Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 824 824 Polar Night Storm 60

Chapter 824 824. Polar Night Storm 60
Although the highest quality of these materials is only blue, due to their large quantity, the quantity is enough to make up for some of the lack of quality.

And the biggest advantage of the materials brought by the storm is that there are no regional restrictions.

Although they are all blue materials, for land, even if the materials in the ocean are only blue, their value is comparable to the purple materials on land.

The same is true for the materials brought by the storm. The storm is set to come from all directions, so the things it brings are also 'local specialties' from various places.

Looking at the things on the ground, Su You saw at a glance several materials that could not be produced in the area of ​​his territory, but were very useful.

"Call a few people to come over and help. The materials you know will be sorted separately and placed in the warehouse next door. The other materials you don't know will be left behind and I will sort them out." Although Su You has a system to help, there are really too many materials here.

If we talk about the types, there are already hundreds of them, and if we talk about the quantity, there are even five figures.

Suyou really couldn't sort out so many things by herself.

The most she can do is pick out some apparently good materials, and then pick out some materials that are in great demand, and the rest can only be left to others to take their time.

Zenyue nodded to indicate that she understood, and then asked her assistants to go outside and recruit a few people to come in and organize things.

Facing the things all over the floor, she was actually a little helpless.

Looking at the lord who walked away, Chanyue sighed silently, and then resigned and led others to start sorting out the mess on the ground.


After Suyou left the mission hall, she thought it was getting late, so she went to the ranch to pick up Lingbao and go home to rest, but when she passed the medical center, she was pulled in by Vivian.

Suyou: "???"

After being pulled into the hospital, Su You looked at Vivian and felt a little strange and said, "Why are you squatting there? I was just passing by and you pulled me in."

As soon as she finished speaking, Su You turned around and saw Vivian looking depressed.

Su You was a little surprised by this rarely seen appearance. For a moment, she couldn't decide whether she should care first whether Vivian was guarding her, whether she had something to do with him, or why she became like this.

Seeing that Vivian didn't speak for a long time after pulling her in, Su You had no choice but to take the initiative and ask: "What's going on?"

Vivian looked at her sadly, and then took out a dozen bottles of the same size and appearance from nowhere.

"What you want... is going to hurt me so much!" Vivian angrily pushed all the bottles in front of Su You, as if she didn't want to see them again.

"Take it away, take it away!" Vivian waved her hand in disgust.

Su You felt a little strange about her attitude, but Vivian looked like she didn't want to say more, so she didn't ask.

Because Vivian was about to close at this time, Suyou didn't stay at the hospital for too long. She took the things and went directly to the ranch. After arriving at the ranch, she took out the things and took a look.

At this glance, she was a little surprised, and at the same time she was also a little confused.

【Top nutrient solution】

Quality: red
Category: props

Introduction: A nutrient solution that can provide a large amount of growth energy for creatures that have not yet been fully born. Because the energy contained is extremely pure, ordinary creatures cannot use it, otherwise they will explode and die due to excessive energy. On the contrary, higher level creatures can absorb more nutrient solution. At the same time, high-quality nutrient solutions will enhance the talents and qualifications of organisms.


Needless to say, this thing must be something Suyou asked Vivian to prepare for the dragon egg. I didn't expect that she would research it so quickly.

But what made Suyou a little confused was Vivian's attitude just now.

Under normal circumstances, she should be very happy no matter what new thing she has researched, but her mood just now was not only not happy, but also very complicated, with a hint of disgust and disgust in the complexity. But since she didn't delve into this matter just now, she won't take the initiative to ask in the future. She just has some curious thoughts now.

Now that she had this top-notch nutrient solution, Su You happened to be at the ranch at this time, so she was going to use a bottle to test the effect first.

'babble? 'Lingbao heard footsteps outside and subconsciously let out a confused hum.

It wasn't until it saw that the person pushing the door was Su You that Lingbao jumped over in surprise.

Suyou skillfully took the white ball, then put the fur ball on her shoulder, and Lingbao also skillfully coiled it around her neck.

"How is your partner still?" Su You asked casually, causing Lingbao to chirp a lot.

'good! ’

'But I'm hungry...'

'Lingbao was obedient and didn't feed himself. '

After a few intermittent words, Su You understood its meaning.

This dragon egg must have insufficient vitality soon, Lingbao was worried, but because of what happened before, it didn't secretly feed it with blood this time.

Su You nodded to show that she understood.

Although she doesn't come to the ranch often, because she has calculated the life force consumption pattern of dragon eggs before, she also calculated the time to come here today.

Even if Vivian didn't give her the medicine today, Su You would definitely come over, otherwise this gentian would starve to death.

Before feeding the nutrient solution, Su You first checked the condition of the dragon eggs——

[Eggs of unknown creatures]

Status: Incubating

Vitality: 12/100
Incubation time: unknown

Hatching probability: 23%

Perhaps it is because they have been raised well during this period, so although the hatching probability does not change significantly, it does gradually increase upwards.

Following the current trend, Su You has some confidence in the hatching of dragon eggs.

She took out the top-quality nutrient solution, gave Lingbao a look first, and then poured it on the dragon egg while talking.

[Successfully feeding top nutrient solution, vitality +30, hatching probability +0.5%]

[Successfully feeding top nutrient solution, vitality +30]

[Successfully feeding top nutrient solution, vitality +30, hatching probability +1%]

"This is the nutrient solution prepared by Vivian. With it, this egg will not be hungry in the future, and you will no longer need to feed blood." Because she was worried that the nutrient solution might be useless, Su You was waiting. I only said this when the system prompt appeared.

Lingbao moved her tail excitedly, which made Su You's neck itchy. She held the restless Lingbao down and poured out the last drop of the nutrient solution.

A bottle of top-quality nutrient solution provided a total of 1.5 points of vitality for the dragon egg, and also increased the probability of hatching by %. Compared with before, it felt like a nouveau riche.

Su You sighed inwardly, then looked at the backpack and found that there were eleven bottles of top-quality nutrient solution left in the backpack. Counting the one just now, there were twelve bottles in total.

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