Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 813 813 Polar Night Storm 49

Chapter 813 813. Polar Night Storm 49
after an hour--

"Try one last time. If there is no problem, let everyone..." Before Su You could finish her words, she was interrupted by a sudden system prompt.

She paused, looked hesitant, asked everyone to wait, and then started to check the system information:
[It has been detected that players have attempted to interfere with the storm multiple times, and the storm information has been unlocked! 】

[Do you want to check the storm information? 】


Su You was startled for a moment, and then realized that the target targeted by the system was the storm a hundred meters away.

Although she didn't know what it was, Su You could guess that it was information that could help her, so she chose to check it out without hesitation.

【Large Ordinary Storm】

Storm power: 3685/10000 (currently decreasing at a rate of 0.016/second, when the power reaches 0, the storm disappears)
Wind intensity: 2000/second

Storm holdup: 14723

Storm power, wind intensity, and storm residue, these three brand-new terms surprised Su You.

But she soon realized what these three words meant.

Storm power should be equivalent to blood volume, wind strength should be attack power/storm damage, and storm residue should be the number of items involved in the storm.

Judging from the available information, this storm reduces power by 0.016 points per second. It will take a total of 3685 seconds for all power points to be consumed. Translated, it means more than sixty hours, two and a half days!

After understanding all the information, Su You did not rush to close the information interface of this storm. Instead, while looking at the information panel, he watched the movements of the six machines not far away. As the six machines were involved, Storm, Storm's information panel changed immediately.

【Large Ordinary Storm】

Storm power: 3685/10000 (currently decreasing at a rate of 0.017/second, when the power reaches 0, the storm disappears)
Wind intensity: 2000/second

Storm holdup: 14741

The information this time is obviously different from the last time. First, the falling speed of the storm power has increased by 0.01, and secondly, the number of storm residues has increased by eighteen. These eighteen should be six machines plus the garbage contained in the machines. quantity.

Originally, the number of storm debris will continue to increase as the storm moves, because during the movement, the storm will continue to involve items.

But because the storm has been staying at this location without moving, it has rolled up all the items that can be swept into this location, so the number of retained objects has remained unchanged, or may even have declined - although nothing will Get sucked in, but something always gets thrown out when you reach the top of the storm.

What happened to the machine just now is the best proof.

Su You watched for a few more minutes and found that the power consumption rate had remained unchanged at '0.017'. Then she continued to ask the six people to recall the machine, and then repeatedly delivered items to increase the number of storm remnants.

After delivering nine more times in a row, Su You found that the power consumption speed increased from the initial '0.016' to '0.024', and it took a total of nearly two hours to deliver the items ten times.

"No, this is too slow!" Not to mention that each transportation can only increase the power consumption speed by less than 0.01, but she hopes that the storm will disappear before noon tomorrow. There are now about twenty-five hours until 0.04 noon tomorrow. If you want the storm to disappear within twenty-five hours, the power consumption rate must be increased to . The time required here alone will take ten hours. , but they could only stay in the forest for another six or seven hours at most.

Even if they could stay outside for ten hours and increase the power consumption rate to 0.04, they wouldn't be able to disperse the storm within twenty-five hours.

Because the power consumption rate continued to rise during this period, and did not rise all at once, the time required for the storm power to be consumed was not twenty-five hours, but close to thirty-four hours.

In a word, it is impossible to disperse the storm before tomorrow noon relying solely on the power of machines and formations. At this rate, it is hard to say whether people can be rescued before tomorrow night.

"Let everyone put on their gear, bring medicines, and prepare to enter the storm. In addition, the tunnel excavation on the other side cannot be stopped." Su You prepared a two-pronged approach.

While trying to use potions and manpower to fight the storm, let some people dig tunnels here, so that even if their manpower fails to fight the storm, they can rescue people from the tunnel, and with the tunnel, these black shadows can also pass through. Send it through the tunnel.

After hearing Su You's order, those who were originally strong and assigned to fight the storm decisively put on the wind-resistant equipment specially made by Su You.

This equipment not only has high defense, but also has wind resistance enchantment on it, which can also reduce wind damage to a certain extent and also reduce the impact of wind on them.

While they were preparing, Su You also took out the advanced anti-wind potion and took another look at it. After a few seconds, she drank the potion.

"Lord?!" Lyle was shocked when he saw this scene.

He knew what Su You had just drank, so he subconsciously thought that Su You might also want to enter the storm himself, which was why he was so frightened.

He also knew that he would not be able to let the lord enter the storm, it would be too dangerous!
Su You waved her hand: "Don't be nervous, I'll just try the effect." She didn't lie, she really just wanted to try the effect.

With her small body, she would probably be crushed before even getting close to the storm.

After explaining to Lyle, Su You clicked on his status bar and looked at it, and then his eyes lit up.

[Walking against the wind: can greatly improve wind resistance and reduce wind damage (wind resistance +200, wind resistance +1000, wind resistance +90%)]

Wind Control: Use the power of wind for your own use, increase your own movement speed and action speed, and provide a certain amount of wind damage reduction.

Wind resistance: Reduce wind damage.

Resist the wind: Reduce wind damage.

Wind damage reduction = wind attribute/(wind attribute +100)*100%
Wind damage (minimum is 0, not negative) = (total damage - wind resistance) * (1 - wind resistance)


Su You did some calculations and concluded that the damage reduction provided by wind resistance and wind resistance can reduce the storm damage from 2,000 per second to 100 per second.

The damage reduction provided by Yufeng is based on the former. In other words, the damage reduction provided by Yufeng is about 66%. That is, after using the potion, the damage caused by the storm to people is about 34 points per second.

The ones Suyou picked out all had the lowest blood volume of 700, and they could last for twenty seconds. Twenty seconds was very short, but they didn't just lose blood. Before entering the storm, they would all use items that continuously restore blood.

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