Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 818 818 Polar Night Storm 54

Chapter 818 818. Polar Night Storm 54
After all, they really felt the effect of this potion at this time.

Although so many people have used potions before, they were not using the potions themselves after all, and they were somewhat skeptical about the effectiveness of the medicine.

Now that I have personal experience, the pressure is instantly reduced.

As the distance from the storm was getting closer step by step, the ten people looked at each other, and then suddenly began to run quickly forward. People a hundred meters away couldn't help but feel a little surprised when they saw this scene.

"Can you actually run so fast when you are around the storm?" Someone curiously asked the first two groups of people who had entered the storm.

Someone replied: "How do we know this? We were all the first two batches to try it. We don't know any information."

A few seconds later, someone else said: "Actually, this speed is quite normal. As long as we learn how to use the wind, we can all 'fly'. What does it matter if we just run faster?"

Others felt that what he said made sense, and then they no longer struggled with the issue, but continued to observe the situation on the other side of the storm——

The situation inside the storm at this time could not be said to be good, but it was not particularly bad either.

Although these people knew that they could use the wind to float due to the experience of their predecessors, and all of them floated smoothly, they encountered a big problem, that is, none of them found the crack.

If they can't even find the cracks, what's the point of going up?

There is nothing here...

There’s nothing on this side either…

The ten people gestured to each other and checked the area where they were, but none of them found any trace of the crack.

Although they were helpless, they could only pass on the information they discovered to others.

As time passed by, it was almost time for them to leave the storm, but they still couldn't find the crack.

Just when everyone thought they were about to return without success, someone suddenly let out a loud shout——


Everyone was attracted by the cry, and then subconsciously looked in his direction. Before they looked over, they thought that this man had encountered something unexpected, but they saw this man standing on the ground intact. He waved his hands upward vigorously, as if calling them to come over.

Everyone: "..."

Although they didn't know what he wanted to do, the other nine people still came to him. Before they could get closer, they saw a crack about the length of an arm less than one meter away from the man.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they all took out their weapons. Without any hesitation, they directly attacked the crack.

Considering that the ballistic trajectory of long-range attacks may change in the storm and it is difficult to hit the target, all those who enter the storm are melee combat.

As a result, this arm-length crack suffered hundreds of attacks from knives, daggers, sticks, and swords in just ten seconds.

Almost the second after they launched the attack, Su You, who was constantly refreshing the storm information, immediately noticed the change in the information.

【Large Ordinary Storm】

Storm power: 3613/10000 (currently decreasing at a rate of 0.019/second, when the power reaches 0, the storm disappears)
Wind intensity: 2000/s Storm debris: 14691

If he remembered correctly, it was clear that there were about 3620 storm power points left a second ago, but in the blink of an eye, the storm power dropped by six or seven points, and this number was still increasing at a rate that was unpleasant, but Very steady speed decrease.

At the same time, Su You also found that the power consumption speed also slowly increased by 0.02 points.

"They succeeded." Su You immediately told everyone the good news.

Although other people around him didn't know what happened and how Su You knew about it, this did not stop them from cheering with joy.

What does success mean?
Success means that all their previous efforts have been in vain!

There were even quite smart people who had a vague glimpse of Su You's ambition - they seemed to have guessed that they could seize the treasure directly from the storm in the future!

Although this is all in the future, it does not prevent them from fantasizing now.

A minute after Su You said this, all ten people returned to the crowd safely.

Like the previous two groups, they were all received with great enthusiasm, and even because they were the only successful group, they suffered more enthusiasm than the previous two groups.

"Let me tell you some good news first. You have just successfully consumed the power of the storm." Because what Su You just said was before they came back, even though these ten people knew that they had attacked the crack, they still couldn't. But I am not sure whether what I am doing is right or whether it makes sense.

Su You's words can be said to have given them reassurance and confirmed what they have done.

"Tell me in detail what happened after I brought you in and what you did." After appeasing them, Su You asked them about the situation as usual.

After some narration, these people confirmed several of their guesses.

For example, attacking cracks can indeed weaken the storm; for example, they can use the wind to move freely during the duration of the potion; and for example, the location of the cracks can actually move, not all in mid-air.

The reason why they haven't found the crack just now is because their thinking was led away by the previous group of people.

Because someone said earlier that the crack was in mid-air and beyond their reach, they subconsciously flew upwards after entering the storm and looked upward subconsciously.

But what they didn't expect was that this time the storm crack would be located at a low position on the ground. They kept looking up, so naturally they couldn't see it.

But at least someone discovered it, otherwise their trip would have been in vain.

"Do you all remember what they said?" Su You said to the fourth group of people.

The reason why they were told in such detail was not only because Su You needed to understand the situation, but the most important thing was to let the next group of people understand what happened and what they should do after entering.

The fourth group of people nodded one after another, each saying they understood.

It is not difficult to enter the storm with the medicine, and according to the third group of people, it is also very simple to use the wind to float up, and attacking the cracks is even easier. It seems that all you need is hands.

At the moment, it seems that what they need to be most concerned about is finding the location of the crack as soon as possible after entering the storm.

Drawing on the experience of those who came before them, when looking for cracks, they can't just look at the sky, they need to look up, down, left, right and all around.

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