Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 811 811 Polar Night Storm 47

Chapter 811 811. Polar Night Storm 47
"The formation is set up." Desheng was panting from exhaustion. He didn't even take a break and came directly to Su You and said: "The time is limited, the range of the formation is not large, and the range of the heavy object formation is only that of the storm. In an area, the slowdown array is the same."

"Okay, you've worked hard. Let's rest first. I'll come back to you later if I need anything." Su You waved her hand and asked him to rest. Then she asked the people who controlled the storm to move the machine step by step towards the storm. near.

As they approached the storm, the formation also began to operate. The speed of the storm slowed down slightly, but because the original speed was really too fast, and the hastily arranged formation was not particularly effective, so The speed of the storm slowed very little.

But it's better than nothing.

"Drive in." Su You signaled the people who controlled the machinery to start taking action. After receiving the order, they immediately operated the remote control-like things in their hands.

Although the damage range of a large storm is only a few meters, the wind driven by the storm can affect a full range of 100 meters, so they stopped a hundred meters away. The speed of this machine was not very fast, and it took three minutes. , which means it has advanced half the distance.

On the one hand, the slow speed is because they contain a lot of heavy objects, and on the other hand, in order to highlight a certain aspect of performance, Anjie has lowered some of the performance that is not needed, including speed.

Fifty meters...forty meters...thirty meters...

When they were only ten meters away from the storm, everyone could clearly see that the seven machines were shaking slightly or heavily. Everyone subconsciously looked at the people controlling the machines and asked what happened.

Compared to their concern, these people were much calmer.

They were worried because they didn’t know what was happening, but they knew that the reason why these storms stopped at the same time was because the wind driven by the storm was too strong and the resistance to forward movement was too great. In addition, the performance of the mechanical movement speed was reduced. That’s why it’s difficult to move forward.

It is also very simple to solve this problem, that is, turn resistance into motivation.

"What is that?!" Someone saw something like a pole slowly extending directly above these machines.

Then, the top of the pole was divided into four and unfolded to form a 'cross' shape. It looked somewhat like a small propeller, and then the small propeller also began to rotate rapidly.

Of course, these people must not know what a propeller is, but this does not affect them from thinking that this thing looks very powerful.

And this thing doesn't just look awesome. The machines that were still unable to move before were as if they had been equipped with an accelerator after this thing was stretched out, and they rushed into the storm at a very fast speed.

Everyone: "!!!"

A few manipulators: "!!!"

The onlookers thought this looked extremely powerful, but little did they know that even the few people controlling the machine did not expect such a wild result.

When they were learning to control the machine, they had only heard that as long as they opened the upper fan blades, they could borrow the wind from the storm and enter the storm smoothly.

But they had only heard about it and had never seen anything specific. After all, there were no storms in the territory for them to experiment with. But after the scene just now, they had a clear understanding of this function.

"It's amazing..." One person couldn't help but want to praise him, but he was only halfway through the sentence, and his smiling face suddenly became very stiff.

And he wasn't the only one, everyone present couldn't help but shuddered when they saw what was happening in front of them——

I saw that the machine that had just been intact and was heading towards the storm was suddenly swept up by the storm. If it was just like this, it was a normal situation and it would certainly not scare everyone so much.

What really frightened them was that after the machine was caught in the storm, it was immediately sent up to the sky. Everyone just watched the seven machines floating in the sky, and the most chilling thing was, Amidst the howling of the storm, there was a faint sound like the breaking of some hard object.

At first, everyone felt that the noise was somewhat familiar, until there was a "bang", an unknown object fell from the storm, and then was quickly thrown out by the storm, and the direction of the throw happened to be where their group was coming. The direction is exactly where they are currently.

But fortunately, this storm didn't have any thoughts and wouldn't deliberately throw things in their faces, so they just watched this thing coming towards them, and then stopped twenty or thirty meters away from them.

Turning on the lights and looking towards that thing, everyone felt stiff.

"Isn't this the wheel of one of the machines just now?" As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent.

Before anyone could react, there was another familiar sound of something cracking, and then with a bang, another part belonging to the machine fell to the ground.

Everyone: "..."

One of the people in charge of controlling the machine suddenly became very expressionless. Then he turned to look at Su You and said, "Lord, this should be the machine that I control. I don't know why it is like this. I am obviously the one who controls the machine." Follow what the mechanic said..."

Whether it was the wheel just now or the second part that fell off, they all fell from the same machine.

This is good news for others, because it means that only one machine is broken, but it is obviously bad news for the person operating this machine.

After all, there were seven machines in total. He controlled one himself and six of his colleagues. As a result, there were no problems with the machines controlled by the other six people. Why did his machine fall into pieces?

To put it bluntly, some people must doubt his ability. What's more, they may think that he sabotaged this mission on purpose.

But he knew that he didn't do it on purpose, and he didn't mean to sabotage the mission. All his operations were the same as the other six!
"Don't be nervous, I know it's not your problem." Su You calmed down the operator, and then motioned for everyone to pick up the wheel and the second part that fell to the ground and take a look.

At this glance, Su You discovered that the parts at the connection between the two parts were still intact.

Under normal circumstances, components falling off must be because the connected parts are loose, otherwise even if a component is broken, it will not fall off.

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