Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 822 822 Polar Night Storm 58

Chapter 822 822. Polar Night Storm 58
Now that they heard that a quarter of the things found inside would be given to them, a group of people rushed towards this 'treasure mountain' with great motivation.

"Clean up one place first and rescue the people underneath." The reason why Su You was in a hurry to let them clean up these things instead of saving people first was mainly because they couldn't save people at all.

Because the only entrance is blocked by this pile of things, if you want to rescue people, you still have to move all these things out of the way.

Fortunately, she brought a lot of people with her. Three hundred people acted at the same time. In less than ten minutes, they had cleared an entrance.

At the same time, people below also heard the noise above.

To be precise, they had already heard the sound of heavy objects falling from above when the first machine was scrapped.

At first, they were not sure whether someone came to rescue them or whether there was another accident in the storm, until they heard another loud noise. At the same time, because they were directly under the storm, they could actually understand it. I heard the violent 'roar' made by the storm as it rotated.

They found that the roar of the storm became smaller and smaller in just a few hours... In this case, even if they thought about the worst, someone would definitely come to save them. .

Although they had only stayed underground for more than a day, their sufficient supplies and confidence meant that their mental state was not bad, but if they could get out quickly, they would definitely want it.

So when they heard the sound of the storm above that had lasted for more than a day finally stopped, followed by the sound of many large and small objects falling to the ground, everyone stood up from the ground in excitement, their eyes filled with joy and joy. eager.

However, when the storm disappeared and the items caught in the storm landed, they vaguely noticed something was wrong.

"Oops, I feel like the soil is a little loose!" A man looked at the scattered Saturn particles falling in front of him, and was so frightened that he almost sat down on the ground again.

Originally, a few people noticed something was wrong, but at first they were filled with the joy of being able to go out immediately, and forgot everything for a while. Now when they suddenly heard this person's words, they were all startled, and then subconsciously raised their heads. took a look.

The results were not bad, but I was shocked when I saw them. It seemed that the originally solid soil layer had a tendency to collapse due to the constant impact of heavy objects above. Fortunately, there were many supports around it. These supports The frame firmly supported the soil layer above.

'boom! ’

There was another loud noise above their heads, and everyone was frightened. They all followed Duoya and Ain's urgent calls and ran to the corner and squatted with their backs against the wall.

Although they were scared, they still looked at the top of the vacant position between them - the soil was swaying, but there was no tendency to collapse.

This discovery made them relieved, but then also a little scared.

Most of the people present were construction workers with some experience. From the situation just now, they could see that if there were not enough supports below, then because there were heavy objects constantly piling up above and falling from high places, this would With this kind of pressure, this kind of impact, it's only a matter of time before the bottom collapses.

Thinking of this, their eyes subconsciously looked at Ain.

But there are also people who dare not look at Ain. These people had conflicts with Ain before because of the support frame.

The current situation is very obvious. If there were not so many supports, there is a high probability that they would be buried below. Although there are people above who will rescue them, the probability of death is still high.

But because of Ain, they arranged a lot of supports, so they were able to escape. "The captain must have had the foresight, otherwise we would all die down here." A construction worker who had a good relationship with Ain smiled heartily. He walked to Ain and patted him on the shoulder.

This person said this without any psychological pressure.

Because he had been following Ain from the beginning, and he did what Ain said. Although he couldn't understand why so many supports were arranged at first, Ain explained it, and he himself could understand Ain's I was worried, so I didn’t take it to heart.

He also feels that this territory is very good, and the Lord is also very good, so even if it is to repay the Lord, he feels that there is nothing wrong with being more cautious.

Ain also smiled at him, feeling better because of these words.

"Although there are many supports, there are also a lot of things on them, so everyone should be careful. Don't stand up in a hurry, lean against the wall, and wait for the lord to come down and save us." After Ain finished speaking, he put the one beside him The man squatted back, and he himself squatted in a corner.

Duo Ya looked at Ain's side for a while, and then felt as if her clothes were being pulled.

Looking back, the person tugging at her clothes was Vivian squatting next to her.

"What's wrong?" Duoya asked.

Vivian raised her chin slightly, indicating that the direction was towards Ain, and then she said in a low voice: "The Lord is really good at picking people, this construction captain is quite powerful."

Duoya nodded: "The Lord has always had a good sense."

Vivian: "The lord will take care of this matter when we get back, right?" Vivian was actually bored by pulling Duo Ya.

Her personality is a bit playful, and she usually can't stand her temper in the hospital. She only calms down when she is researching potions. This day of being trapped can be said to have completely crushed her.

Although she was about to go up, she still couldn't stay idle for a few minutes and wanted to chat.

Duoya thought about the lord's usual style, and then shook his head.

Vivian looked a little strange when she shook her head, so she asked: "Do you think the lord will not handle this matter? She doesn't have this kind of character."

Duoya looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to them, and then explained in a low voice: "If you are asking the lord whether he will handle this matter, then I think it is not possible, but if you are asking whether these people will handle it, I think it’s possible that he will be punished.”

Vivian is not stupid either. Duoya's words seemed contradictory, but she quickly realized it.

"Do you think the lord will leave this matter to Ain?" If so, it means that Su You did not intervene, but those people will be punished to a certain extent.

Duoya nodded.

Vivian had not thought of this possibility, but when Duo Ya said this, she really felt that this was something the lord could do.

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