the price of three silver coins. All materials will be borne by the territory."

"I need at least five hundred bottles of advanced anti-storm potions. Based on this, the more you make, I will give you additional rewards for the excess. This part of the reward will be distributed by you in proportion."

"In addition to the overall reward, for each of you, the one who makes the most potions will be awarded an additional five gold coins. The rest will be limited to 130 bottles. I will increase the purchase price for the excess. The greater the quantity, the higher the price. ”

It is said that if you want a horse to run, you have to let it eat grass. It can be said that Su You has carried out this sentence to the end, even going too far.

For emergencies, let alone letting the horse be full, she wanted to continue stuffing grass into the horse's mouth when it couldn't eat.

Of course, the premise must be that the horse can show corresponding value.

Tired after working for more than ten hours?

It doesn't matter, Su You will offer a price that makes them willing to continue working for more than ten hours!

Although Su You directly asked for 100 gold coins yesterday, and the upper limit of the reward was 500 gold coins. In comparison, it feels like the five gold coins awarded to the first place today are very small, but in fact this is not the case.

As long as you calculate the account, you will understand that yesterday's reward was divided among four people, and today's five gold coins were taken by one person.

Moreover, research and innovation are inherently different from simply making potions whose formulas are already known, so the reward of five gold coins is really quite a lot.

The purchase price of a bottle of potion is only three silver coins, and five gold coins are enough to purchase 160 bottles of potion!
And this reward is just one of them. As long as they work hard enough, the piece rate wage system will not let them down.

Just as Su You wanted to see, the four people who were still a little sluggish suddenly became full of energy and vitality, looking like they could work for another hundred years.

"By the way, considering that time is urgent and there is a large demand for potions, there are still two alchemist apprentices in the territory. If you are capable, you can choose to take them to make potions together."

"Thirty percent of the number of potions they produce will be included in your total number of potions. Although the money for the purchased potions cannot be divided among you, the additional reward money will be calculated into these quantities, and at the same time, the ranking will also be included."

If Su You hadn't said that the number of potions produced by the apprentices he brought out would be included in their results in proportion, then if she brought this up, none of the four would be willing to bring apprentices. After all, it takes time to bring apprentices, which is a waste. How many potions can be made in the time required?
They will definitely not do this kind of loss-making business.

But Suyou really needs them to teach these two apprentices, even if they are just starting out, because in this way their overall output will increase, but part of the increase is due to the labor the apprentices put in, so the reward will naturally be paid to the apprentices.

Similarly, alchemists who are willing to teach also put in their time, so they should also be rewarded, which is what Su You is doing now.

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