Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 810 810 Polar Night Storm 46

Chapter 810 810. Polar Night Storm 46
But now that everyone in the forest is concentrated in one location, with only one target, they are naturally targeted.

Su You even had some doubts. She heard that two large storms were spawned, one heading towards the territory and the other heading towards the dungeon.

The one that came towards the territory has long since disappeared, and probably dispersed on the way. Even if it didn't disperse, the territory will have whatever it wants, and a storm is not something to be afraid of.

But the storm heading towards the dungeon is in trouble. Now it seems that the two storms have to be separated.

Otherwise, if there were two large storms guarding the place, Su You would consider asking Anjie to build something similar to an earth drill, and then go underground to rescue people...

Fortunately, those people are not so unlucky.



Soon, the day passed like this. Su You woke up early in order to find An Jie and the four alchemists first, then pack up all the machinery and medicines that needed to be packed, and then summon the relevant personnel. Count personnel and distribute tasks and supplies.

Anjie's equipment eventually produced a total of seven "Baofeng Tongzhuan", but due to time issues, the seventh "Baofeng Tongzhuan" did not have replacement parts.

In other words, if it breaks, it cannot be used, but this is already an overfulfilled task. If there are no accessories, it will not be used at all, which is okay.

As for another important high-level anti-storm potion, when Su You went to the alchemy room in the morning, the four alchemists and two alchemy apprentices were still busy.

Su You knew they would fight tooth and nail, but she didn't expect them to fight so hard.

"Okay, let's all go and have a rest. This potion is not only purchased this time. I will continue to purchase this potion until the natural disaster is over, but the price will be lower."

When Su You said the first half of the sentence, the alchemists seemed to be indifferent, but as soon as the second half of the sentence came out, one of the alchemists took the lead and sat down on the chair.

After everyone finished making the bottle of potion on hand, Su You quickly sent someone to send them to rest.

It is no exaggeration to say that these people looked hemiplegic, and Su You really doubted their ability to take care of themselves.

But she doesn't care about that now, she only cares about how many bottles of potions they made in total.

Su You placed the potions made by each person separately, and then spent a few seconds counting them... It was said to be counting, but in fact, it was checked directly using the system.


Total: 1048 bottles.

Seeing this number, Su You couldn't help but be speechless. You must know that she only thought of having five hundred bottles at first, but she didn't expect that the number would actually double!
But when I think about it being driven by the 'power of money', it's not surprising.

The original plan was to have five hundred bottles. Five minutes for one bottle equals more than forty hours. On average, four alchemists would spend exactly ten hours each. This is why Su You set this number.

Ten hours is already a lot, but these people just burst into their own little universe for money, and everyone worked at least fifteen hours! However, their efforts were worthwhile. The four alchemists worked hard for a day, and the least one earned more than five gold coins. This was just the basic part.

Su You also said before that their standard is one hundred and thirty bottles, and there will be additional rewards for the excess. If this is considered an extra portion, then you can get one or two more gold coins!

After a day's work, I earned seven or eight gold coins, which was considered a big deal.

Even though the alchemist is rare, you may think that this profession is quite profitable. In fact, this is not the case at all.

Alchemists are rare, and their materials cost a lot of money.

A bottle of alchemy potion can be as cheap as a few silver coins, or as expensive as a dozen silver coins, or dozens of silver coins, or even priced in gold coins, but usually the material cost accounts for more than half, plus the time cost and other costs. Cost, they really can't make much money.

And they are different from doctors. A capable doctor can really make a lot of money, because people always get sick and injured, but the medicines made by alchemists are so weird that those who want to buy them can't afford them, and those who can afford them can't. Look down on it.

Therefore, unless ordinary alchemists can develop a particularly useful potion and firmly hold the recipe in their own hands, their income will only be slightly better than that of ordinary people.

"You guys sent the money note to their house. You can't give it to anyone else. You can only collect it yourself." Although the name was written on the money note, others could not receive the money in the past, but in order to avoid trouble, Su You still gave more instructions. One sentence.

"Don't worry, Lord, we will definitely deliver the money notes to myself." After saying that, several people took six copies of the money notes and went to different places.

Suyou put all the potions into the package and went to the square.

After arriving at the square, all the 300 people here had arrived. After counting the number of people, Lyle and others began to distribute necessary supplies, and also distributed transportation equipment and other tasks. When he saw Su You coming, he explained The situation here, and then I got a bunch of potions.

"This is an advanced anti-storm potion. Its function give priority to those with good physical fitness and flexible minds." Although there is a potion, the storm is not easy to provoke. Not everyone can fight the storm head-on after drinking the potion. So you should also pay attention when selecting people.

After all the materials were distributed and all the tasks were assigned, three hundred people plus three hundred shadows left the territory in a mighty manner.

Such a spectacular scene, but because Su You convened very early and most of the people in the territory were lying in bed, there would be no congestion if so many people and things appeared on the street at the same time.

After everyone left the territory, the door to the territory was closed again, cutting off the darkness outside.



"We're here, it's over there in front." Lyle pointed not far away. Although they were still some distance away from their destination, they could already hear the whistling sound coming from there.

"Then stop, everyone follows the previous arrangements. The person who got the potion is waiting here." Su You said.

Others followed her instructions. Desheng and a dozen people who protected him went to set up the formation first. About thirty people controlled the storm and turned around in a line, and then began to fill the machine. heavy objects.

According to Su You's arrangement, it is definitely best to be able to fight the storm without using the body, so the first action is to use the formation and the machine made by Anjie to try to directly disperse the storm.

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