Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 830 830 Polar Night Storm 66

Chapter 830 830. Polar Night Storm 66
"What do you need?" Su You didn't agree immediately, but asked her what she wanted first.

Ning Shi: "I need the space package, which is the item with space magic that Lord Su sent to everyone when the mermaid tribe took action."

The ability of the space bag is somewhat special. It can store things purely because of the system, but people in this world automatically rationalize the function of the space bag as having space magic on it.

Su You thought for a while and said: "I won't hide it from you. There are many levels of space bags. The higher the level, the more things can be stored. When you were in the mermaid clan, you used the second-level space bag. Currently, the territory is the best. The capacity of the fourth-level space package is four times that of the second-level space package, but the quantity is extremely small and cannot be sold externally. "

"If you are willing to help, I am willing to sell you a level three space bag for ten gold coins. The capacity of the level three space bag is slightly worse than that of level four, but it is also twice that of level two."

Ten gold coins is actually a lot, but for a space bag, which is the only item in the mainland, ten gold coins are nothing at all. You must know that when the territory had not yet developed, a first-level space bag could The auction price reached thirty-seven gold coins.

Su You was actually considering Ning Shi's help to the territory a lot, and she wanted to win over her, so she gave it half for free and half for free.

Ning Shi naturally understood what Su You meant.

If it were in the past, she would definitely not agree to such a deal with the nature of solicitation. She would rather buy it at the original price than owe a favor.

After all, the value gap between helping to study the plague and space packages is too big.

But the Sunset Territory is different, or rather Lord Su is different.

Although she is not from the territory, she has already had a lot of connections with the territory. She has helped the Sunset Territory a lot, and she has also gained many benefits from it. In this case, it would be a bit pretentious to make the distinction too clear. .

"Okay, thank you Lord Su." Ning Shi agreed happily.

Since he agreed and the matter was urgent, Ning Shi raised his feet and prepared to go to the hospital to find Vivian.

Before leaving, Su You suddenly thought of something, took out a space stone and showed it to Ning Shi, and then said: "Although the fourth-level space bag cannot be sold to you, the space bag can be upgraded. If you If you can get the materials, I can help you upgrade for free.”

All other materials are easy to say, and there is no shortage of territory. In order to upgrade the space bag, Su You even collected relevant materials.

But space stones are really rare. So far, although some have been obtained through various channels, there are only thirteen space stones in the territory warehouse.

Compared with before, thirteen space stones were still a lot, but since the return stone was developed, the space stones seemed to be not enough.

There were only a few stones in total, and she wished she could break them into ten pieces. If Ning Shi joined the territory, Su You would definitely be willing to give him a level 4 space package, or even give it to him for free.

With her strength, Suyou will also give Doli a new space bag after she upgrades it, but after all, she is not from the territory, so there is nothing she can do about it.

Ning Shi turned over the thing in Su You's hand and looked over it. She didn't see any difference between it and an ordinary stone. However, she also knew that Su You didn't need to lie to her, so she secretly kept the appearance of the space stone in her heart. He said hello to Su You and went to the medical clinic.

After Vivian's matter was resolved, Su You took the two gold-eating rats he got back from Vivian and went to the dark prison.

Although Vivian needed to use gold-eating rats for drug experiments, Suyou also needed gold-eating rats as experimental subjects to understand their characteristics, so she got two of them back from Vivian.

Staring at the mice locked in two cages, Su You stared for a while, and then started her experiment.

First, she experimented with the Gold-eating Rat's preferences for various foods, so she took out various types of materials such as fruits and vegetables, meat, metal, wood, and herbs. After doing more than a dozen comparative experiments, Su You discovered something strange, that is, the results of each experiment seemed to be different.

In the first experiment, both gold-eating rats chose to eat metal as soon as possible, and then went to eat wood after eating metal.

In the second experiment, the two gold-eating rats ate the meat immediately, and then ate the metal after eating the meat.

In the third experiment, one gold-eating rat went to eat meat first, and the other went to eat wood. After they both finished eating, they both chose metal.


After more than a dozen experiments, the results were like permutations and combinations, and almost none of them were completely consistent. This made it impossible for Su You to find any pattern.

The only thing she could find was that the gold-eating rats seemed to be omnivores, and they were not ordinary omnivores. They could eat anything they could or could not eat.

If you have to say what you like, the most obvious thing is that they like to eat metal, followed by wood. These two things seem to be their top two choices most often, especially metal.

Su You locked up the two gold-eating rats again, then stared at the metal and wood and thought for a while.

Then, she didn't know what she thought of, and tried the distance again.

She put the metal and wood that the gold-eating rat obviously preferred in a corner, and the cage with the gold-eating rat in the diagonal corner, and placed other food next to the cage.

In the case where metal and wood are the farthest apart, will the gold-eating rat still choose them?
After several consecutive experiments, Su You found that when distance was used as a variable, the results of the experiment were still confusing.

The two gold-eating rats seemed to be deliberately causing trouble and didn't want her to notice the pattern. Sometimes they would eat food near the nest, and other times they would go all the way to the diagonal to eat.

"Besides the type of food and distance, what other variables are there?" Su You thought as she put all the gold-eating rats into the cage.

She is not ready to continue the experiment for the time being, because she has just experimented so many times that the edible gold-eating rats have round bellies and look like they are starved to death. If Suyou hadn't given them a small amount of food every time, they would be afraid. I simply can’t stand so many experiments.

Well, wait!


Su You's eyes lit up, and she carried two round-bellied gold-eating rats to the medical clinic.

A few minutes later, she left the hospital with two 'thin' gold-eating rats.

That's right, in order to continue the experiment, Su You took two unfed gold-eating rats from Vivian, while the two ones that were full were left in the hospital for Vivian to do the experiment.

After all, they've been fed rations, so it's not too much to ask them to sacrifice themselves as guinea pigs, right?

I don't know, but Su You was very satisfied with the results of the third experiment.

The variables in the first two experiments were the type of food and the distance. Since no clear answer was obtained, Su You believed that these two were not characteristics that could clearly affect the gold-eating rat.

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