Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 823 823 Polar Night Storm 59

Chapter 823 823. Polar Night Storm 59
Vivian clicked her tongue, then took a deep look at Duoya, until she felt that something was wrong with her, and then looked away.

Duoya: "What's wrong? Do I have any questions?"

Vivian shook her head and denied: "No, you have no problem, I just suddenly discovered that you know the Lord quite well."

Before Duoya could say anything, she vaguely felt something was wrong with the soil above her head.

She subconsciously pulled Vivian to one side and fell to the other side. The movement caused by this operation was very conspicuous in the silent space where no one spoke.

Almost at the next moment she made this move, everyone's eyes were focused on Duo Ya, and then they suddenly looked up directly above her original position - only to see the tightly filled The soil layer rustled down with scattered pieces of soil falling down.

Ain's eyes lit up, and then he subconsciously shouted: "That's the exit over there. The lord of that location has already cleaned up the things above and is coming down to save us!"

The location of the exit is the strongest. After all, it is the only exit, so Ain asked people to arrange the most supports at the exit. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for this place to collapse when other locations have not collapsed. of.

In this case, the only explanation is that someone above moved and cleared the soil, which caused such a situation below.

Sure enough, less than a minute after Ain said these words, a ray of light came through the exit that was originally sealed by Ain - this was the light of a lighting lamp.

Immediately afterwards, someone climbed down from above. Everyone recognized this person. He was Lyle.

Lyle: "The Lord is here to save everyone. Don't worry, everyone, go out one by one."

After saying this, Lyle didn't give everyone time to get excited. He turned around and shouted to Ain, Duoya and Vivian, and then asked the three of them to go up first.

Originally, Ain and Doya wanted to stay. After all, one of them was the captain of the construction team and the other was the captain of the combat team. No matter who went up first, it would not be appropriate to leave the others here.

But Lyle gave them a reason they couldn't refuse.

"Just let me watch over here. You go up first. The Lord is up there. She has something to ask you." Lyle guessed that they wouldn't go up, so he moved Suyou out.

Sure enough, when they heard that it was Su You who was looking for them, they didn't hesitate much, and the three of them lined up and went up.

After they went up, Lyle also asked people to line up neatly in five teams.

The exit of this underground cage has forks, like a 'Y' shape. One of the forks is a ladder to climb up, and the other is a staircase.

The ladder on the other side will be narrower, and only one person can go up at a time. The stairs on the other side are much wider, enough for three or four people of normal size to walk side by side.

After some arrangements, more than two hundred people who had been trapped for a day left the underground one after another in less than ten minutes.

After they all came out, the people on the ground who had been prepared began to enter the underground prison one after another with the black figures who were tied up, gagged and blindfolded.

After completing a wave of 'shadow exchanges', Su You led everyone back the same way.

By the time we returned to the territory, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. "Everyone, please go back and have a rest. Remember to go to the mission hall to receive the reward tomorrow." After Su You said this, she returned to the city lord's mansion first. Seeing that she was gone, the others also breathed a sigh of relief and ran to their homes. And go.

Especially those who have been trapped for a day, they seem to have suffered millions of things. Once they return to their own homes/temporary residences, they roll with excitement.

Honestly speaking, the conditions of the underground cage are not that bad, and are even much better than those of those camping in the wild. After all, it is a place that is airtight from all sides and can be protected from wind and rain, but it is definitely not as comfortable as your own home.

And because there was a huge storm above their heads, they couldn't sleep peacefully. It was as if they were sleeping peacefully while someone was dancing passionately upstairs.

But I can't go up to find someone to settle the score, because the other person is not a human at all!

Anyway, everything ended and everyone returned to their homes and had a good night's sleep.



On a new day, Su You still didn't rest. She took the people recruited from these two times to divide all the black shadows in the territory into two groups and spent a morning sending them all to the underground cage that had been built outside.

In addition to this incident, Su You heard that Ain Construction brought a group of about twenty construction workers to the underground cage, preparing for them to install a few more supports.

Although everything yesterday had proved the sturdiness of the cage, Ain was worried that the originally strong cage would be somewhat damaged due to the storm. Although the damage might not be major, he still proposed to repair it.

Naturally, Su You would not disagree with his suggestion. We were all going out anyway, so let's go there together.

In this way, in addition to moving all the black shadows in the territory outside in one morning, the underground cage was also reinforced twice.

According to Ain, after this reinforcement, the cage is even stronger than before it was damaged by the storm!
Suyou was very satisfied and turned around and paid bonuses to Ain and the twenty-some construction workers.

When distributing bonuses, Ain and Su You talked about the conflicts that had arisen before.

As expected by Duo Ya, Su You didn't say anything after hearing this. He just asked Ain if he had any ideas about how to deal with it. After Ain nodded, Su You decisively left the matter to him and let him handle it by himself.

Whether this matter is big or small, it is not something that must be handled by Su You.

Anyone with a discerning eye who is following Su You can see that she is delegating power step by step. This delegation of power is not without any reason, nor is it casual. After all, she just wants to relax herself and do some unnecessary things. By letting others handle it, you don't want to make yourself a polished commander.

Ain didn't hesitate after getting Su You's reply, and went directly back to handle the matter herself. The results were reported to Su You, but she just looked at them briefly and didn't say anything more, so this matter Even if it’s in the past.

Today is a good day, not only because the biggest trouble in the territory, the Black Shadow of Fear, has been completely solved, but also importantly, in the afternoon of that day, Lyle and Duoya each led a team of 100 people to the forest. Take the initiative and look for small storms to practice with.

The result was obviously that they went very smoothly and brought back a lot of materials.

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