Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 832 832 Polar Night Storm 68

Chapter 832 832. Polar Night Storm 68
Of course, there is definitely not an unlimited amount of food. A free meal coupon can only buy something for one person.

How to define "one person" mainly depends on the individual's appetite. Having a free meal coupon is equivalent to eating at the buffet. You can get as much as you want. If you take more and don't finish it, you still have to pay the original price.

Under normal circumstances, everyone would be happy to get three meal tickets for free, but they got the meal tickets when this happened. The smiles on several people's faces were a little stiff, but they were all serious. He thanked the lord and left with a tired look on his face.

"Since this gold-eating rat is not picky about food, it is a good thing for us." Suyou said to Lake, and Lake nodded in agreement.

He also knew that the lord planned to use dense supplies as bait to lure the gold-eating rats. Originally, he was regretful that he would have to waste a lot of resources to catch rats, but after knowing that these rats were not picky about their food, he also He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Starting from tomorrow, I will make an announcement. No matter what garbage is generated by everyone, it will be cleaned up and sent to the open space a hundred meters west of the farm." Suyou and Lake said about their arrangements.

Lake nodded in understanding: "I understand. I will lead people to guard the garbage dump. Once a mouse is found, I will catch it as soon as possible."

Su You was satisfied that he understood what he was going to do, but he still didn't forget to remind him.

"Although the gold-eating rats need to be caught, don't catch them too quickly. After all, they are also suitable 'trash cans'. You can wait until they eat part of the food before catching them." In fact, in addition to using the gold-eating rats for cleaning, In addition to garbage, another reason to catch it when it is full is to reduce the difficulty of catching it.

When is it easier to let down your guard when you are hungry or when you are full?
Although the gold-eating rat will definitely be more powerful after eating, when it is extremely hungry, a crazy gold-eating rat is also very scary. Su You has seen it before.

Therefore, it is better to deal with well-fed rats than to provoke hungry rats, especially when the number of rats will definitely not be small.

"Yesterday the money eaten by the bank was about 200,000 yuan. According to the appetite of the gold-eating rats obtained from today's experiment, there were more than 500 rats that entered the bank's warehouse yesterday." This data is definitely not accurate, but it is There won't be much difference.

But in fact, five hundred rats were already a lot. Su You said this to remind Lake to bring more people with him instead of just dozens of people guarding them.

Dozens of people are definitely a lot in normal times, but to hundreds of rats, dozens of people are nothing at all. Moreover, rats are small and agile, and coupled with the darkness and light problem, it is really not easy to catch them.

Lake indeed planned to arrange only thirty people to guard the garbage dump at first, but after hearing what Su You said, he immediately increased his vigilance and prepared to arrange fifty people to guard the garbage dump and another fifty people to guard the garbage. The various streets and alleys leading out from the field.

However, after these one hundred people were arranged, the manpower of the territorial soldiers was somewhat insufficient.

But Lake was also prepared.

He had told Suyou about this matter when the black shadow appeared before and found that he was short of manpower. Then the two of them selected about 150 people with good character and strength among the residents of the territory, and then led Lake Invite them one by one to join the territorial soldiers and become a member of the territorial soldiers.

Being a territorial soldier was a good job, and not many people refused it. Even those who refused had special reasons, so out of the 150 people, 130 people eventually chose to join.

It's just that although these people have been screened for character and strength, they have never done this job after all, so they all need to undergo training and study, and then practice for a period of time before they can take up the job.

Now they are still in the training and learning stage, but they have learned everything they need to learn and can be directly assigned to work. They are just in a hurry to hire people and have no time to arrange internships and so on.

"I plan to bring the newcomers on a two-to-one basis. As long as they can complete this task well, they can take up their posts directly." Lake told Su You his plan. The so-called two-to-one newcomers means that the ratio of old people to newcomers in a team is two to one.

A team of ten people brings five new people, for a total of fifteen people; a team of twelve people brings six new people, for a total of eighteen people, and so on.

In this way, not only will there be no problems in their work because a team is full of newcomers, or there are too many newcomers, but it will also allow newcomers to quickly integrate into the work.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want," Su You nodded in agreement.

Seeing that she agreed, Lake took out the groupings that had been prepared long ago. Su You didn't look at it and asked him to get started.

Although it was very late now, there were such big hidden dangers in the territory, and Lake was not in the mood to sleep, so he directly notified all the grouping arrangements.



On the twenty-seventh day of the natural disaster, there were less than four days left until the end of the natural disaster.

Many people in the territory are looking forward to the end of the dark days. Compared to before, they are now more confident that they can successfully survive the natural disaster.

After all, they all know how they spent the past month.

Although it was a natural disaster, they actually did not suffer much.

They have food, drink and a warm bed every day. Not only did many people's coffers not gradually decrease due to natural disasters, but they became even fuller than before due to the storm.

But they don't know that there are still disasters lurking quietly in the dark corners.

Early this morning, everyone saw a new notice on the bulletin board. The content of the notice was very simple, asking everyone to throw all their garbage into the garbage dump on the west side of the farm.

In order to facilitate the expansion of the farm and the expansion of other buildings in the city, Suyou arranged the farm far away from residential areas and markets.

It was precisely because it was far away that Suyou chose that place as a place to pile garbage. This way, even if it attracted gold-eating rats, not many people would find it, and the rats would not affect their normal lives.

Seeing this announcement, many people were talking. They couldn't understand why Hao Duandui had to change the location of the garbage disposal. However, this did not affect their lives because their garbage was usually thrown directly into public trash cans. .

If you are a territory resident and have a house in the territory, you need to throw your garbage into the trash can on the street; if you live in an inn, there will be guys at the inn to clean up the garbage regularly.

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