Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 820 820 Polar Night Storm 56

Chapter 820 820. Polar Night Storm 56
To understand this, there was no change on Su You's face, because this information can be light or serious. Anyway, it seems that there is only such a crack in total. Even if the damage from the first attack storm is high, they don't know when the crack will occur. Will change positions, so this discovery does not have much effect.

Even if they don't make this discovery, as long as they go in and attack the cracks in groups, they can always solve the storm.

The next actions were carried out in the direction expected by everyone. Su You also gradually reduced the original group of ten people to a group of five people. After all, the crack was so big that it was impossible to supply ten people to output at the same time. This number was just right. , there will be no overflow of personnel.

Although there were beasts interfering on the side, Suyou also had Meike with super combat power. Facts have proved that Vivian and Duoya's decision to let him return to their territory was absolutely correct.

Although they can deal with these beasts even without Mek, it is definitely not as easy as now, and Mek is trapped, so he cannot display any strength. Only outside can he perfectly reflect his value.


As groups of people continued to attack the storm, the number of potions on Suyou's hand dropped rapidly. At the same time, everyone's energy and physical strength were gradually depleted.

But the consumption was worth it, because Su You watched helplessly as the power of the storm dropped from more than 3,000 to more than 2,000, and then to more than 1,000.

When the last bottle of potion is consumed, the power of the storm stays at '1416', while the power consumption speed gradually increases to '0.037' as the cracks are continuously attacked!
At this rate, even without outside interference, ten hours would be enough for this large storm that has been raging for so long to disappear!
It was about three o'clock in the afternoon, and ten hours later it would be about one o'clock in the morning.

After thinking for a moment, Su You made a prompt decision and asked Lyle to use the return stone to return to the territory, and then go find those alchemists and get another batch of potions from them.

Originally, Su You didn't know the situation of the territory when she was not in the territory, but as the level of the territory increased, she could also check some of the territory's information outside the territory, including the quantity and consumption of materials in the territory.

She had seen that the materials for the anti-storm potion had been continuously consumed around ten o'clock in the morning. In other words, the alchemists had only rested for a few hours before they began to work diligently on making the potion again.

After calculating the quantity of the missing materials, there should be more than two hundred bottles of potion here, and two hundred bottles can be used by twenty people.

Twenty people can be divided into four groups. Based on the previous average calculation, at least four to five hundred more power can be consumed here.

Even if the power consumption rate does not continue to increase, they should be able to rescue everyone before ten o'clock in the morning!
Su You calculated these based on the worst-case scenario, because there may be more than two hundred bottles of potion, and it is impossible for four groups of people to consume only four to five hundred storm power, and it is impossible for the power consumption rate to not increase at all...

After receiving the order, Lyle immediately used the Return Stone to return to the territory. The first thing he did after returning to the territory was to find those alchemists.

Because he knew his lord's plan, when Lyle knew that these alchemists had actually produced another three hundred bottles of potion, he was ecstatic, but he had no time to do anything else. He put the potion into the space bag and drank it. I took the agility potion, took the speed rune, and ran away.

Originally, the trip took nearly two hours, but because he used the return stone to save the journey back, and used props to save time on the road, it only took him more than half an hour to bring 300 bottles of potions. Came to Su You.

With these three hundred bottles of potion, Su You picked out thirty more people and divided them into six groups.

More than an hour later——

【Large Ordinary Storm】

Storm power: 438/10000 (currently decreasing at a rate of 0.039/second, when the power reaches 0, the storm disappears)
Wind intensity: 2000/s Storm debris: 15142

Su You glanced at the time. It was now five o'clock in the evening. If they continued at the current power consumption rate, they would be able to rescue the person in less than three and a half hours!

She told everyone the good news, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's great."

"I can't believe what I did today. I was able to enter the storm and even attack the storm!"

"This potion is really powerful, but it's a pity that I can only drink ten bottles in a short period of time, otherwise..."

"It's already great to have this kind of potion. Don't think about other things that don't exist. I'm very tired now. I just want to rescue people quickly and then go home and have a good rest..."

Listening to everyone chatting, Su You raised her eyebrows and did not join in their conversation. Instead, she sat alone, as if thinking about something.

Others didn't dare to disturb her when they saw her like this, but they didn't dare to let her sit alone, so with Suyou as the center, the space within three meters around was empty, except for a bonfire burning brightly.

While waiting for the storm to disappear, Lyle and Meck came to look for her.

Among them, Lyle came for the potion and storm. He also grasped the possibility of human beings fighting against the storm from this operation, and then asked the Lord about the relevant arrangements in the future.

"After the black shadow matter is resolved, I will first organize five teams, each team will have a hundred people. At that time, you and Duoya will need to lead a team respectively. Your task is to take the initiative to attack the storm, and then Loot the items left behind by the storm."

Not only did Lyle not feel scared when he heard this, but his eyes lit up.

He believed that even if others heard these words, they would definitely have the same reaction as him.

They know best how valuable the things left by the storm are. If they can go out to attack, he has a hunch that their gains will only be more!

Lyle raised his own question: "Lord, one hundred people may not be enough? And the potion is limited, so it is difficult for everyone to let go."

Su You laughed and replied: "One hundred people are enough, because I didn't want you to deal with the large storm directly at the beginning. You can start with the small storm."

You must know that although the time for potions to deal with small storms cannot be stacked, there is no cooling time when used. In other words, as long as the number of potions is sufficient, they can maintain the status of fighting against low-level storms by continuously drinking potions.

"So that's it..." Lyle nodded in understanding.

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