Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 817 817 Polar Night Storm 53

Chapter 817 817. Polar Night Storm 53
These fifteen people stood close together to support each other. After they had gained a firm foothold in the storm, they followed the grouping Su You had arranged for them and looked around to observe the surrounding situation.

One of them seemed to have seen something. He was a little excited and tugged at the corners of others' clothes - this was the code they had set before entering the storm, which meant that he had discovered a crack.

Considering that although they can speak in a storm, they have to speak very loudly so that others can hear them. Moreover, there are many objects and dust in the storm when it rotates at high speed. They feel like they have inhaled countless amounts of dust just by opening their mouths. Trash.

If it is an emergency and you have to speak to express it, forget it, but if you can express the information through body language without speaking, it is naturally the best.

One of the people found that the corner of his clothes was being pulled hard, so he also started to pull the corners of others' clothes to remind everyone that they had discovered the situation. At the same time, he also looked in the direction of the person who pulled the corner of his own clothes.


The man stretched out his hand and pointed in a direction, and sure enough, there was a crack about the size of a basketball at that location.

The cracks were just like the person said before, like traces of broken glass, and densely packed like spider webs.

Several people who saw the cracks all took out weapons from their bodies.

But they soon discovered a problem. Although they could stand firm in the storm, they could only stand firm, but the crack was two or three meters above the ground.

If they were at this height, they would only need to jump to attack, but in the storm, how difficult would it be for them to jump?

Let alone jumping, it is not easy for them to be able to leave both feet off the ground at the same time.

How to do?
Someone pulled the corners of other people's clothes and asked with their eyes.

But what's frustrating is that they have nothing to do. This discovery makes them feel a little frustrated. After all, they finally found the crack, but they couldn't attack. It's like an annoying fly flying in front of you. It's flying around, but you can't hit it.


Just when everyone was thinking about what to do to attack the crack, suddenly a person's frightened cry came from behind. Others subconsciously turned back and looked in the direction of the sound source, and then they also showed frightened expressions.

Because one of them just 'flyed' up!

To be precise, he didn't fly, but was swept up into the sky by the storm.

It is normal to be swept up into the sky by a storm, but the strange thing about this is that they used a potion. The 'wind control' effect of the potion can minimize the impact of the storm on their actions, and they can also Use the wind of the storm to your own use, increasing your movement speed and action speed...

and many more!

Turn it into your own use? !
Someone seemed to have thought of something. They swallowed nervously and wanted to tell others what they had discovered. However, it was difficult to speak in the storm. It was not easy to spit out a few words, let alone detailed ones. Explaining their findings is even more difficult. So, a few people thought about it and decided to have the courage to try it on their own. As for those who didn't have the courage, they grabbed the others tightly, and then tried their best to get close to them, wanting to tell them about themselves. discovery.

While they were communicating, several more people 'flyed' into the sky.

Now, even people who didn't realize that they could use the power of the wind to float found something was wrong. Their previous uneasiness turned into doubts, and then they were eager to try it - they also wanted to go up and have a look!
But they were destined to be disappointed, because the time was almost up and they saw the machine making a deafening roar, which was the people outside reminding them to go out.

Several people from the sky brought down the first person who accidentally hit the sky. Then the group of people returned to the machine and let the machine take them away from the scope of the storm.

After they left the storm, they told all they had discovered before anyone else could ask.

"What you mean is that you can use the wind to float up and attack the cracks?" Su You summarized what they meant and got their approval.

"Yes, it's just that we wasted a lot of time before. We only had time to discover that we could actively control ourselves to use the wind to float up and down, but we didn't have time to attack the cracks, so we don't know what will happen if we attack the cracks for the time being."

Although everyone was a little regretful that they still failed to attack the crack, this operation was not nothing. At least they discovered that they could use the power of the wind to carry out more possible actions in the storm.

With the first two groups of people as a foundation, the third group of people were well prepared to set off. Different from the first two groups of people, this time they walked over by themselves instead of being carried by a machine.

Because the second group of people said that it would waste a lot of time whether entering or leaving the machine, and another point is that machines do not have their own physical freedom. It is definitely not as good as three people to move separately if they are tied together. .

After Su You thought for a moment, he took out ten return stones and handed them to the ten people in the third batch, and then informed them of their function.

Obviously, this is the guarantee Suyou gave them.

Although there are not as many as one hundred and two hundred return stones, there are still a dozen, but these are the last dozen Su You has, but as long as he thinks of being able to solve the storm problem, these dozen Even if all the city stones are used, it is still worth it.

Holding the Stone of Return to the City, the ten people who had been beating their hearts out breathed a sigh of relief. They carried the stone close to their bodies, and also carried all other things with them. The potion was directly in their hands, just waiting to get closer to the storm later. Used it directly.

Five minutes later, the third group of people set off.

Because there was no need to use the machine this time, several operators had time to rest. Like everyone else, they watched the ten people move forward step by step in the direction of the storm, without stopping, like persistent warriors. .

When they were only about ten meters away from the storm, they stopped and drank all the potions they needed.

Feeling that the force caused by the roar of the hurricane around them was suddenly weakened, they were all a little uncomfortable, but more of them let go of the big stone in their hearts.

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