Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 826 826 Polar Night Storm 62

Chapter 826 826. Polar Night Storm 62
But they were unhappy, but no one dared to speak, for fear of offending Vivian. After all, anyone who had lived in this territory for a while knew Meike and Vivian.

These two people can be said to be the least messed with in the territory. This is a recognized fact.

But it was absolutely impossible to get money, so they reluctantly stayed to test the medicine.

They thought very well that they could only get out of the house anyway, but they could use the heating at the hospital, and it was free and cost-free heating.

And they all felt that although the word "testing medicine" sounds scary, it should be nothing, because in the past, there were people who had no money to see a doctor, so they used themselves to test medicine to pay for the medicine.

They were all living well, and no one said anything about pain, so they didn't take it seriously.

Vivian also guessed what they were thinking. Although she didn't show it on her face, she was sneering in her heart——

In the past, some people did have no money and used their own bodies to test medicines to pay for the money, but these people really had difficulties in life and were informed and polite.

The potions that Vivian usually studies are not all weird, so those people who try the potions don't feel that there is anything to be afraid of. The only problem is that the potions taste strange, but there are no other problems.

But these people are rich and don't want to act rogue, and they also want to rely on others to pay for the medicine. Faced with such people, Vivian cannot let them go easily.

It just so happened that the few people in the dark cell had been tortured by her for a long time, and they all needed to rest for a while. Vivian was worried that no one could experiment with more powerful medicines, but here comes the 'guinea pig'.

These people still don't know how 'dark' they will be in the next few days, but that doesn't matter anymore. From the moment they agreed, they had no chance to go back on their word.

After this episode has passed, using these fifteen people as a case study, there are people who are stingy but are afraid of death and dare not continue stinging Sosou. There are also well-intentioned people who saw the fifteen people who saved people but were betrayed instead. Due to the above-mentioned incident, I restrained my good heart.

From this point of view, it is difficult to say whether the impact of the events caused by these people is good or bad, but since then, I have never heard of anyone deliberately freezing themselves to death in order to save money.


Two more days have passed and it is now the twenty-fifth day of the natural disaster.

This time the natural disaster lasts for thirty days, which means that they only need to hold on for five more days, and in only five more days, they can see the light again!
Just as everyone was counting the days on their fingers, and their hearts were getting more and more excited and anticipated, Su You had a vague premonition in her heart.

This is not the first time I have had this premonition, but most of the previous premonitions appeared out of thin air. Although it was true, it was a bit out of thin air.

But the difference this time was that Su You knew that the natural disaster was not over yet.

Because when the natural disaster first appeared, it was said that there would be a total of three 'natural disaster random events', but so far, five-sixths of the natural disaster has passed, but the last event has not been unlocked yet.

Su You didn't think this last incident would happen, but there was no movement, and there was nothing she could do about it.

For this reason, Su You also went to Yao Guang's door twice, but she didn't respond. She probably had nothing to say, so Su You had to wait.

However, what is gratifying is that as everyone becomes more and more skilled, and as more and more people are sent out, more and more things are brought back every day.

The value of the things purchased in the mission hall every day has now increased from a few dozen gold coins to one or two hundred gold coins, and now it is as low as three to five hundred gold coins per day.

Because the natural disaster has not ended yet, there are no outside merchants to sell things, and the economy of the entire territory is in a state of only going out but not entering, so Jinluo's face has become worse and worse in the past two days. But she also knows that the mission hall has a lot of money. These purchased items are all purchased at 60 to 70% of the market price. As long as the natural disaster is over, once these materials are sold, there will be a lot of money to recycle. To the territory.

Jinluo could only rely on this to comfort herself now.


At the end of a busy day, Jinluo took stock of the bank's accounts, then closed and padlocked all parts of the bank to prepare to go home from get off work.

But when she came to the bank's warehouse, she looked at the tattered box that seemed to have been gnawed by some teeth, and then looked at the box that was supposed to be filled with copper coins and silver coins but it was empty, and her whole body suddenly exploded.

After a while, there was a knock on the door that sounded like banging on the door of the city lord's mansion.

Su You hurriedly opened the door, and then she saw the bank owner with a dark face and a resentment that could kill ten cows.

Su You: "What's going on? Who provoked you?"

Jin Luo took a deep breath, tried to calm herself down and said, "Lord, the bank has been robbed."

Suyou: "???"

Su You was stunned for a moment, then immediately informed Lake, and she also got dressed and followed Jin Luo to the bank.

When she saw that the bank's warehouse, where money was stored, was in a mess, she finally understood why Jinluo was so angry.

For Jinluo, money is her lifeblood. Now that the money is gone, it is equivalent to her lifeline being gone. It is normal for Jinluo to explode.

"This... doesn't look like someone stole it." Su You checked the surroundings and came to this conclusion.

Although Jinluo was so angry that she lost her mind before, she has calmed down now. After regaining her rationality, she nodded in agreement with Su You's point of view.

"This box looks like it has been chewed by some creature. If it were a human, just smash the lock and there is no need to chew the box." And humans don't have such good teeth to chew the box.

After all, it is a box for money. This box and the lock on the box are unusual. They are made of high-grade materials. Let alone chewing it with your teeth, it will not leave any traces if you use a knife to split it and burn it with water.

Being able to quietly damage the box and sneak things away at the same time is obviously not something ordinary people can do.

Of course, it doesn't mean that no one can do it, but people with this ability will not come to this small territory, and even if they come, they can't just steal such a small amount of things.

After stealing so little, Su You doubted whether they could 'recover their money'.

After all, being able to quietly enter the bank warehouse and make the box look like this must have used a lot of props.

Although Jin Luo's formation was quite large, the bank's warehouse only stored less than 300 gold coins worth of coins, which could not even be reached by the amount purchased by the mission hall in one day.

What's more, for convenience, there are only silver coins and copper coins in the warehouse. Because they are of small face value and commonly used, there is not a single gold coin here.

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