Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 821 821 Polar Night Storm 57

Chapter 821 821. Polar Night Storm 57
He is not a greedy person, and he does not think that they can directly fight against large storms today and ignore small storms.

You must know that a storm is a storm. Without medicine, even a small storm can easily kill them, so they really have no right to dislike it.

And there are not many treasures in small storms. After all, the size of the storm can only determine the size and quantity of the items involved, but not the quality of the items involved.

If a small storm is lucky, it is possible to sweep away even a golden object.

Likewise, if a large storm is unlucky, it may also be covered in white-green quality trash.

After learning about the follow-up arrangements for the storm from Su You, Lyle took two steps back and began to sort out what happened today. Everything that happened today can be used as important data for them to take the initiative to fight against the storm in the future.

All their preparations and actions are based on what happened today.

After Lyle left, Meck came over curiously and asked a few questions.

"What did that kid just say to you?" Meck came to ask this, but he had no other meaning. The main reason was that he was too bored here, so he came over to find a random topic to chat.

It was during the mission, and most of the people around him were strangers, so he couldn't find anyone to chat with. The people here were either respectful or flattering towards him. Meck didn't like this, so he simply pretended to be cold and indifferent. An attempt to directly drive away a large number of people with momentum.

"It's nothing. I just arranged for him to wait until this matter is over, and then he, Duoya and a few others will lead the team to the forest to take the initiative and attack the storm..."

In just a few words, Meck understood her plan.

To be honest, even he is a little excited about what the storm can bring. Although there is nothing he can use at the moment, no one can say whether there will be anything in the future.

"Take me with you when the time comes. I'll go too." Meck offered.

Originally, Su You wouldn't refuse such an offer. He didn't even have to tell himself. He just needed to find a team to join when the time came. No one would refuse a senior magician to join.

But she was a little confused as to why Meck would want to join in the fun.

"You can go if you want. I won't stop you, but I don't think you like dealing with storms." To be precise, no one likes to deal with storms. After all, storms are too dangerous.

Some people are willing because the storm can bring a lot of money. They are short of money and want money, so they are willing to take risks.

But Meck is different, he is not short of money.

The restaurant is the store with the highest daily traffic in the territory. Although its revenue does not rank first every day, it is still in the top three.

Because the restaurant makes a lot of money, he gets a lot of money as the owner.

What's more, he has participated in so many missions before, and the rewards for those missions are calculated based on each person's different contributions. With his combat effectiveness, as long as it is a combat-related mission, his contribution value will almost always be the first. , and naturally get the most money.

Since he is not doing it for money, is he doing it for things?

Seeing Su You's doubts, Meike coughed twice and looked like he didn't want to say more. "I just came out to have fun. After staying in the territory for such a long time, I was almost suffocated." Meck explained seriously.

In fact, his reason is quite reasonable. Not to mention other people, even Su You, who has a very homely personality, finds it difficult to live a life of darkness without being able to go out.

However, she still felt that there was something wrong with Meike;
But if he didn't say anything, there was nothing he could do. This man was thick-skinned and she couldn't beat him, so she had to do this.

This matter has come to an end for now.

As time passed by, when the time came to the last ten minutes before the storm was about to disappear,

Everyone can see with the naked eye that the storm, which was originally as tall as two or three residential buildings, gradually began to shrink.

Like a deflated balloon, the overall size is decreasing.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and they just watched a large storm disappear before their eyes.

The time at this time was around 8:40 pm.

In the past, this time was a dangerous night. They should have a good rest in the territory at this time, or chat with friends and go shopping.

But since the polar night came, they lost their daylight and began to get used to moving and doing things at night, so even though it was already very late, they didn't think there was any problem - it made no difference since it was dark anyway.

Seeing the storm disappear, everyone let out an exclamation. They jumped up from the ground in surprise. Looking at the things piled up as high as a hill, their footsteps subconsciously wanted to get closer, but when they came back to their senses, they remembered that they were still there. After performing the task, they all turned back to look at Su You.

Su You didn't stop them: "Everyone will help clean up the things. Regardless of the value of the cleaned things, a quarter of the total value will be converted into money and distributed to everyone."

As mentioned in the previous task of building an underground cell, all the trophies they obtained belong to themselves, and the territory will not charge any cents. Of course, they can sell it to the territory.

But this time it was different. Although Su You set an extremely high reward for this mission, she did not say that the spoils of this mission were theirs.

Unless otherwise specified, the trophies related to the mission objectives belong to the mission publisher.

The situation here is not limited to tasks issued by the territory. Some people will also issue escort tasks. For example, find a few people with strong combat effectiveness to escort you to a certain place to collect certain resources. These resources must belong to the person who issued the task. .

However, if these 'bodyguards' find something on the road, or kill any enemies and obtain trophies, it all belongs to them, because the goal of the mission is the resource set by the publisher.

Su You's mission target this time is a large storm, so the things in the storm naturally belong to her. After all, the potions are paid for by her and distributed for free.

If they want to share resources, they will have to buy the subsequent medicines with their own money, but that will be a matter for later.

Originally, everyone was so excited because they simply wanted to see what was inside this large storm. Although the things inside had nothing to do with them, it did not affect their desire to open their eyes.

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