Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 816 816 Polar Night Storm 52

Chapter 816 816. Polar Night Storm 52
The three of them thought about it for a while, and then took turns to answer the question.

"You're not injured. Look at us, aren't we fine? You can walk and run, but your legs are still a little weak."

"Hey, aren't you asking nonsense? Of course the storm is terrible! But the effect of this potion is really powerful. I thought I was going to die in it, but I didn't expect that the storm had almost no effect on us!"

"It's true. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to walk and would be trapped inside. Unexpectedly, walking inside was quite smooth. It's just that the wind was a bit stronger and it hurt my face."

"What's it like inside the storm... How do I know this? It's so fast!"

"I only knew that there were many, many things inside, but the speed was too fast. Before I had time to see clearly, hundreds of things flew past me in front of me and above my head!"


As they talked, everyone discovered a problem. Although these three people said a lot, there was not much useful information. Most of them were vague descriptions of what was in the storm.

After discovering this, the expressions on everyone's faces changed from curiosity and confusion to dullness.

From the changes in the expressions on their faces, these three people also knew that what they said was useless information, but they were also helpless because they really didn't know what to say.

Just when everyone thought this attempt was over, one of them suddenly let out a sigh.

"Actually, I found a strange thing when I left the storm, but I'm not sure what it was." He spoke with some hesitation. Although his words were full of uncertainty, it still made others particularly excited.

"Hurry up and tell me what you discovered!"

"It's like this. When I came out, I vaguely saw traces in the storm that looked like cracks in broken glass..." He described the situation when he saw the trace, and everyone else was listening carefully. Su You listened carefully at first, but when the man started speaking, she heard the familiar system prompt sound again.

[Storm rift has been discovered and storm rift information has been unlocked. 】

[Storm Cracks]: The traces caused by the collision and impact of the storm with foreign objects during its operation are the weaknesses of the storm. If you focus on attacking the storm cracks, the power of the storm will be greatly reduced.

After all, after staying in this place for so long, Su You knew a lot about the world. She quickly realized that the storm rift was the key to solving the storm!
It seemed that what he thought at first was right. If they wanted to make the storm disappear, they had to enter the storm themselves.

It’s just that she didn’t know about the existence of the Storm Crack at the beginning. She only knew one but not the other. This resulted in her knowing the method but not the specific process.

"The information you gave is very important." Su You patted the man on the shoulder, and then told everyone about the storm rift.

Everyone didn't understand why Su You said that at first, but it wasn't until they heard the explanation that they suddenly understood.

"It turns out that humans can really fight against storms!" Some people couldn't help but sigh.

"So we are going to attack the storm rift next?" "Yes." Su You nodded, and then emphatically asked the person who just discovered the storm rift for information about the rift, such as where the rift is and whether it will move. The size of the crack, etc.

But what is regrettable is that although this person discovered the storm crack, he did so by accident. He was in a hurry to leave at that time, so he did not pay much attention to the crack.

"I don't know the specific information, but what I can confirm is that the crack is very conspicuous and may not move, because under normal circumstances, other things are too fast for me to see clearly, but I can See the crack clearly." He didn't realize there was anything strange about it just now, but now that he thought about it, he realized that the existence of the crack was indeed something special.

If there is a scar on a person's body, no matter whether the person performs any action, such as running, walking, or jumping, the position of the scar on the person's body will not change, but for other people, the position of the wound is constantly moving. .

The same is true for the cracks on Storm's body. Cracks can be regarded as wounds on Storm's body.

Originally, according to the speed of the storm, it was impossible for him to see the crack clearly, but he happened to see it, and he could see it very clearly, and it even felt like it was moving with him.

"In that case, let's try again." With his words, Su You breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, she was worried about this problem. With the weapon running at high speed, it was impossible for humans to accurately attack a certain point. Even Duo Yalai, who was good at long-range attacks, couldn't do it.

The system probably took this problem into consideration, so it set the storm rift to a relatively static state.

To put it simply, after a person enters the storm, he may feel that he is not moving, but he is actually moving with the storm. Similarly, the cracks are also moving, but if both are moving, it is equivalent to neither. move.

If people outside can see the crack, then they must be moving at a high speed.

"Fifteen of you will go in as the second batch. Like them, you will go in first with the help of a machine, and then when you reach the inside of the storm, you will come out of the machine."

"After entering, pay attention to the surroundings to see if there are any cracks around. If there are cracks, don't rush to attack. Pay attention to the status of the cracks. At the same time, you must also ensure your own situation and make sure that you are in a state where you can move freely. Then Attack again..."

"There are several possibilities after attacking the crack. One is that the crack disappears directly, one is that the crack changes its position, and another is that the crack does not disappear or change its position..."

"In short, you must respond to various situations flexibly. If something goes wrong, leave immediately. Don't hesitate. Everything is about safety..."


Although he knew about the existence of the crack, he had never attacked the crack, so Su You listed out every situation. This was also a mental preparation for them, lest they had no time to react when something changed.

Because there are only five machines left, and according to the previous three people per machine, only fifteen people entered this time.

Although the number of people has decreased, this does not affect their actions.

After some rest, the second group of people set off. Everything was exactly the same as before. The five machines were successfully involved in the storm. The difference this time was that after entering the storm, everyone opened the covers of the machines. , came out of it.

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