Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 809 809 Polar Night Storm 45

Chapter 809 809. Polar Night Storm 45
Because there are additional rewards, taking apprentices is not only not a bad thing, but a good thing, and it allows them to make more money.

Thinking of this, everyone's minds became active.

"Do you want to take on an apprentice voluntarily? There are two apprentices in total. Each one can take care of one. Only two people are needed." Su You looked at the four people.

Among these four people, one is intermediate, two are senior, and one is a senior bottleneck. They can actually be masters, but after all, with three seniors here, the mid-level alchemist is not enough.

Not to mention whether he was competitive enough for the other three people, he himself was embarrassed to compete with the other three people, so she thought about it and quit voluntarily.

"I've never taught anyone, so I'd better not let others down. I'm going to get busy first." She knew that she was obviously no better than the other three people, so she didn't waste time. If she had this time to waste here, she might as well go back quickly. Make a few potions.

A bottle costs three silver coins. According to her speed, she can configure one bottle in about five minutes. As her proficiency increases, the efficiency will increase.

The time just wasted is enough to make at least three or four bottles!

She felt a little distressed when she thought of this, but she didn't show it on her face, but her steps were obviously much faster.

One person voluntarily quit, whether it was because of his lack of strength or not, but the other three people all breathed a sigh of relief, but then when they thought that there was one more person here, the atmosphere suddenly became tense again.

Su You saw that this waste of time was not an option, so she brought the two apprentices in directly.

"Although I ask you to help guide people temporarily, it is still considered a master and apprentice for a day. This kind of thing depends on fate, why not let them choose by themselves." If one of the three people had to be excluded, none of them were willing to give in, and Su You was not willing to give in. It was so easy to drive someone away for no reason, so I could only let the two apprentices make their own choices.

After hearing Su You's words, the three senior alchemists felt a little complicated in their hearts, but they were not dissatisfied.

Although there are no students who can choose teachers these days, and their abilities are not low, but in the face of money, this is nothing.

Besides, they also knew that Su You had trouble making a choice. In this case, they still let the two apprentices make their own choices.

But where have these two apprentices seen this battle before?

They were all a little flattered, but not proud of it, because they all knew that they were only here to help temporarily for one day, so they glanced at Su You nervously.

Su You motioned for them to look at the three people opposite and not at themselves: "It doesn't matter. You can choose with confidence. It's just a matter of mutual benefit. How much you can learn depends on your own ability."

"A person can only lead one apprentice, so if you two decide what you want, just talk about it and don't conflict."

After hearing Su You's words, the two apprentices felt relieved.

In addition to not knowing who to choose, they are hesitant. The most important thing is that they are afraid of offending others.

I also knew that these three alchemists would be willing to teach them, which would definitely be profitable, but there were only two of them, which meant that there must be an alchemist who had no apprentices, so I was afraid that the alchemist would be a coward.

But since Su You said the words "mutual benefit", it was equivalent to stating the interest relationship clearly.

If you only talk about interests and don't talk about feelings, then as long as the alchemist who is abandoned is not stupid, it will not matter, otherwise he will look stingy and his reputation will be ruined.

"Can I follow you?" It was the female alchemist apprentice who spoke first. She boldly walked up to the only female alchemist among the three.

Both apprentices knew they were going to choose a temporary teacher before they came in, so she was observing when she came in. As a woman, she naturally preferred to choose a girl, so she had already thought about who to follow as soon as she walked in, but she was embarrassed to say it.

"Yes, I will try my best to teach you." This female alchemist happens to be the only one among the three who has reached a bottleneck in strength, so the other two alchemists didn't care when they saw that they couldn't compete.

"Lord Su, let's go first." The female alchemist nodded to Su You, and then left with the young apprentice.

The remaining male apprentice looked between the two, and then walked up to an alchemist who looked more arrogant and said the same thing as the previous apprentice, and the latter naturally agreed.

The apprentice breathed a sigh of relief, and then apologized to the other alchemist.

In fact, the remaining two alchemists happened to have a gentle appearance, and one was not easy to talk to. Normal people would choose the one who was easy to talk to, and he wanted to do the same.

But this time he is not so much choosing a person as giving up a person.

Thinking from this perspective, he must choose to give up the gentler one, so that he won't care if the other person has a good temper.

Although there was nothing wrong with what Lord Su just said, he still couldn't help but want to think more.

"Forget it, forget it." The gentle-looking alchemist sighed, then said something to Su You and left.

The same goes for another alchemist and his apprentice.

Now that things have happened, the pharmaceutical issue has been resolved.

After that, Su You went to check on An Jie and Desheng. Both of them were well prepared. An Jie was already assembling the third machine. At this rate, even if he didn't work overtime today, tomorrow At least six machines can be produced, but there is one more than originally planned.

As for Desheng, he didn't have anything to prepare. After all, he only started to arrange things when he arrived at the destination.

His formation has been improved, and the materials needed to set up the formation have been prepared. Now he is waiting to set out to set up the formation tomorrow.

During this period, Su You received news from the investigators sent out.

According to him, the large storm seemed to have set up camp in the underground cage, and it stayed there for more than a day.

The whistling sound made him afraid to get close, but looking from a distance, he could see whirlpools taller than trees spinning rapidly, which made people's scalp numb.

Su You was not surprised by this.

She had already guessed that the storm would not leave, because many things that seemed irregular were actually regular.

For example, the refresh position of creatures, the location of events, the movement trajectory of storms, etc...

The world was born with her, and naturally revolves around her. She sent those people to work. It didn't matter if they worked for a short time, but working for a long time would definitely attract the attention of 'Storm'.

The natural disaster would not let them do what they wanted so easily, so the storm came.

Although this situation had never occurred before, it was because it was not the polar night at that time, many people were out, and the entire forest was full of people. There were many targets and it was difficult to target them, so naturally nothing happened.

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