Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 815 815 Polar Night Storm 51

Chapter 815 815. Polar Night Storm 51
After a few more seconds, the third machine slowly left...

At this moment, everyone heard the familiar sound of breaking through the air, followed by a loud "clang" caused by the falling of something heavy!
Although they haven't seen what happened specifically, everyone had a bad premonition in their hearts, and when they really saw the specific situation, the bad premonition in their hearts directly became a reality!

People in the distance saw many machine parts rolling down near the storm, which reminded them of the original scrapped machine!

"Could it be that another machine is broken?!" Someone subconsciously mentioned this possibility.

After hearing his words, everyone's expressions turned very bad.

Although they were very reluctant to admit it, they all felt that this should be the truth!
"Recall all the machines quickly!" Su You immediately ordered. The voice recalled everyone's thoughts. Several controllers quickly pressed the controllers in their hands. In a short time, except for the suspected machine The other five machines that were damaged and scrapped all escaped the storm.

Although everyone was glad that all five machines were safe, they were even more worried about the current situation of the three people in the broken machine.

The situation of the three people they were worried about was indeed not good at this time, but their lives were not in danger. After all, the effect of the medicine on them was still there and had not disappeared.

Because the machine suddenly broke down and fell apart, the three of them could only get out of the machine, and then looked forward to slowly walking out of the storm on their own legs.

They thought that it was very difficult, even impossible, to move in the storm, but the three people were surprised to find that although they could not be said to be walking on flat ground in the storm, they were not unable to move even an inch.

The most important thing is that they did not suffer much damage in the storm. Although the storm cut their skin like a knife blade, they only felt some pain and no real damage.

Of course, what they don't know is that the pain here is actually the damage caused by the storm to them. It's just that because they drank the potion, the damage of the storm was reduced to a level that they can bear, so they only feel it. There were no wounds on the body.

In addition, there are props that continuously restore blood volume, so they can act normally.

But now there is less than two minutes left before the duration of the anti-storm potion ends. If they fail to escape from the storm within two minutes, then there is only one fate for them - being crushed by the storm.

These three people obviously knew this, so they held hands and tried hard to walk in the direction outside the storm.

"What is that?" The person walking at the end inadvertently looked up and saw a trace that looked like broken glass. He was curious and asked this question in his heart.

But before he could think about it, the two people walking in front shouted: "Let's go!"

"Coming!" He tried to respond loudly. Although he didn't know if the other two people heard it, he had already forgotten what he had just seen, and now his mind was full of wanting to get out of the storm quickly. Detach.

Facts have proved that the effect of the potion is indeed powerful. The effect of controlling the wind made them successfully escape from the whirlpool-like storm. However, they wasted too much time in it. When the three of them left the storm, the distance was The potion ends only in the last ten seconds.

They must use these ten seconds to get out of the scope of the storm as quickly as possible, otherwise they will only be caught in the storm again when the effect of the potion ends! If it were normal, running a hundred meters away in ten seconds would definitely be an easy task for them.

But it was different now. Because they had just left the high-speed rotating storm, they were all dizzy. Let alone running, they were even unsteady on walking. The three of them had to support each other to stand firm.

In such a situation, how can we talk about escaping?

But at this moment, they suddenly felt a flash in front of their eyes, and then their feet left the ground. Before they could realize what happened, when their feet landed on the ground again, they had already returned to the meeting point.

"You're such a good boy, I almost couldn't carry him anymore." A man grinned and rubbed his hands.

"Hey, it's a good thing I chose someone who looks easy on me." Another person who also participated in the rescue work said with a smile.

It turns out that just now when Su You found out that the three people came out, she immediately called them. She made them drink anti-storm potion, agility potion, strength potion, blood recovery potion, etc., and then asked Chanyue to give them a wind-type potion. Accelerate magic.

The task of these three people is to go over and carry back these three guys who are unable to stand still.

A distance of one hundred meters, with the dual blessing of agility potion and wind magic, these three people took less than ten seconds to run back and forth, and they were still carrying a heavy load when they returned!

But no matter what, the person has been rescued anyway, but these three people are still a little dazed now.

After letting them rest for a while, a group of people began to ask the three of them what happened in the storm just now. Among the people who asked, the fifteen people in the other five machines were also included.

Although they also participated in the action just now, they are different from these three people. They have always been in the machine and have not personally experienced the excitement of the storm. Moreover, they are also timid and do not dare to get out of the machine at all for fear of There are three long and two short.

Although these three people were forced to leave the machine, they had left the machine anyway and had experienced the excitement of the storm. If you really want to know the situation of the storm, it is definitely best to ask the three of them.

"...Actually, I don't know what happened. I felt that the machine I was sitting on seemed a little unstable, so I asked them to pay attention to it with me. Unexpectedly, within a few seconds, the machine actually stopped. It just collapsed!"

If the machine collapses, it will naturally become impossible to move. No matter how unwilling or afraid the three of them are, they can only get out of the machine.

"Are you injured? Is the storm scary? What does it look like inside the storm?" Because there were too many questions in everyone's mind, more questions came immediately after they finished answering the last question.

These three people were obviously frightened by the situation just now, but now that they are safe and there are so many people asking questions to distract their minds, the fear just now has been reduced a lot.

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