Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 825 825 Polar Night Storm 61

Chapter 825 825. Polar Night Storm 61
Twelve bottles of top-grade nutrient solution are equivalent to more than a thousand points of vitality if the efficacy of the medicine does not decrease.

At this stage, the vitality consumed by the dragon egg every day has reached about 15 points, and the consumption rate is still increasing.

But no matter what, even if the effect of the top-level nutrient solution is diminishing, and even if the dragon egg's subsequent vitality consumption rises to more than 20 points, these nutrient solutions are definitely enough for it to survive natural disasters.

As long as he survives the natural disaster, Suyou will contact Luya directly and find the mermaid tribe in exchange for some dragon crystals.

Dragon crystal is a thing of the dragon clan. As mentioned before, the role of dragon crystal in the dragon clan is to hatch dragon eggs. With it, the survival rate and hatching rate of dragon eggs can continue to increase.

The reason she knew about the existence of dragon crystal was because she heard about it from Ning Shi.

Because when the mermaid tribe was polluted, it was said that they were planning to use dragon crystal to remove the pollution, but it seemed to have failed. Later, they found Ning Shi for help. Ning Shi saw the bright red glowing stone and asked out of curiosity. The clan's attitude towards her was naturally known to all.

Although the dragon crystal is valuable, it is nothing compared to the life-saving grace. Besides, Su You is exchanging and not taking it for free, so the mermaid tribe will basically not refuse.

However, she could ask Luya about what the mermaid tribe lacked and needed recently.

The mermaid tribe can be said to be in a state of exhaustion and waiting for improvement. When the time comes, she will get some useful things for the mermaid tribe and send them there, and she will be able to exchange for more dragon crystals.


After feeding the dragon eggs, Su You took the spirit treasure and went home to rest.

The next three days passed normally without any disturbance.

At this time, the time has come to the twenty-second day of the natural disaster, and the temperature in this area has now reached the terrifying minus 150 degrees.

With such a low temperature, it is no exaggeration to say that even a tightly wrapped person, as long as they stay outdoors for less than a minute without using any props, will definitely suffer from the negative conditions related to low temperature.

And this is just the beginning.

If you cannot warm people up in time and eliminate these negative states, then there is only a dead end.

But fortunately, every household now has heating facilities such as tripods, hand stoves, and fireplaces.

Those with better conditions rely on fires to keep warm at home. Although it will still be a little cold, at least it is a livable temperature.

If the conditions are better, they will not only light a fire at home, but also use various warming and body-protecting potions and runes, then this weather will be similar to spring for them.

Everyone has their own way of living, but because the territory has sufficient reserves of various supplies, and there are now ways to go out and collect supplies at night, everyone can survive as long as they are willing to work hard.

But even so, there are still some who are too frugal... At best, it is frugal, but at worst, it is stingy about money.

These people think that they will have no problems indoors. They are reluctant to burn the stove or the fireplace. They are only willing to buy two thick quilts, put on all the clothes they can put on, and tremble with the hand stove.

This method worked at first, until yesterday when the temperature dropped sharply, the wind began to blow everywhere.

The already cold weather was also windy, which made it even worse. Although the house is protected from the wind, there will inevitably be a small gap. The cold wind blowing through such a small gap is enough to freeze someone to death.

Many people were found not to have gone out all day long. The people next door called the inn clerk. When they opened the door and went in, they all had pale faces and stiff bodies. They were just one step away from death.

Although many people can't understand why someone would be so stingy as to make fun of their own lives, it would be fine if they didn't see it. Since they have already discovered it, they will naturally be sent to the hospital.

Vivian has been in a bad mood these past two days, but it's not her fault.

Since it was discovered that storms could be actively attacked, the territory has organized hundreds of people to go out to collect supplies every day. Although these people have the help of medicine, they are robbing from storms after all, so injuries are inevitable.

When hundreds of people go out, there are always dozens of people injured. The exaggerated number of injured people directly exceeds 100, so the medical center is still very busy to this day.

In this case, there are still people who are stingy and increase the medical burden on them. With Vivian's character, it would be fine if they feel better.

What's even more disgusting is that stingy people are stingy for a reason.

They don't even care about their own lives, but they just don't want to spend money. How can they be expected to pay for the medicine?

Seventeen people were sent who almost froze to death, but in the end only two people paid for the medicine. The reason why these two people paid for the medicine was because they were timid. They were afraid of offending Vivian, so she directly taught them a lesson.

This kind of person is cruel to himself, but he doesn't dare to provoke others, which is quite acceptable.

But the other fifteen people were different. Their faces were thicker than the city walls. They said, 'We are not the ones who come to the medical center.' The implication was that 'whoever sends them to the medical center will have to pay.' Money' means.

Although it was not stated explicitly, after this meaning was revealed, not only Vivian was angry, but also the people who sent them here were the most angry.

They were good people with good intentions, but they unexpectedly saved White Eyed Wolf.

You must know that people who fainted from the cold were not immune to the cold, so when they sent these people over, they either contributed runes or potions, so that they could be sent to the hospital smoothly.

Otherwise, even if they don't freeze to death at home, they will freeze to death on the way to the hospital.

These people didn't expect to get back the money for runes or potions, but they never expected that someone would be so shameless that they even asked them to pay for medical treatment!
At the moment, thirty people were divided into two groups. One group was stingy people. They felt that they did not need to come to the medical center because someone else sent them here, so they were unwilling to pay.

The other faction is the one who saves people. They are very angry, but since they can save people, it means they have good intentions.

Shanxin has a good temper, can't curse a few words, and is too embarrassed to make trouble in the medical clinic. Therefore, they are obviously the reasonable party, but they appear to be a bit weak.

Finally, Vivian slammed the table and asked those who were saving lives to leave. As for those who were unwilling to pay for the medicine, they were all allowed to stay and try the medicine.

"Don't talk to me about anything else. Since you have been treated but don't want to pay, you can stay in the hospital to try the medicine for a week." As soon as Vivian said this, the faces of the fifteen people had different expressions, but they must be all the same in their hearts. Not happy.

 There is no CP metaphysical text in the new book. The archive of this article has been completed and will not affect the update.

  (End of this chapter)

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