Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 814 814 Polar Night Storm 50

Chapter 814 814. Polar Night Storm 50
There are many props for continuous blood recovery, but at present, only two can be used in combination. One is an advanced blood recovery potion, which is a medicine, and can return 20 blood points per second, lasting for one hour. The other is an advanced blood replenishing soup, which is a food, and can return 3 blood points per second. Ten, lasting half an hour.

Using these two props at the same time can return fifty blood per second, which is just enough to offset the damage of thirty-four per second, and even overflow.

Not only that, Su You also asked Gong Yu to play two pieces of music just in case.

One song can increase the upper limit of blood volume by 300 points; another song will provide a shield with a value of 100 every ten seconds. This shield can resist wind damage.

The upper limit of blood volume is increased to improve fault tolerance. Although the shield value is a bit low, there are currently no more suitable attributes, so it is better than nothing.

Everything was ready, and Su You spent a lot of time calming everyone down.

Thanks to the six machines that followed for two hours of tossing back and forth, there was no damage at all. Otherwise, with the first machine that fell apart as a lesson, many people would have given up.

But even so, many people still want to give up.

Su You is not going to force these people, because she is not letting everyone in at once, but is preparing to try in batches, otherwise chaos will easily occur if there are too many people.

"Who is willing to be the first to try? The reward will be tripled from the original basis." The main reason is that I never thought about the broken machine before, otherwise everyone would definitely not be so afraid now.

But now that something like this happened, Su You had no choice but to increase her stakes.

As expected, the power of money is still very powerful. Twenty-nine people took the initiative to stand up and expressed their willingness to be the first batch of 'guinea pigs'.

Su You picked the eighteen people who stood up first, and then asked them to prepare to enter the six machines in five minutes, use the machines as protective shields, and slowly approach the storm.

"Your mission is to clearly see the situation inside the storm. Don't act rashly or break away from the machine. Remember to drink ten bottles of anti-wind medicine at once. Although ten bottles of anti-wind medicine can last for five minutes, but in three minutes , I will let them control the machine and return." Su You took the trouble to remind everyone of the relevant precautions, and these eighteen people did not show any impatience.

After all, it's a matter of human life, and it's their own life. They don't want to kill themselves because of their own negligence.


Five minutes later, the six machines were ready, and the eighteen people were divided into six groups, with three people in each group entering the machine.

In order to store the 'garbage', the space inside the machine is still very large. Let alone three people, even three more people can be accommodated. However, this makes the space for activities smaller, so Suyou only arranges Three people.

"set off!"

The six operators heard this and immediately operated the machine. It was obvious that they had operated the machine more than ten times, but large beads of sweat overflowed from the foreheads of the six people.

After all, they were transporting garbage before. Even if they made a mistake, the worst result would be that the machine would be gone.

But this time is different. There are living people inside the machine. If they are not careful, three lives will be ruined in their hands.

As a result, there must be a lot of pressure.

But no matter how much pressure they have, they can only forcefully calm down, because the more nervous they are, the more mistakes they make. Fortunately, they are not vegetarians. They are able to participate in this kind of task and have excellent psychological quality, so they quickly adjust their emotions and then slowly control the machine to move forward.

Ten meters...nine meters...eight meters...three meters...two meters...

After the machine was once again involved in the storm, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath.

Su You was also a little nervous because she was also worried about an accident, but she did not forget to keep an eye on the time. Once the three minutes were up, she needed to ask the person operating the machine to get the machine out immediately.

At the same time, the eighteen people who had entered the storm were not as sad as the hundreds of people outside imagined. They looked around themselves with some surprise and found that they had not been harmed, except for being " Apart from being trapped in a machine and unable to move, there is nothing uncomfortable about it.

"Don't forget our mission, look around to see if there is anything special." Under normal circumstances, they would be silent in the storm, but they were in the machine, and the machine held them tightly like eggshells. The package was included and it didn't affect them at all, so they could still speak normally.

With this person's reminder, others also looked out through the transparent cover.

No one knew it, but when they saw the specific situation inside the storm, they all felt that their eyes were darkened and their heads were dizzy, because the storm was rotating so fast that they could only see the afterimage. Every few seconds, hundreds of items flash past his eyes.

It is definitely impossible for the human eye to see clearly at such a fast speed, so if they have to force it to see, they will only end up dizzy, because their vision and brain power simply cannot keep up with this speed.

"No, I can't see it at all."

"Me too, I can only see a lot of things..."

"I want to go out and have a look."


The words of the third person startled everyone. They first asked shocked questions, and then quickly tried to dissuade them.

This person may have just been impulsive and regretted it after saying that. Now that someone has stepped down for him, he has not mentioned it again.

Three minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and more than a dozen people found that the machine sitting under them began to move. This movement was different from the previous ones that were swept by the wind of the storm. This was obviously the movement of the machine itself.

"We're leaving." As soon as he finished speaking, the six machines took them away slowly or quickly in the direction they came from in the first place.

The strong whistling sound in the ears became more intense due to the movement of the machine. Although more than a dozen people were happy that they would be safe soon, they did not forget their tasks. At the moment before leaving, they were still working seriously , trying hard to see clearly what was going on inside the storm.

Ten seconds later, the first machine escaped the range of the storm.

After a few more seconds, the second machine also left the range of the storm.

Seeing that two machines had successfully escaped from the storm, people outside were very excited, and people inside the machines also exhaled forcefully.

Because they were out of the storm, the roaring around them still existed, but it gradually decreased. At the same time, they finally found that their hair and clothes were wet with sweat.

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