Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 827 827 Polar Night Storm 63

Chapter 827 827. Polar Night Storm 63
According to Jinluo, the warehouse contains silver coins worth two hundred and fifty gold coins, which is 25,000 silver coins, and the rest are copper coins, totaling more than 400,000 copper coins.

Throwing so many coins could kill hundreds or even thousands of people. No one would be stupid enough to steal this thing. It wouldn't take much away, and it would take a lot of time and effort.

There were naturally gold coins in the bank, but they were all hidden by Jinluo in another place. There were not many gold coins in that place, only five hundred gold coins. After Jinluo discovered that the warehouse had been stolen, she immediately went to see the gold coins. Fortunately, there was no murderous attack there.

One gold coin is worth ten thousand copper coins. Although five hundred gold coins are not light in weight, they are obviously much easier to carry than hundreds of thousands or millions of copper coins and silver coins.

"Lord Lord."

While Su You and Jin Luo were discussing, Lake's voice came from outside. Su You asked him to come in. Lake knew that it was the bank's warehouse, a place where money was stored. It was not good for too many people to go in, so he let him in. Others were standing guard outside.

When he pushed the door open and entered, he was so startled by the sight in front of him that he even forgot to say hello to Su You and Jin Luo.

After regaining consciousness, Lake quickly asked: "Lord, what happened to Miss Jin's bank?"

The importance of the bank is self-evident, and Lake was extremely panicked when he saw the bank become like this. After all, he is responsible for the security of the territory, and petty theft is naturally under his control. Now that there is such a big mistake, and he also He was completely unaware, and the lord discovered it himself, which made him feel a little guilty.

Su You saw something was wrong with his expression and said to reassure him, "It's not your fault. Look carefully. This was not done by humans."

Lake ignored himself and quickly checked the box and the remaining traces on the ground.

After a while, he raised his head hesitantly and said: "Lord, this does not look like it was done by a human being. I think it looks a bit like..."

He paused and did not continue because he felt that his answer seemed a bit outrageous.

But Suyou asked him to continue, and he didn't hesitate.

Lake: "I think this looks a bit like mouse tooth marks. When we were exploring in the early years, Lyle and I once entered a mouse hole by mistake. The mice there were a little different from ordinary mice... At that time, we didn't know We were unprepared for the presence of rats, and a lot of things were eaten. The traces are very similar to those at that time. "

Su You was thoughtful, while Jin Luo frowned, and then said, "But no matter how powerful a mouse is, how can it have such a mouth?"

Lake didn't know the reason either.

After all, he knew how strong the banker's box was, and he couldn't think of anything that a mouse could chew through.

Su You searched for some information from her memory, but before she could express her thoughts, the reminder that had made her uneasy in the past few days finally sounded——

[Random natural disaster events have been unlocked (3/3): Ice and Snow Storm, Source of Fear, Gold-Eating Rat. 】

[Gold-eating rats: The cold wind is biting, and hungry gold-eating rats will appear in places rich in resources. They have sharp teeth, are extremely gluttonous, and will not refuse anyone who comes. 】

Well, the case was solved, and it turned out to be a mouse.

According to the brief information given by the system, Su You can see the three most obvious characteristics of this mouse:
1. It has good teeth and can chew even high-grade metals.

2. Especially able to eat and eager for food.

3. The range of recipes is not limited to ordinary food.

...Of these three characteristics, they now have a clear understanding of the first and third characteristics. Based on the box with holes easily chewed out, they had already guessed that the culprit had good teeth. .

As for the third characteristic, Su You could also guess a thing or two. I am afraid that these lost copper and silver coins will never be recovered, because they were not stolen at all, but eaten. What happened to the things that were eaten? It's impossible to get it back.

As for the second characteristic, although Su You summarized it, because she had never seen this kind of mouse, she could not clearly perceive what the concept of 'edible' here was.

But Su You was mentally prepared. She had imagined that the reference object of the gold-eating rat was the ancient mythical beast, Taotie.

Although it is a bit strange to compare Taotie with rats, it does fit in with Su You's initial impression of gold-devouring rats.

"I probably know what it is." Su You told the story about the gold-eating rat, and then neither Lake nor Jin Luo looked very pretty.

Rats are inherently disgusting creatures to humans. It has been said that everyone shouts and beats rats in the street, and it is similar in this continent.

However, rats are such a strong vitality, reproductive capacity, and survival ability. They cannot drive them away or kill them all, and there is nothing they can do.

"If it is really a rat, it must be eradicated as soon as possible. Whether it is a gold-eating rat or a silver-eating rat, it is a fact that they will eat resources. If they are not caught, what will happen if they eat other resources in the territory?" But now , Jinluo was glad that the gold-eating rat's first target was the bank.

Because no matter what the situation, money is always the most valuable and also the least valuable.

It is given value by humans, but it itself has no effect on humans.

If it was not the bank's warehouse that suffered today, but other warehouses storing materials in the territory, then the losses would only be greater.

Suyou and Lake naturally understand this truth.

But knowing it, how are they going to catch the mice?

Rats are not humans. They are small in size and have nimble hands and feet. A group of rats may be nesting in any corner. They can go to places that humans cannot enter. Until there is a good way, they don’t seem to have much else to do except sit back and wait. Method.

"Lord, I will arrange for someone to pay attention to the traces of rats first." No matter what, there is always no problem in being vigilant first.

As for how to catch mice, Su You had to wait for Su You to think of a solution.

This thing still happened too suddenly... No, it wasn't actually sudden.

Su You had thought before that the territory's material reserves were sufficient. In order to prevent them from surviving the natural disaster safely, the system would probably start with the territory's material reserves.

This gold-eating rat obviously plays this role.

Suyou asked Jinluo to go back and rest first, while Lake also arranged for people to clean up the gold-eating rats in the territory. Although it would be effective to directly search for them, it was better to give it a try than to do nothing.

Su You returned to the City Lord's Mansion, and when she went to bed, she stroked the Lingbao that had rolled over. There was no sleepiness in her mind - it was no wonder she could sleep with the Gold-eating Rat around!

"The gold-eating rat definitely has a weakness or some characteristic that can be exploited..."

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