Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 829 829 Polar Night Storm 65

Chapter 829 829. Polar Night Storm 65
Okay, now she knows why Vivian's face is so ugly, and she also knows why the gold-eating rat's teeth are so good.

Most mice, even if they are different species, have only three to five to seventy-eight to more than ten or twenty teeth.

But the gold-eating rat is different. Its teeth are not only sharp triangles, which make people feel cold all over when looking at them. The most important thing is that its teeth are actually two rows and densely packed. Although it cannot be opened to take a closer look, it is roughly Counting it, there are at least forty or fifty.

A mouse the size of a palm has as many as forty or fifty teeth!

It's not like Suyou has never seen creatures with many teeth, let alone dozens of teeth, she has seen creatures with hundreds or thousands of teeth, but they are all huge creatures.

For things like the gold-eating rat, it can only be said to be 'hidden and hidden'.

"Tell me what happened to these gold-eating rats." Su You calmed down for a moment, and besides the initial fright, she quickly regained her composure.

Upon seeing this, Vivian covered the black cloth with a black cloth, as if she didn't want to take another look. She returned the cover and asked, "Are you sure it's a gold-eating rat?"

"Yeah." Su You checked the information when she saw the mouse. Although the system deliberately hid the detailed introduction information, except for the name, which was filled with question marks or 'unknown', the name of the mouse in front of her was indeed 'Gold-Eating Rat'.

"That's it." Seeing that she had confirmed the identity of the mouse, Vivian began to explain where her 'fate' with this mouse came from.

This matter is simple to say, and Vivian explained the cause and effect in just one sentence.

"Remember the top-quality nutrient solution I gave you yesterday? That stuff was also great for unhatched creatures, so it attracted them." Vivian pointed to the gold-eating rat in the cage.

Su You understood.

This is actually quite reasonable, because the top-quality nutrient solution is of red quality after all, and the gold-eating rat is greedy, so it is not surprising that it would target it.

And this can also explain why Vivian's face was so ugly when she handed the potion to her yesterday. It was probably related to the gold-eating rat, but Vivian didn't tell the details, and Suyou didn't want to bring back bad memories for her, so I didn’t ask any useless questions.

"After all, you are the first to discover the gold-eating rats. Do they have any characteristics?" Su You is most concerned about this. As for what Vivian has done to these gold-eating rats, or what she plans to do, she She didn't care what to do with the rats.

Vivian: "If I want to say there is any obvious characteristic, it is that it can be eaten."

Vivian took a deep breath and said angrily: "I put it in an ordinary cage at first, and then they chewed the cage. Fortunately, I found it before they came out."

"Now I've soaked a potion on this cage. Nothing will happen to them, but they don't dare to eat it." It's not that the potion is poisonous, but the taste of the potion may even be scarier than poison to the gold-eating rats.

It is difficult to describe it specifically. After all, Vivian is not a rat. She only knows the effect of the potion she made. As for how it tastes, it doesn’t matter as long as it works.

Hearing Vivian's words, Su You's eyes lit up.

"Can this potion be mass-produced? There is currently very little information about gold-eating rats, and it is very difficult to catch them. It is best to have some props that can prevent or attract them to prevent them from harming other materials."

Vivian thought for a while, then shook her head regretfully: "Yes, it can, but this medicine cannot be used in large quantities because it is slightly corrosive. It is fine even if you touch it with your hands in a small amount, but it will not be good if you use a large amount."

"The most important thing is that this potion actually has a smell, but it is difficult to smell it if you use it in a small amount. Once you use too much, the smell will enter the body or be contaminated by other items, which is not good."

Su You felt a little regretful.

But what Vivian said was reasonable, and there was nothing she could do about it. "but……"

A 'but' immediately made Su You couldn't help but raise her head.

Vivian did not give in and continued: "But isn't there a ready-made experimental product? I can seize the time to study it, maybe I can gain something."

"Then thank you for the hard work." This is the only solution for now.

Su You thought, then thought of another thing, and then looked serious: "By the way, the natural disaster is cold. Since this gold-eating rat can survive at such a low temperature, it shows that it has extremely strong vitality. In addition to eating its resources, I am also relatively Worry about another thing..."


Hearing these two words, Vivian also felt a little uneasy.

She immediately said: "Teacher has studied several special medicines to resist the plague that occurred in several territories. I know the formulas of these medicines. However, because the types of mice and the germs they carry are different, the formulas of the medicines are also different. different."

"I need time and a helper. I will first research a medicine to resist the plague."

Su You nodded, and then asked Vivian about her conditions for help.

Vivian said without hesitation: "I actually already have a person, but they may not be willing, so this matter requires you, Lord, to personally take action."

As soon as Suyou heard this, she knew that the helper Vivian was interested in was not an ordinary person, at least not someone who was short of money. If he was an ordinary person, as long as he was given enough money, he would not ask for someone to sell himself or herself, or commit murder or arson. There is no reason to disagree.


"That light magician, Ning Shi."



"So it was Miss Vivian who asked me to help?" Ning Shi looked strange and couldn't figure out why Vivian would come to him.

She is obviously not familiar with this little girl, right?

The intersection between them was limited to the mermaid clan's mission, and during the mermaid clan's mission, the two of them said no more than ten sentences to each other, and the total number of words was less than a hundred words.

"Because you are a light magician, and light can clean up all darkness and filth. Vivian found that there are some traces of dark elements on the gold-eating rat." As long as there are dark elements, as long as there is a light magician around, You will definitely get twice the result with half the effort and everything you do will be easier.

"So that's it." Before that, Su You told Ning Shi about the gold-eating rat, so she also knew the seriousness of the matter.

After Ning Shi thought for a moment, he raised his head and gave the answer: "I can help, but for the sake of helping this time, sell me something."

Ning Shi's tone of voice was thoughtful when he spoke, and it was very comfortable to listen to. Besides, he had to be paid for helping, so as long as the conditions were not excessive, it would be fine.

And she also said that it doesn't matter if she doesn't agree, she will help. After all, she lives in this territory now. If plague appears in the territory, this will not be a good thing for her.

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