Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 833 833 Polar Night Storm 69

Chapter 833 833. Polar Night Storm 69
These garbage will be sent to the garbage dump by special cleaners, so they don't need to go there in person, and naturally they don't care much about the location of the garbage dump.

This announcement not only informs that the location of the garbage dump has been changed, but also specifically reminds everyone to pay attention to hygiene. Once there is garbage, it must be cleaned up in time and thrown outside the residence. Do not leave it inside the house for a long time.

This is actually a common reminder. Ordinary people can basically do this, even if they don’t care about cleanliness. After all, no one wants to live in a garbage dump, and they still understand basic hygiene.

But there are always some sloppy people. They don't necessarily know the importance of hygiene. Some are because they are lazy, some because they don't care, and some very few like the feeling of being dirty.

Some of them reluctantly took this announcement to heart, and the first thing they did when they got home was to clean up the garbage in their homes.

There are also people who are noncommittal and just do whatever they want to do after returning home, but after all, such people are only a minority, and they always have to pay the price for their actions.

The price here came quickly, because the gold-eating rats hidden in the territory had been hungry for a full day.

Although they were very full and full with a warehouse of coins, because Jinluo discovered it too quickly and Suyou reacted quickly, the territory quickly entered a state of alert, which gave them no chance to come back again. action
Although they are just rats, gold-eating rats still have some intelligence. They know that they cannot act rashly, otherwise they will be caught easily.

However, their IQs are not high, so after starving for a whole day, the hungry gold-eating rats have no reason to think.

They only knew that they were hungry and wanted to eat, so they used their remaining thinking to find a place with rich and dense supplies and no one to manage it at a time when there was no human action...

That's right, this place is a garbage dump specially cleaned up by the territory!
Although it is necessary to catch the gold-eating rats, considering that if there are humans guarding them, these gold-eating rats may simply give up this 'resource point' in order not to be caught, so Lake has people guarding them in the dark, so when the When the golden rats discovered this rich resource point and found that there were no humans near the resource point, they were very excited.

When they were so hungry, they saw a feast full of food in front of them. These gold-eating mice hardly hesitated. They came out in full force. Hundreds of densely packed slap mice moved quickly in the darkness, and finally came. Got to the food.

'Kachi kachi——'

'Crunch, crunch -'

“Crack, crack—”

The garbage dump was filled with the sound of rats gnawing on food, which made people's scalp numb and their whole body stiff.

Perhaps because they have been hungry for a long time, these gold-eating rats eat very quickly, and they are not picky. They eat whatever is piled in front of them.

In just five minutes, half of the mountains of garbage that were originally piled up were gone like locusts passing by.

The people hiding in the dark looked at this scene dumbfounded, but they did not forget their mission.

The moment they heard the order, fifty people wearing thick protective clothing, gloves, masks, and hats rushed out.

They move very lightly and very quickly, and these mice are either full or struggling to eat. They were all very relaxed and didn't have much vigilance at all, so fifty people easily caught more than two hundred gold-eating rats in the first minute after going out. On average, each person caught four or five.

Everyone carries a bag containing mice. After catching a mouse, they throw it directly into the bag, and then continue to bend down and reach out to catch the next one.

Although these gold-eating rats reacted a little slower, they all responded. However, by the time they discovered the danger, half of their companions had been captured.

They were so frightened that they didn't even care about eating and ran away.

In order for these gold-eating rats to eat in peace, the light here is not good, so once they start running, it is really not easy for these people to catch the rats.

But they heard early on that they only needed to catch the first batch of gold-eating rats. After these rats were alerted, they would do their best to catch them if they could. prison.

As for these escaped rats, someone else will arrange to catch them.

"Let's go to the dark cell." With an order, fifty people took the rats they caught to the dark cell.

While they were leaving, the rats that had escaped from this area were being chased and intercepted in various streets and alleys.

In fact, Su You originally thought of a relatively easy way to catch the gold-eating rat, which is to set up traps or traps. The former is set directly above the garbage pile, and then the trap can be placed in a pot while the gold-eating rat is eating. Cover it like a lid.

The latter is to dig a circle around the garbage dump and then pour water into the pit. The gold-eating rats do not know the nature of water. They will avoid the water source and find another way out, but as long as the water surrounds it, , or leave only a small opening, so that the gold-eating rat can be trapped within the 'water circle'.

But it is a pity that the first mechanism is not difficult to arrange, but it is easy to be discovered. This gold-eating rat is quite sensitive to danger. If you really carelessly arrange things on their heads, they will definitely find it easily, and then they will not notice it at all. If given the chance, run away directly.

If you set up traps, it would take too long.

Especially now that the temperature is low, all the water visible to the naked eye is ice, and a simple small pit cannot prevent the gold-eating rat from leaving. It takes longer to dig a deep pit, so this method has been abandoned.

Of course, Vivian actually also helped with a solution. She took out a bottle of poison. Needless to say, its effect. But unfortunately, Su You discovered after the experiment that this gold-eating rat was very strange. It was not only poisonous but also poisonous. If you don't eat the food, you will automatically avoid the food with other 'add-ons'.

In desperation, Su You could only choose this most troublesome method of arrest.

Fortunately, although it was troublesome, the effect was good. When these people were hiding in the dark, they estimated the number of rats. There were six hundred in total, which was similar to Su You's estimate.

A total of 230 were caught at the beginning, and another 180 were caught in subsequent pursuits, which added up to two-thirds of the total.

Some of the remaining one-third were really impossible to catch, and some were deliberately let go. The reason for this was naturally to eliminate the weeds.

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