Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 831 831 Polar Night Storm 67

Chapter 831 831. Polar Night Storm 67
So, she just thought of the third variable - the amount of food, or portion size.

This time, she was similar to the first experiment. She placed a dazzling variety of food in front of the two gold-eating rats, and then she focused on increasing the amount of fiber and herbs. As for the previous gold-eating rats, they clearly showed their favorite. The metal and wood were only placed in fist-sized pieces.

As soon as the cage door opened, the two gold-eating rats ran towards the fiber and herbs respectively.

Su You was surprised by this result, but also seemed to be expecting it.

Before they could finish their food, Su You caught them again. The two gold-eating rats seemed to be very irritable that their meal was disturbed, so they all showed their terrifying teeth towards Su You.

Although Su You was not afraid of mice, not being afraid did not mean that she was not disgusted with them, and the teeth looked disgusting and weird, so she decided to be kind to herself.

A few minutes later, several people came in outside the door. These were patrol guards taking a break. Su You called them over to help with the experiment in exchange for a price.

For these patrol guards, it is their honor to serve the lord, not to mention the extra reward, so they are naturally very happy. Even if they know that the target of the mission is a disgusting rat, they still almost fight over who comes to help. .

No matter what the process was, Su You, with the help of these people, successfully discovered the biggest variable in luring gold-eating rats!
It’s the quantity and portion of food!

They will give priority to the places with the densest food. The reason why they previously showed a preference for metal and wood is simply because these two items are the heaviest.

A ball of fiber the size of a fist, a small basket of herbs, a piece of metal the size of a fist, it is obvious which one is lighter and which one is heavier.

And the weight of meat is not light, so when the portions are about the same, they will choose the one closest to them and will not compete with their companions.

But if the difference in the amount of food is too large, although they will not fight to the death for it, they will never give in.

After this result, it was obvious that the gold-eating rat chose the bank as its destination, because there were a lot of coins in it, hundreds of thousands, and they were metal and heavy.

There used to be hundreds of thousands of stones and wood in the territory's warehouse, but in order to build the territory and strengthen the buildings, huge consumption was consumed, so it was overtaken by the bank's warehouse.

Of course, the first place visited by the Gold-Eating Rats was actually Vivian's laboratory, but that was because Vivian was researching nutrient solutions that were particularly attractive to organisms at the time, and there were very few Gold-Eating Rats there at that time. , there are only five, which cannot be used as a reference.

Strictly speaking, the first place that the Gold-eating Rat targeted on a large scale was the bank.

After reaching this conclusion, Su You looked at the original system prompts and soon discovered that the system had given hints——

'Hungry gold rats will appear where resources are abundant'.

The key point of this sentence is 'rich resources', which actually reminds her that places with more supplies are more likely to be targeted by gold-eating rats.

But for the convenience of management, no matter which territory it is, the materials must be stored centrally and cannot be too scattered. Otherwise, she would not have to wait for the gold-eating rats to steal them. She herself would easily forget the location of the storage, and she would also be prone to encounters. Man-made disaster'.

But now that he knows the characteristics of the Gold-eating Rat in selecting targets, Su You can completely create his own targets.

Since they like places with a lot of supplies, she gathered all the things that the gold-eating rats could eat but were of no particular use to them and piled them up in one place. At the same time, in order to prevent other important materials from being targeted, Su You also needs to take some time to disperse and store the valuable gold-eating rats.

Although there are no supplies in the warehouse on the surface, and the location of the cellars and basements are also very hidden, there is no guarantee that the system will not deliberately trick people and directly refresh the gold-eating rats into the cellars and basements.

In this way, the treasure house she worked so hard to build will directly become the granary of the gold-eating rats, which is definitely something she does not want to see.

Just do it. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Su You directly arranged for people to clear an open space for storing supplies.

Before that, Su You had people continue to experiment with these two gold-eating rats. The content of the experiment this time was relatively simple, that is, to see how wide the diet range of these gold-eating rats was.

Although it seems to eat stone, wood, and metal, these are normal resources, but the level is lower.

But even for common basic resources, Su You didn't want to waste them if possible.

The territory actually generates a lot of garbage every day, the most common ones are food residues, discarded items, filthy output, etc.

In the past, these garbage would be uniformly cleaned up and sent to the garbage dump outside the territory. That garbage dump also belonged to a special area. The system would regularly empty (refresh) all the garbage in the garbage dump every day. Of course, this is not free. Su You needs to spend A little money, but not much, can go a long way.

If these garbage can also be used as food for gold-eating rats, and can also attract gold-eating rats, then Suyou does not need to waste useful resources, and can even save the cost of cleaning up the garbage, and directly pile these garbage together as a Bait to attract gold-eating rats.

While Suyou organized people to clean up the warehouse, the two newly brought gold-eating rats also had round bellies after repeated experiments.

For this reason, Su You also sent people to send the two fed gold-eating rats to the hospital, and then brought back the fifth and only one that had not been tested.

After the fifth gold-eating rat has been fed, seven or eight hours have passed since the first two gold-eating rats were full, so the stomachs of these two rats are also empty... This keeps their cycle going. There are experimental objects that can be used for experiments.

Until five o'clock in the evening, the experiment ended. Most of the common and abundant resources in the territory have been tested. Except for poisonous things, other gold-eating rats will eat them!

It even eats the excrement of animals in the pasture!

The few people who were arranged by Su You to do the experiment went from being calm at first, to shock, to numbness.

Although they were not eating, several of them could not help but vomit when they watched the gold-eating rat put the feces into its mouth without hesitation.

Fortunately, they didn't eat dinner and didn't vomit anything.

But the bad thing is that they haven't had dinner yet, and now they are not in the mood to eat after seeing this scene...

Seeing that they were a little miserable, Su You gave them three free meal coupons in addition to the original reward. The meal free coupons literally meant that they could eat at the restaurant for free.

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