Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 828 828 Polar Night Storm 64

Chapter 828 828. Polar Night Storm 64
Su You murmured to herself, but unfortunately, she didn't know what it was.

She rolled over on the bed, still not feeling sleepy, so she simply stopped sleeping and read the relevant information about the territory and the information provided by the system many times.

But after one night, the only way she could think of for the time being was to find someone to make some rat poison, or something to repel mosquitoes, rats, and ants.

But this method may be useful against ordinary rats, but it may not be useful against the gold-eating rats that were created by this natural disaster specifically to target them, but she needed to try it first.

In addition to these preliminary tentative methods, Su You also made a plan for the gold-eating rats just like he did for the fearful black shadow.

First of all, you must understand the information about the gold-eating rat, such as its appearance, behavior characteristics, preferences, etc.

Needless to say about the appearance characteristics; the behavioral characteristics are when and how the gold-eating rat is used to foraging, and what method it usually likes to use to get in and out of its destination; in terms of preferences, the initial judgment is definitely eating, but the gold-eating rat seems to eat everything, but it does not It doesn't mean it doesn't have something in particular that it likes to eat.

If you know the characteristics of the action, you can catch it in a targeted manner according to the characteristics. If you know your preferences, you can also set up bait for fishing law enforcement...

After writing some plans, Su You thought of the tragedy at the bank and couldn't help but frown.

"Is it a coincidence...or on purpose?" Su You began to think about this question.

The Gold-eating Rat chose the bank as its first 'canteen'. Why?
Was it a random place, or a place chosen specifically?

If it's the former, there's nothing to say. If it's the latter, then why did they choose the bank?
Although she has moved many supplies underground, as food is relatively cheap and commonly used, there are many warehouses on the ground for large quantities of supplies.

There is no reason for the gold-eating rat to keep fragrant fruits and vegetables. It doesn't eat chicken, duck, fish and meat, but prefers to eat hard metal.

Without considering the random selection of gold-eating rats, Su You can think of only two reasons -

One is that the gold-eating rat likes to eat metal. Although this preference is strange, considering that it is not a normal rat, it is not incomprehensible. Anyway, animals raised in pastures eat stones and wood, so eating metal is nothing.

Another reason is related to the characteristics of the gold-eating rats. The coins in the bank warehouse meet certain characteristics, so they attract the gold-eating rats. Once other materials also meet this characteristic, then the gold-eating rats should also choose other places. destination.

"What public characteristics can the money in the warehouse have?" Su You couldn't figure it out for a while, so she could only put this idea aside for the time being, and then wrote about the line "Gold-eating rats may prefer metal as food" The words were written on the paper.

The consequence of a sleepless night is a lack of energy the next day.

Fortunately, Su You always carried various props with her, so she drank the physical strength potion and the mental potion directly, and then took a sobriety rune with her, and then left the city lord's mansion in high spirits.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Su You first went to find the alchemists and asked them to make a batch of potions that could repel snakes, insects, rats, and ants while making anti-storm potions.

This kind of potion is very common and the level is not high, so these alchemists nodded repeatedly without saying a word 'no'.

Later, Su You went to the Chengbing Mansion.

The so-called City Military Mansion is related to the territorial soldiers and is also where Lake works. After learning that one night passed, neither Lake nor his men caught any gold-eating rats, not even ordinary rats. Su You was a little regretful, but also I don't think it's strange.

"I asked the alchemist to make a batch of potions that can prevent and control rats. You can get them later and have them sprayed on the streets and alleys." Su You ordered. Lake nodded to show that he understood.

Su You rubbed her aching head and then went to the hospital.

When she came to the hospital, Vivian was watching Qiuyue stop bleeding and bandaging several injuries, giving some instructions from time to time. When she saw Suyou coming, she stopped talking, then let Qiuyue do her own business, while she followed. Su You went to the backyard.

"What's wrong? Did something happen in the territory again?" Vivian rarely made fun of her, her face was full of seriousness.

The reason for this is partly because when she came to the medical center in the morning, she felt that something was wrong with the patrol guard. This kind of strangeness could not be seen by ordinary people, but it was still obvious to Vivian who had been in the territory for so long.

Moreover, when Suyou entered the hospital just now, her usually gentle and smiling expression was unusually calm. Coupled with what she saw and heard in the morning, although Vivian didn't know what happened, she also knew that something must have happened again.

"Something did happen." Su You told what happened at the bank yesterday, and also talked about the gold-eating rat.

While Suyou was talking, Vivian's face looked a little strange.

Although it is indeed unacceptable for rats to invade your territory, after all, rats are disgusting and filthy, and no one would want such creatures in their home.

But Vivian's reaction was a bit excessive.

"I don't know what the gold-devouring rats you are talking about look like, but I did see a few rats the day before yesterday." Speaking of this, Vivian's face looked disgusting, and her face was surprisingly ugly, which made Su You feel a little confused for a moment. Off topic.

"I'll get it." Vivian frowned, then turned and left.

Su You didn't expect that Vivian would catch the mouse instead of killing it.

After a while, Vivian walked quickly with a cage covered with black cloth in each hand, one on the left and one on the right.

The cage was about the same size as an incubator on the ranch. It was a cube, about as long as an arm.

Vivian was very disgusted, so she did not put the cage on the table, but on the ground. As the black cloth was lifted, Su You saw five palm-sized mice.

The gold-eating rat looks very similar to a mouse, but because its fur is maroon and its body is small and exquisite, it is not as disgusting as an ordinary mouse. After looking at it for a long time, it actually feels a little cute.

But this impression was quickly shattered.

There are two few characteristics of gold-eating rats. One is that their tails are extremely long. The tails of each gold-eating rats are twice as long as their bodies.

There was another characteristic that Suyou didn't notice at first. Finally, Vivian put on her gloves and took out an herb and put it in front of the cage. Suyou suddenly felt creepy.

These gold-eating rats seemed to have been hungry for a long time. When they saw food being handed to them, the five rats rushed to the edge of the cage in excitement, and then opened their mouths——

"..." Looking at the white triangular fangs that looked like they had been repaired with a whetstone, Su You got goosebumps all over her body.

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